Would you like to come up and see my etchings?
I looked through your entire sketchbook. Wow dude, what an amazing improvement! You're an inspiration really ! Keep up the great work. Love that gouache portrait study!

Gotta love drawing/painting from life-- And using traditional mediums is just.. Real, y'know? Your work is looking greater and greater. Just keep working hard!


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks guise!

I did more digital stuff. Im trying to draw from my head more so I did some heads and figures. I did a page of Frazetta females too.

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Oh Frazetta.. How awesome ye all are. And great renditions of your own! Have you heard of Boris Vallejo and his wife Julie Bell? Similar kinds of figures, only seems more anatomically structured than Frazetta. Something to think about, if you're interested in learning from these kinds of artists.

Keep up the great work! I love the 'third eye' dude, hee.


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Thanks book! Yea, I've heard of them. The prefer Frazetta though. Vallejo and Belle use a models I'm pretty sure which is why their figures look more accurate. Frazetta's design sense is what I'm interested in.

(09-13-2015, 05:01 AM)Adam Lina Wrote: Thanks book! Yea, I've heard of them. The  prefer Frazetta though. Vallejo and Belle use a models I'm pretty sure which is why their figures look more accurate. Frazetta's design sense is what I'm interested in.

Sounds good to me!  Just thought I'd point out some other artists just in case you hadn't heard of 'em, hehe.


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
wow so much drawings! i love the 3 hour gouache portrait.
i bet youve learnt a ton from doing it.

Oh I appreciate the suggestion, Book. Thanks Kurt! I've been feeling guilty still about how little I draw. Been really pushing myself to build up more momentum. Heres some Cave Dicks for ya.

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More Frazetta and Cave Dick.

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Hey Adam, great to see that you are still taking up the gouache paints! Makes me want to take mine out more often! The portrait you did with them is really lovely, you can really feel the volume and you put a lot of attention to the details. That jaw bone looks great, too! However - and this is just a feeling because I don't really know the exact lighting situation etc. - I feel that there could be a bit more darker values in her face as well. The upper eye lid for example, nose trills or the ear. That's just from my experience from life drawing though, and we have a a really strange light set-up, haha.
(Right now my attention kind of always goes to the hair and the earring, because they have darker values.)
Figure studies looking good as well, also those from imagination! I just noticed that some of your figures don't have feet, it might be better to draw the complete figure as the feet are a continuation of the gesture (if you have the space, that is...I still end up with figures with cut off feet because my paper ends XD)

Keep up the good work! I'd like to see more gouache!!


Great work, Adam! I especially like the latest Frazetta sketches in the book. Work hard, don't stop, and keep smiling man.


 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Nice work man, like the frazetta sketches, defineitly try to keep up with drawing from your head, struggled with that for years and i'm payin for it now lol, no point in studying if you are'nt gonna apply it to anything.

Cyprinus, Thanks bro! She had a lot of reflected light bouncing up at her so thats why the shadow side is so light. The life drawing group I go to usually has pretty good direct lighting set ups. I was meaning to work the smaller dark areas but I ran out of time. The whole ear area kind turned into a mess. Thanks for the feed back. Next painting night I go to I'll try and focus on the values around the eyes nose and ears more.

Book, Thanks! I will do that and same to you :)

Triggerpigking, Thanks. I've been realizing something these last couple weeks as I did more drawing from my head. All this time I was feeling guilty because I only did copies 90% of the time. After the first few days of drawing from my head consecutively I saw it becoming easier with better results at a faster rate than Im use to. So even though I wasint drawing from my head much at all I was still training the ability passively to a larger degree than I thought. It just takes the stubbornness to power through the days or weeks it might take you to reactivate the neural pathways needed to draw from your head. Its a slow grinding progression over days weeks and months but you build momentum so stick in there!

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Yeah i've just started trying to spend 2 hours of my 6 hour drawing time drawing from the head, thinkin about maybe just spending a whole week off studying and just doing that actually, good to hear it becomes easier after the first few days though.

Your figures have improved so much since I last popped in here! I'm excited to see you drawing with more "weight" to the figures, and SUPER excited to see you massing your shadows!! Keep up the good work!

Yes I would like to come up and see your etching's...

Wooooooo! Yas! Work it Hypnadam!"
Dese Frazetta studies are gorj. So happy to see you sketching! Gotta give pencils TLC, for life and they'll reward you in all sorts of ways :'D

Keep going hard, Adam-!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Man I keep coming back to your sketchbook just to remind myself that hard work pays off. Just looking through the first 5 pages and then jumping to page 20 on your sketchbook shows mind blowing improvement. You're a beast! It's very inspiring just watching you work!

Trigger, yea man that wouldnt hurt to try just drawing from your head for a while.

Vic, thanks a lot! Your crits were really helpful!

Smrr, I would no doubt find pleasure in your examination of said etchings.

Rana, Stahp! You're too kind.

Here week one from Environment Design Rocks


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Nice sketches Adam. Your figures from life are looking good. Try to pay more attention to the proportion on your drawings from imagination - it's a bit off here and there, but i see a lot of improvement compared to the first few pages.

Thanks guys, Im working a lot more from my head lately so the proportions should be getting there I hope.

Week 2 assignment done.

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