Ros' Sketchbook
Big Grin 
Here's some images from the last few months. To be honest, I started practicing seriously every day since January. I still have a lot of things to improve, and I'm working on it. I'll be more likely practicing anatomy basics from now on, it's my main goal. But I might do some landscapes speedies and screenshots studies once in a while.

Any feedback will be appreciated. :)

love your landscape work, you seem to capture very accurately from life and reference. well done.
(03-12-2013, 03:29 PM)DabBlin Wrote: love your landscape work, you seem to capture very accurately from life and reference. well done.

Thanks! tbh, I hadn't done any landscape in ages until January and then it was like meth, could stop doing it lol. I'm focusing on anatomy now, but when I can I'll go on landscape painting binge again.

hey Ros, great start and welcome. :D I look forward to seeing you progress.

Good job on the studies, you seem very good with colors they look very natural. :)

My Crimson Daggers sketchbook ^^
Cool fluffy pink bird :D! welcome to the forums

Workshop enthusiast
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Thanks a lot guys.

I've been pretty busy lately, but I'll be posting more soon. :)

Great Landscape Studies! Keep it up :)

I've been busy with work to practice daily, maybe lazy too, shame on me. But I managed to make more studies in the last few weeks, and these two are my favorite from all those.

Thanks everybody for the support!

Lovely studies ^^
So these are some of the things I made last month, I'm making the habit of practicing daily or almost daily. This month will be rather busy for me, so we shall see in a month if I could keep up with the daily practice.

I'm mostly focusing on gesture and anatomy, going back to basics (both trad and digital); once in a while I come up with a life painting and other painting practices (movie screenshots, portraits, fan art).

Again thanks everybody for your comments, I really appreciate it.

These are amazing!! Can't wait to see you work on imaginative work using the studies you did! :))
I'd have to agree with everyone else when I say your landscapes are quite nice, very clean. Also, you've got some clean gestures in here too and a good variety of other things. Can't wait for more. :D

Love the landscapes the colors are just incredible, diggin' the gesture drawings too! Keep it up!

Hi all. Some life studies this time (2nd and 4th paintings). The landscape is referenced from photo I took during vacations last week and in part from memory.

Comments and critiques are welcome. Thanks :)

Utterly stunning landscapes! You capture a real life feel to them. That last sea is so glassy and perfect!

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Wow! I hope my landscapes are half as good as this when I really start studying them! Far out, just gorgeous!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Wow! I hope my landscapes are half as good as this when I really start studying them! Far out, just gorgeous!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Very nice variety of studies!
I'm currently focusing on improving my gestures as well,
so I'm looking forward to see more of those from you =)
Oh, and that last landscape in particular is gorgeous!

Damn nice landscape studies! That last still life is also very nicely done.

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