Eucalyptus sketchbook
any critiques/advice would be highly appreciated!
I love to draw creatures/monsters/aliens etc.


self portrait

[Image: Qq5B0gq.jpg?1]

umbrella mouth dog

[Image: 4usD4Dq.jpg?1]
Wow you have a wonderfully bizarre and terrifying style. It reminds me of those horror story collections I used to love as a kid, with those nightmarish scrawled illustrations. Any chance of seeing some of these fully painted?

Oh wow, your monsters are just lovely. I agree with Nate, any chance of us seeing a fully painted rendition? Also, is Richard A. Kirk an influence of your work at all? Because your work reminds me of his quite a lot.

Thank you. I know what book series you are talking about. It is called "scary stories to tell in the dark",correct? As a I child I was enthralled with the illustrations, love those books!
As for a painting I have never painted before and don't know where to start with it. I want to paint in the future but feel I should get a solid foundation with drawing first. I hope to paint with oils

@ stardust

Thank you. I haven't heard about Richard Kirk until now. Thank you for awaring me of him. I really like his stuff.

[Image: svAT3yTl.jpg]

[Image: 08Ylx9ml.jpg]

[Image: PDwvOguh.jpg]
Ah, excellent to see you're practicing the fundamentals as well. Only thing I'd really say is that drawing of the shoe could use some stronger tones, it all looks a bit too light at the moment. Still, I absolutely adore what I see here, Eucalyptus! Do you have a Deviantart or anything of the sort? I'd love to follow your work!
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark was so freakin scary as a kid! They tried to ban it because of the illustrations haha! I use to be terrified just to look through it. I still had the first book (the best one) but lost it recently :( I agree with StarDust on the shoe needing darker values in the deep shadows. Like inside the heel of the show thered be much less light getting in so you'd have a dark shadow, which would help the outside edge of the heel pop out more. Also you'll have a dark occlusion shadow along the edge of the ground where the shoe makes contact but dont forget about reflected light which will lighten up the rest of the cast shadow.

hey man thanks alot of the encouragement. I really appreciate it. I made a tumblr today with mostly all of my stuff. here is the link ill update it often
also thanks for the advice on the lighting of the shoe. Ill most def make sure to darken values/use a darker value scale next time I draw from life

thanks for clarifying more on what stardust said. Ill def be more aware on occulsion shadows and value from now on.
[Image: 9Q2RsNE.jpg?1]
[Image: Nc5G6AD.jpg?2]

[Image: GfrsUk2.jpg?1]
[Image: bMlzgeE.jpg?1]
Ooh, digging that skull study. I really like the spidery look even your studies have.

[Image: LlXTSde.jpg?1]
[Image: FzYP3Wp.jpg?1]
[Image: ySYmwAu.jpg?1]
Thats a big improvement on that last face from the ones in the previous post! Try out some different angles of heads too.

@hynog thanks. I will be memorizing the planes of the three major angels of the head. I am starting with 3/4 and then once I have mastered that I will move on to profile etc..
been concentrating on the male prophile

[Image: aA5fioD.jpg?1]
[Image: SofDgEU.jpg?1]
It looks like you're doing the Watts Atelier online head drawing course?

Its been like 79 years since I posted but non the less ive crept my way back.
I've been criminally busy but should post more often here from now on.
anyways here is some of the recent batch of perfectly innocent paper ruined by graphite

@hypo, hey man, yeah I gave the watts atlier a shot for a month and it was really great. I have all the power points (workbooks) and they serve as an invaluable resource so im glad I chose to do it. If anyone is on edge about it id say give it a go.
+1 for monsters doing groceries

Love it man

wooohoooo i like your sketches. the animated one reminded me of don hertzfeld. i love that man. no homo.

Hey great update man! Very Wayne Barlowe/ Beksinki/ HR Giger-esque. Hope to see more from you. You should put a link in your signature to your Sketchbook and other sites you post at. Its in the "User CP" link at the top of the page.


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