BLOODSPORT 15- Guild of Golems!
[Image: QOtsG7C.jpg]

Hi guys, great ideas so far. This will be my first Bloodsport. Learning some standards of presentation.

My idea is very basic - Pirate Wizard Summons Wrecked Ship Golem. Here's a sketch and some material exploration for the Golem. Pirate Wizard tomorrow.
wip before going to bed

does this count as a goleM ?
[Image: bloodsports15-thumb-v2_zpsd8b0c4bc.jpg]
More concept sketches. Ill upload much more soon :3

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Hey everyone! It's my first time participating on a Bloodsports, I'm not even sure if I will be able to finish because my time is limited but I already have some ideas and I would love to be able to do something with them!

Here's my reference sheet/moodboard/research/whatever you wanna call it. I'm playing around the idea of a earth/forest kind of theme but I don't have much decided yet, it's all in my head, I'm still brainstorming ideas. This reference sheet is to help me focus on some things - including some things that I don't want to do - and to organize some details that I like and that I may play with in the future. I'm probably drawing some sketches next!

Oh and awesome work everyone, I'm seeing some pretty awesome things! :D

Ok so, I'm going down the religious themed road, hopefully not offensive to anyone.

Here's some rough quick ideas and a study...
[Image: 01_by_bethbh-d60rj3q.jpg]

some comp sketching

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Hey guys! Loving the doll and pirateship golems! They helped me think outside the box a bit. Having a tough time deciding direction on this challenge. But I'm kinda liking the idea of having him physically weak, so he'd need a golem to protect himself. But we'll see where it goes :p

Maybe it's because the topic is so open, or maybe it's because i'm trying to hard to work up some original idea but i'm struggling with this one. Trying to turn an idea into something 'cool' or original seems to just kill the idea out right for me.

Anyways, undead, insect, gross, dead space style thing golem creature thumbs
[Image: ideas3_zps1a4c980f.jpg]

So I want to do an air golem I think. But I'm still not sure about the golem design. Oh and I want the let the girl/mage levitate.

Study 1:
[Image: idQS1vxgzsPkg.jpg]

Wip 1:
[Image: isyV0QSo89jE7.jpg]

i really want to join this time, no idea what theme to choose yet, I will have to do alot of research,

God-damnit. I've been working on the EXACT same idea the last couple days. hahahah
oh well. X) Drawing thumbs silhouettes isn't really my thing, but fun to try out.
**back to the drawing board**

(04-07-2013, 04:51 PM)TeriyakiStyle Wrote: Hi guys, great ideas so far. This will be my first Bloodsport. Learning some standards of presentation.

My idea is very basic - Pirate Wizard Summons Wrecked Ship Golem. Here's a sketch and some material exploration for the Golem. Pirate Wizard tomorrow.

[Image: 8628238269_e364985dc6_c.jpg]

[Image: photostream]

Thats good though! Don't settle, thats what Dan said he wanted to see. It's good to run through all your ideas!

And you all seem to be really reaching out for some fantastic ideas!!! Keep it up everyone!

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Bone Golem doodle. So much good work guys, keep it up. Thanks

I wrote down all kinds of ideas while brushing my teeth and went for the most stupid one; sci-fi technomancer gameshow host with bunny golem robot. Super Happy Bunny Slave Pile Carrier!

Design is a big weakness for me, and so is mechanical stuff, so I thought why not kill two birds with one nanotech-beam.


Trying all kinds of trippy designs:

Unrelated; @Gravity-Zero, do you happen to know the names of the artists who painted these images from your mood board? I'd love to see more of it :-)

spit ball some stuff

[Image: BS15_Sketches_Mar_7_2013.png]
1.Garbage Geek
2.Old Snake Dude
3.Pyro Girl
5.Ghost Hunter
6.Ice Cream Man

Maybe a giant wolf
[Image: BS15_wolf_March_7_2013.png]

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Simonarpalmer, I believe they are both by Michael Komarck :)

I worked on the desert sorceress and the one from the future...

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Hey Daggers! You're all doing so much work! It's inspiring! So! here are some clothing studies from yesterday and a lighting study from today. I really have to do more of both!

[Image: tumblr_mkww39OZHu1rlavnuo1_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mkww39OZHu1rlavnuo2_1280.jpg]

And yes! I've decided to enter another one of these challenges since the previous one was just so much fun! And boy oh boy. This one is just out of this world. I'm not sure if my thing will qualify for the theme but I'll try it anyway. :) Going for Steampunk this time. So here is how my mind looks like ( I have a few pages in my sketchbook of stuff just like that but don't have a scanner) and also here's a process of how I design. gesture -> (loose) form and anatomy hints -> design. I'll explore further just wanted to share what I have so far. Next stop: Reference City!

[Image: tumblr_mkww39OZHu1rlavnuo4_1280.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_mkww39OZHu1rlavnuo3_1280.jpg]

@Heliux - You can still do a ship! We can battle them.
@Simonarpalmer - I think I like 5 and I the best

I also thought of a religious icon golem like Buddha - That might be fun.

[Image: CixUIEq.jpg]

Here's a 1st pass on the pirate. It's looking a little generic at the moment so I want to try to add more of a wizard look to him Maybe runes sewn into his clothing... All his stuff is magical to control the crab:

He calls the golem using a pipe flute. And the golem is drawn to the lantern so he loads it into cannons and shoots the lantern into other ships. Harpoon might end up being more of a wand or staff idk.
it will be a glowing jade dragon , going to thumbnail more ideas after exploring designs.

[Image: bloodsports-15-v-3-2_zpscccf5845.jpg]
[Image: bloodsports15-face_zps2d807210.jpg]
[Image: jade-dragon-study_zps6828e40e.jpg]

[Image: 1299780208Osbd39.jpg]
"Many Chinese believed the dragon held, or at least chased, the sun, and many drawings depict this as a flaming red ball." going to use this idea in my next sketch

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