Elderscrollers Sketchy Stuff
Here´s some WIP crude concept sketches for the demons I´m working on at the moment. I got a description for each one, basically they are in order: a demon for travel in the astral planes, a seduction demon, one who sees all, a demon of diseases and a rage/fighter demon.
I did some pencils (one I posted earlier), scanned them and did some rough B&W (over) painting in PS.
Next steps will be making design changes according to client feedback, creating nice compositions for each of them and adding slight story elements to connect them with the game world and associate them with their abilities.

Next to work, there has to be some exercising :) I always wanted to incorporate a more painterly look into finished stuff, so I´m trying to go more into that doing studies and applying in a loose way

Some portrait practice from imagination. Kind of a 20s flapper girl

Portrait practice for fun, procrastinating from other work :)

Heyo! Just wanted to stop by and say your art rocks! Super impressive. I don't think I could properly critique your work - you have a great grasp of fundamentals and design principles.

(That Barney portrait is probably my favorite)

Keep going!
@Swordticus: Thanks very much! Though my fundamentals still need some lovin´. But I guess that will never change no matter the skill level :)

And some more pencil character sketches. Sort of a travelling painter and a vagabond circus woman

Love the contrast between the flapper girl portrait and "Barney." Similar mood/lighting, but such a different effect!

The character sketches are awesome as always. People should pay you to sketch out their rpg characters.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson: Thanks very much for your kind words! Barney was really fun to paint. Somehow I always find it more difficult to paint smooth wrinklefree skin

Some quick portrait practice again. Looks a bit cartoonish due to the line art I left visible

Pencils again with an agent dude and a kind of 80s like barbarian girl

Here are some colour thumbnails that got approved for my next bunch of RPG book demon illustrations. Incorporating the pencil sketches I did a while ago


Yay, more characters! I love the variety.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


I love your painterly style experiments! Would love to see more of your work like that.
Also awesome daily sketching attitude, thumbs up for that.
And the monsters are just cool. I prefer grayscale versions for now but let's see how you will develop the illustrations :)

@Tygerson & neopatogen: Thanks :) I´m trying to incorporate painterly style into my finished pieces. Really not easy...I tend to want to make everything too clean :) The illustrations are coming in nicely, will take some time before they are finished tough

Nott the goblin girl and Caleb from Critical Role. As I started to listen to the second campaign while painting, I wanted to draw the characters. Jester will be next :) For anyone not familiar with critical role, here´s a link for the first episode:


More character sketches from critical role: Jester and Beauregard

I always love the character sketches. On the horned lady from today, I like the design and her personality. I believe you were trying to convey her hands are behind her back, but it sort of reads like part of her arms are missing, especially on the tail side. Maybe it's a value thing? The upper arm looks vertical, and below the elbow looks like it's coming forward instead of behind the back.

I have no idea how to correct it, just that it reads like that to my untrained eye. In any case, carry on, you're making awesome stuff!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson: Thanks! Yes, now that you mention it, the arm posture is a bit unclear. And it almost always is a value thing :) Except when it´s a proportion thing ... So here I could try to darken the whole upper arm so that it recedes back in space a bit, or I could not let the arm bend at the ellbow and lead it down sllightly straighter so it won´t give a cut off feeling. I also decided to paint that sketch as I liked how it turned out, so I´ll post that soon (hopefully without mistakes)

This here is an example of a practice sketch where I had no idea what to draw. So staring at the blank paper, I did some anatomy practice, trying out what I remember about muscles. Next I changed the posture of the arms. I thought the guy should yell, because the sketch felt like he would :) After that, I had the feeling of it being too generic, so I changed the hair to some tentacles which caused him to become sort of a merman/human hybrid. Then I thought water would be cool, so the wave started to form and last I thought, hey, he could use some friends (that would also help with composition :) )

Painted version of Jester from critical role

That turned out awesome! The golden light is just lovely. You should totally paint more of your sketches! Also, I'm partial to hamsters cause we have one.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


@Tygerson: Thanks! Painting more of my sketches is on top of my to do list :) And yes, hamsters are cute :)

Some slightly surreal sketching this time


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