Thanks thanks!

Doing some junk for the daily spit paint group. Cause they rock and I wanna rock too.

[Image: trex.jpg]
[Image: Trex.png]

If you don't know the daily spit paint then you should most definitely check them out!!!

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Quick alien sketch. Me needs to work out this whole value thing me thinks.
[Image: Alien_Tiger.png]

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Trying to kill off my lack of face anatomy. Already picking up some things here and there. I'm aiming to be very good at it before the new year.

[Image: face+studies.png]

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This is a REAL bust that you can buy online. But the version I have of it is just a 3D model. I chose this version because 1- it's free and 2- I'm able to setup any light pose and angle I want with ease. So boo ya to that!

Here is the download link if you're interested! http://fav.me/d5mlsit

Of course you must note, you have to have the latest version of Zbrush to run this model. I have to admit it is a great substitute for reality. I treated it as I would have any real life bust. Super sweet, and happy with the results. Here's to learning more and becoming beautiful.

[Image: Bust_Study_Nov_14_2103.png]
I spent about 2 hours give or take 30 minutes.

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This is an angle I usually stray away from. Very very hard for me to get some of this looking right, I tried to keep things moving quickly as well. It's such a treat to reach out of my comfort zone. Also, doing these in black and white really helps with value. More of these coming soon.

[Image: Bust_Study_Nov_15_2103.png]

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Another fun way to move this head around that would be a little more difficult in real life.

[Image: Bust_Study_Nov_15_P2_2103.png]

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Nice studies man! That 3D-studying seems to be helpful, might give it a try..

@Kaffer It's the best man! Do it!

One more done. Never really do that looking away pose so I might as well throw it in with the rest. I've got some different studies coming soon too, really gonna ride these face studies out.
[Image: Bust_Study_Nov_17_2103.png]

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The human face is complex and very important to any character illustration. Me trying to understand it right figured "why not study those who have really mastered it?" And in my opinion Adam Hughes is a very unique artist. His work featuring female faces is insanely detailed with very little actual line work. So today I studied a few of his faces. I picked up some useful things!

[Image: Adam_Hughes_Studies_Nov_18_2013.png]

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There are a lot of artists out there who do it right, and I'm trying to learn from them!
[Image: Female_Face_Studies_Nov_18_2013.png]

Bonus points if you can name em all.

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loving those studies and that cool dino haha

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
Thanks dude!

This particular pose is one I've been doing forever. I'm still now 100% satisfied with how my end result comes out. Though I can see obvious improvement. This self portrait I plan on doing Suzanne Helmigh's portrait lighting assignment to. That assignment is the one where you take a portrait and just do a couple different versions with completely separate lighting setups. I'm sure that will teach me some interesting things. This took about an hour and half. Also, Heisenberg.

[Image: Self_Portrait_Nov_19_2013.png]

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Oh my, when I reopened my earlier portrait I cringed. Strange how you can just throw out all you've learned when having to do something from life. That is still something I have to work on. I spent several more hours onto of my original hour and a half attempt. Heres the result, and I'm ready to push forward to lighting setups!!

[Image: Self_Portrait_Nov_19_2013.png]

Here, have yourself a good chuckle.
[Image: Self_Portrait_Nov_19_2013.gif]

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Epic work man!

@Eraiasu Thanks. Love me some support :D

This was very insightful and interesting. I'm finally remembering the forms, and it's getting better. For fun I threw a little Cyclops and Colossus in there as well.
[Image: Lighting_Stuff.png]

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I was just heading to bed. Then three eyes here wanted out oh my head.

[Image: Night+Sketch.png]

Also managed to sketch this real quick. I love me some lines.
[Image: Girl_Nov_20_2013.png]

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Small update, spent a lot of time thinking about the light and color. I may add in some rim light, just cause I love me some rim light.
[Image: Girl_Nov_21_2013.png]

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My favorite mutant as I try to illustrate her. Went through three of her different costumes. I like the bottom and the middle. Not so much the mask on the top. Especially since I spent so long prettying up that face.

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About halfway done with this Jean.

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I love Jean, so I hope this small tribute is a cool token of that.
[Image: Jean+Grey.png]

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