hey dude, nice dedication, taking art seriously is the key ! concerning the faces, i feel that you draw the features without really understanding what's going on underneath, you must understand the perspective and facial structure of the face you're drawing before puting the features . Drawing an approximate circle, and an approximate vertical line isn't enough, think in 3D ! Also try to play more with your lineweight ( darker lines in some areas, lighter in some areas, etc ) it'll give more life to your drawings ! keep it up !
Kikindaface, you are right, I have a very hard time thinking about the form as a 3d object, trying to wrap my head around things but it's not always easy
Having some hard days but still keeping up with my daily figures. They are out of proportion I know.
Also a block in from student's league
Second pose at the League. Start of render. Looks slightly better in real life but still lots to be improved on. Here's the notes if anyone's interested:
Don't put detail in everything, be selective. The drop off: intensity of light diminishes as it goes away from the light source. Closer to the light--darker shadows lighter lights Away from light: lighter shadows, darker lights. Edges fade further away from the light,
Simplify the shadows
Some "fine art". Finished my Velasquez study. A lot of things were off so no point going on. Original is named "Portrait of Juan de Parejo". Done from life in the MET
Finished my Rembrandt study. A bit dissapointed because I rushed it. The original is so insanely good it's not even worth trying to replicate. Might do some final touch ups
Your pictures from reference are absolutely wicked man, youre nailing the ability to draw from life great. What Id love to see is you immediately applying what you learn from your studies to something from imagination because like all of us youre slightly weaker when doing that I've noticed. Great job though man, keep posting it will be awesome to see what else you do.
Work from the last few days, starting with some color. The last thing I got to do in my class was some watercolors. Haven't had this much fun in a while, makes me wanna do a lot more. On the left a quick demo by the teacher, on the right me doing random stuff.
Also a cylinder from class too.
I've decided to try and tackle digital work and color because I really need to get the ball rolling. So I'll try and do a still life for a month to start. Pretty much first serious PS painting, with steps. Compared to a picture it looks quite unsaturated
And some anatomy, gesture with bones overlay from mind, quite happy with how the pelvises came out.
Back after a break. Had to deal with things like finding work, and then actually working amongst other thing.
Came up with some sort of personal IP thing before leaving the US and have been working on it for the past few days. I'll try and work on it so that I have something presentable as soon as I can.
I'll post what it's all about soon, but here's some spear designs;
very cool stuff man.I like the values you have going on paper.I'd suggest tho to work on construction more since it seems your portrets seem to look a bit off and Im guessing they don't match the likeness of the refferenece.Also even when you're concepting a character or studying their design like the space marines you should always keep in mind that the figure is always in perspective.So give them a natural stance rather than those spread legs since they give a great deal of stiffness to it and it doesn't look nice.Other than that keep pushing there's certainly improvement.
Nice spear designs, I'd love to smack some one with a cow skull lol. Your photo may look more saturated because of the white balance (we you using a tungsten light? Because then if your white balance isn't set the photo will come out very saturated and orange.), I think it looks good.