BrushNoir Sketchbook
Masterstudy Day 14/21
Getting a bit more comfortable with seeing colors.

Masterstudy Day 15/21

Masterstudy Day 16/21

I'll put my shameface up for this one, I failed really hard on this one.

I just could not work on this one anymore, it felt like I was beating a dead horse. I lack anatomy or some sort of layin drawing.

dude! awesome studies! How long does each take?

Aiming for 1-1.5h. It's the noah bradley 21days challenge, should check it out ^^

Masterstudy Day 17/21

Masterstudy Day 18/21

I love all of yours master studies brushnoir, :) who's your fav landscape old master painter ? I wanna learn it too, I will noted it on my notepad, I'm so limited with knowledge with old master, cuz I live in the country where art doesn't fit you're requirement to live with, and beside, all the master are from you're country too (America or Europe), thanks ;)

I love your artwork, It's Inspire me ;), Visit my sketchbook thread :
My Sketchbook
Thank you! Here are a few you can check out: Thomas Moran, Albert Bierstadt, Frederic Church, there are many more but these are probably my most favourite at the moment.

Thank you brushnoir :)

I love your artwork, It's Inspire me ;), Visit my sketchbook thread :
My Sketchbook
Masterstudy Day 19/21

Damn dude nice consistency with these landscape master studies, your brushwork and colors are clearly improving from it. I'm still painting in grayscale myself, really trying to understand values and contrast better. Keep up the good work!

Thanks DQ_Nick, I'm having troubles with that aswell but lately I'm just trying to push through it by doing colors. If I can't see the value for some reason I desaturate the image to try and understand why it makes the color/value look like that.

Another 1hour Masterstudy Day 20/21

keep it going BrushNoir !!! I got oragsm when seeing fellow artist study !!! thanks for inspiring me !!!

I love your artwork, It's Inspire me ;), Visit my sketchbook thread :
My Sketchbook
Hey man. You are doing the right things, also check out Isaac Levitan, hes got some neat landscapes.
And if you got the time try to do some longer masterstudies aswell(10-30h) and really try to nail everything.

Those master studies are wonderful, and your commitment is very inspiring. Can't wait to see more :D

@Rakif haha thanks
@crackedskull Isaac Levitan has some great stuff, thanks! And yes now that I finished my 21days challenge I''ll focus on longer masterstudies.
@Pukrolli Thanks! There will be alot more, need to get better eh ^^

So here is my final day, which was yesterday!

Masterstudy Day 21/21 The Mona Fail Lisa hehe. Anyway I made it.

I'm planning on continueing this challenge but with different subjects and on the side longer masterstudies. So to be continued hehe!

You're doing great man. If you have the time I would suggest starting to do some personal pieces with limited reference to apply what you're learning from studies. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, loose comp sketches are a good place to start

@DQ_Nick yeah planning on doing that aswell, I try to use what I've learned for the CC too.

Started my new study challenge, still lifes! Seeing real life colors is hard! With this challenge I hope to get better at seeing as well as getting more comfortable with seeing perspective and painting with shapes/forms.

Still life Day 1/21

Still life Day 2/21

Imagination sketch

Having a hard time placing rocks in different directions, all looks flat.


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