BLOODSPORT 15- Guild of Golems!
[Image: 883838_10200636571064212_645459851_o.jpg]

The Final Five !!.. Okay so here are my final five thumbnails for my dwarf sorcerer that i narrowed down from my sheet of 15 that i made. These will all come together now and i will develop each one so that i can make desicions on what looks good and what doesnt. Then the next step will be to do some quick studys before i paint the final painting and also compositional tests.OH ! .. and the most important thing is to design the golem.

Okay thats all from me hope you like these final dwarf rough thumbnails.

Thanks and amazing work everyone !

idk, should i do the cheesy cook idea (which i cant seem to make it cool, concept wise)
or do a mechanical snake guy.... so many options

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look at all these character and silhouette explorations.


Hi there!
I'm glad to see the new awesome challenge. This time i will do my best.
So here we go. There will be some nuclear bio-mehnical poison spreading dudes and here are some first sketches.

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update on my process

Here are my initial ideas for the wizard:

Hey good work everyone! Loving to work on this bloodsports :)

Here are my first designs on the sorcerer, my idea is that sorcerer and golem are themed on some kind of acid corrosive spell/stuff. Currently I'm working on the golem design and diferent studies, can't wait to start with the final piece!

le composition?

How's it going everyone,

I just finished a few silhouettes for my sorcerer. The theme behind this beast is an aggressive icy, frost infected creature looking crap haha. I don't know but here's where I'm at so far. I haven't began to work on the golem yet, I'm thinking of maybe a ferocious snowy, hail tornado. Or, maybe hands that summon and mimic what ever the sorcerers hands do, but times 10? I don't know.

nice work everyone, really inspirational! here's some alternate designs, still haven't settled on a composition, but those sketches and studies will come soon :)

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Thanks to everyone who came and watched me paint these. Super cool talking to you!
[Image: thnx.png][Image: wolf_April9_2013.png][Image: Wolf_Sketches_April_9_2013.png]

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Hi guys,

Here is my development for the wizard characters face:

Some composition scamps:

Pushing the ideas a bit further before deciding which one to go with. After doing the golem thumbs it became clear that I had more ideas for the glass golem so I'm going with the desert glass theme. Onto the detailed design sketches now :D

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So here is my second post, the first one was to get the feeling of the golem, now I'm getting the feeling of my Sorcerer.

Magnetite/Lodstone Sorcerer (magnetic without electricity)

Looks like everyone read the prompt and really focus on design this time! Very cool!

I combined elements from some of my golem designs into one that I'm pretty happy with, and chose an armor design for the technomancer. No crazy details, will leave the little things for the actual illustration!

Let's fighting love!

Composition sketches, gonna go with number 9 :-)

And a study, I want realistic colors and light for my illustration this time, something like this:

@Gravity-Zero, thanks! I guessed it was Komarck, but couldn't finid those two paintings on his website hehe. What I wouldn't do to just sit beside him and watch him work on a painting, to see how he does it...

lucas I really like your idea so far, it's really cool!

I was thinking a snow/ice route with maybe a mountain dwarf/trollish summoner. We'll see~

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Everything looks really amazing so far :)

After some thinking I went with a gypsy/nomad kind of setting. The sorcerer is going to be a little girl who can summon a protective Golem. The Golem "lives" in her toy animal.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish this challenge because I'm actually in the middle of moving into a new place right now :D

Here are the first ideas (form). They're very rough though... I still have a few things to think about.

[Image: child_zps46db9a84.jpg]

[Image: Golem1_zps7f5b5571.jpg]

I'm going for a witch/blood golem :)

I'm still deciding if she's gonna be young and sexy or old and evil. Ha.

Here is some silhouetes to get the feeling. I'll push two or three of this further.

[Image: 09_04_13_witch_sillhouetes_by_mateusrocha-d6119g7.jpg]

[Image: 894665_10200641207420118_282760815_o.jpg]

I am starting to render out the dwarf sorcerer now. Hoping to add connections to the golem and add details. Then i will Get the Golem done and make some compositional sketches.

Hope you like it.


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