Wow, that viking ship building environment is gorgeous! Such a perfect night scene--the lovely design is well lit, but it's clearly dark out. You've even got the subtle aurora in the sky. I like how it's there, but not over the top distracting curtains of light.
The glowy egg horrors look really cool. Definitely looks like something bad waiting to happen.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
-Chinese proverb
Hey guys, so I finally finished my CA course here in Budapest (which was immensely helpful) and now it's time to start a portfolio. This is my first portfolio-oriented work, any feedback would be much appreciated.. more coming soon :)
Here's a character concept I've been working on, he is made for a CgHub character forge challenge. Baal' Zebub, Lord of the flies, one of the seven princes of Hell. :) \m/
no worries, by the way how do you do the 3d effect you did on the piece below the flame thrower mech? ive seen that around and always wondered how its achieved, it look awesome :)