Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
Thanks mate :)

Raaaah you're calling it "crap" but those clouds with the zeppelin, so nice colors <3

Keep it up !!!

Yours enviro works have so lovely colors! I like the lightining and ccolor usage.
Good character concepts there :) Hope to see some more soon :)

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

MrFrenik - Yeah man, those are a good exercise and challenging if you're not used to them!

Izzual - Thanks! Not too happy with the quality of my stuff these days :/ so I'm going to try and change my workflow

Mannequin - Thank you mannequin! :)

[Image: QlgaHW3.jpg]
[Image: 1FujS7v.jpg]

More thangs
[Image: 7-4-13_zps6e449c8d.jpg]
[Image: 7-4-13b_zpsfa3a8d9c.jpg]
[Image: 7-4-13c_zps144fecc0.jpg]

The last one enivro kicks ass! It's so clean and colors are awesome!

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

Awesome environments man. Nice play with warm and cold colors , gets me all fuzzy on the inside. Planning on doing anything for the summer pitch? :)

Thanks Mannequin!

Bjulvar- thanks man, definitely taking part in endless summer :) you?

Some sketches and warmup. Also started my endless summer project today wooooooo!! Hope everyone's doing it, it's going to be awesome. Decided not to show any of it until the end though, because I always lose motivation the moment I post the work and don't want to lose that. But I'm totally pumped about it, and I'll still be posting sketches/warmups/studies daily so look out for those

[Image: 7-5-13e_zps967378c2.jpg]
[Image: 7-5-13b_zpseb606efe.jpg]

Solid work as usual man! Can't wait to see what ur working on for the summer pitch :D

Feel free to contact or follow me in these places aswell!

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thanks matt! gonna be a fun summer. Hope you're doing it too!

[Image: 7-6-13b_zps61985a77.jpg]
[Image: 7-6-13c_zps23ee0002.jpg]

So dedicated o.o Well done on that environment from post #184, love the lighting and direction!
Thanks DrPyrox!

Just playing with shape and quick design
[Image: a365W70.jpg]

[Image: 7-7-13b_zps1ec9c8a6.jpg]
[Image: 7-8-13_zpsf0f7f2cb.jpg]

Your stuff is really cool as usual :) I like a lot those shapes for design research !

I was thinking also that it'd be great to see something maybe more "finished and rendered", what do you think about it?

Can't wait to see your next post mate ;D

Thanks Izzual! These are mostly my warmups and stuff so I don't really push the rendering...but maybe I should on some :) Also workin on Endless summerrrr woot

Imaginations practice
[Image: NWycBkX.jpg]
[Image: IDovagY.jpg]

What's this endless summer project I keep hearing about?

Frenik - Just referring to my summer pitch :) You doing one too? Everyone should give it a shot

Lingerie warrior thing
[Image: rBeFKyW.jpg]

I'm really a fan of this last thing you posted. Nice, man! :D

If you expanded the sides you'd have yourself a really nice piece if you were to go and polish it off.

i don't have words to describe this SB. lets do it with a gif:

[Image: 1f6.gif]


Archreux - Thanks dude! I like the idea of doing these regularly and getting to pick a few to finish off, seems like a funner way to work

silverkeeper - Thanks! Here's a gif to describe my reaction to your gif:
[Image: 0gWElS6.gif]

[Image: 4ViNPPK.jpg]
[Image: 5sAc4Ge.jpg]

Lovely stuff Thumbs_up

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