Devin's Sketchbook
thanks guys :DD

smrrfette, same to you! you are a doll :D your improvement lately is so inspiring!

pablo, thanks man!

here's some boring head sketching from my head to get out of the post-holiday slump

[Image: sketchies3.jpg]

[Image: sketchies4.jpg]

[Image: noend.jpg]

[Image: partyshirt2.jpg]

[Image: jimstudy.jpg]

big tuna!! <:D Love your sketchbook, very inspiring to look at your progression. As others have said your rendering is excellent! also I'd really love to see more of your original stuff along with the studies
keep up the great work!

thank you :)

[Image: sstudy1.jpg]

[Image: sstudy2.jpg]

sketch and some 30 minute spitpaints:

[Image: riotpolice.jpg]

[Image: athousandteeth.jpg]

[Image: grumpyoldman.jpg]

Wow, I am really amazed by your colors and light treatment, great stuff:)

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
thank you!

30 minute "alien cathedral" spitpaint and a study

[Image: aliencathedral.jpg]

[Image: knightstudy.jpg]

oh my god... your paintings are amazing! Your one of my rolemodels now ^-^

love your portraits man, awesome stuff

thanks so much guys!

put a bit more time on that spitpaint, and the first result of a night spent learning sketchup

[Image: grumpyoldman2.jpg]

[Image: skiballplayer.jpg]

[Image: cathedralpsd.jpg]

[Image: cathedralsmall.jpg]

[Image: rockrestart3.jpg]

I love your painterly approach! Keep it up! :)

All i can say man is.... fucking hell. Wow.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
thanks guys!

practicing perspective and crowds, gahh i have no idea what im doing

[Image: scenepractice3.jpg]

[Image: scenepractice.jpg]

[Image: sceepractice2.jpg]

Looks good to me, As a challenge try putting in some steps, and benches and other things that people interact with.

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
thanks man! Yeah obviously i need to push myself and tighten stuff like this up. I can make more complicated objects in a vacuum but once in a scene I get overwhelmed and frustrated, definitely something to work in. I've noticed that with other stuff too, like if I'm focusing on perspective or color I'll completely forget value, composition and drawing (let alone narrative), or even if I'm focusing on environments i'll forget everything I know about characters and vice versa. It's a frustrating feeling but I try to think back to how little I knew about any of this stuff before I started studying. So hopefully the overall trend is up with little dips on the way haha.

anyway here's a sketch from last night:

[Image: trio.jpg]

[Image: spluh.jpg]

[Image: hair.jpg]

man its been tough to stay productive lately, I haven't been able to get into the art zone easily! might be time to read some books and recharge


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