Vandrake's sketchbook
thank you very much! I will try to keep in mind for the following illustrations

I leave here the last things that I have done

[Image: inCollage_20210206_012731142.jpg]

[Image: tsuyu72.jpg]

[Image: vladgif.gif]
[Image: 20210215_162328.jpg]
[Image: 20210215_162758.jpg]
[Image: EuXgF1kWYAA2bmI.jpg]

Some sketches
[Image: 20210218_163914.jpg]
Nice variety in your recent art. It's good that you are getting back into the anatomy studies and sketches!


[Image: Eum_oG3XcAAZG5E.jpg]
I want to see a whole sketchbook filled with this kind of sketches ^^ looking forward to more !

Soon i will post more sketchs

[Image: takagi72.jpg]

Takagi san fanart
The Takagi fanart looks really bright and cute! :) I also really enjoy the wide variety of topics & styles you have in your drawings (e.g. manga, fanart, fantasy, portraits, etc.) and also the individual designs of your characters. :) 

However, maybe its best if you try to focus more on the realistic stuff at the moment. You have some really nice approaches to fundamental aspects in your more realistic digital paintings already e.g. in the ogre I saw in your july part of the 2020 meme you posted on the previous page. In this painting you did a really nice job in rendering the facial (volumetrical) features of the face. Really try to push more into this direction with your practices by starting with the shading of basic volumes (e.g. like a pyramid, cylinder etc.) and then continue to apply what you have learned from this onto your anatomy studies or simple figures like the tom nook painting. I am sure this will be really helpful for you (even though it sounds boring at the moment. I know, I was there, too!) 

Another tip I can give you is the the Pen & Ink Drawing Book by Alphonso Dunn (Link) + the additional workbook. It contains a very well structured explanation of the art fundamentals + great exercises to internalize what has been taught. I highly recommend it to get started and improve art fundamentals in a fun way. :)

Plus there is a great twitter account called "kato_anatomy" (Link), which posts great resources to learn anatomy, especially the ones, which highlight different muscle groups in different colors. I found these great to learn and better differentiate the muscles group. Besides the linework on top helps to better understand the 3d forms of the muscles. 

I know it's hard and sounds really boring to start / concentrate a lot on these fundamental things, but it helps a lot down the road even though it seems more fun and easier to draw manga & anime at the moment. It took me a while to get there, too, (many, many frustrating years actually) but down the road it really helps your drawings immensely no matter the style you stick with down the road. Plus getting the fundamentals down makes drawing 10x more fun once you climbed the hill and mastered these things, I promise. :)
thanks for the tips! For now I am alternating between manga and semi-realistic so as not to get bored quickly, since I'm with an artistic block and lately I don't really want to draw things in my usual style, I just practice in the sketchbook and do manga things to pass the time

And here my last piece

[Image: seras72.jpg]
you need to focus more on the fundamentals of drawing, I highly recommend you take some online courses.

necesita enfocarse más en los fundamentos del dibujo, le recomiendo que tome algunos cursos en línea.

[Image: 20210225_202537.jpg]
[Image: 20210225_202556.jpg]

Some sketches/practices
[Image: 20210228_011040.jpg][Image: 20210228_011030.jpg][Image: 20210228_011020.jpg]
[Image: 20210228_011011.jpg]

Quick poses sketches
[Image: elfa72.jpg]
Really cool that you're trying out a lot of stuff. One thing I would recommend trying to do form lines in your drawings similar to this, since you seem to be going for a more realistic look in your sketches. This will also help with your paintings too.

One more thing is that the shadows in the last painting is very gray. What I did was color balanced the painting to be more red. Just for next time, try making your shadows more saturated, in my opinion it's a quick way to make paintings more appealing especially if you're going for a semi-realistic feel.

Cool! thanks for the tips, i leave here my latest piece

[Image: reyesqueleto72.jpg]
The last piece look great.But i don't understand why there a shadow under the nose if there is no nose there...

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
it is because of the small bone that protrudes from the top of the nose
[Image: squirtle72.jpg]

My latest painting and the timelapse
[Image: 20210306_060500.jpg]
[Image: 20210306_060446.jpg]

Some quick sketches

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