Sketchbook: Version 1.5
Lunatique - That makes complete sense. A Sharpie sounds like a great idea. Like concentrate on the main (big) shadow and leave the main big light? Sort of like a Noir comic. Frank Miller style? That could be a great exercise.


Quick studies at 5am before work in biro.

This is pay off day.Gosh i like a confident line.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Darktiste - Ha, wow. Thanks! 


Ok, yes... I know...I've been a bit slack over the past few days. But, I am really enjoying using ballpoint at moment. It’s making me think before I lay down a line. Feels hugely beneficial. Here's a few more.

Note to self: I struggle with drawing portraits in profile. Must do more of these.

More ballpoint pen...

I see that you're experimenting with the direction of your hatching strokes. They are kinda fascinating in that they can totally affect how the form reads just by changing the direction of the strokes. I highly recommend you check out Bernie Wrightson's work, as he was a master of inking and his choice of hatching direction was so good. Notice how he changes the direction of the strokes even if it's of a similar surface and angle to an adjacent one, to help clarify how the details of the forms and slight change in the angle of the planes read. 

[Image: 02_wrightson_frankenstein_signedartistsproof.jpg]
[Image: 86591@2x.jpg]
[Image: detail-1-700x700.jpg]
Lunatique - Bernie Wrightson's work looks incredible. I have never seen his work, or knew of him. I am definitely going to be studying some of this. That is exactly where I'd like to be. Thank you so much for bringing this to my attention. I love this! Those illustrations are of godlike ability. I'm lost for words on how much I like this stuff!


Here's a quick something I did at ridiculous early hours after waking up and not being able to get back to sleep. No reference. All from memory.

You definitely are prolific — whew! So much work since I last looked in.

I liked your loose work a few pages back — but working on construction is really paying off for you too.

Guess I don't need to encourage to keep at it and keep posting. : )

Jephyr - Thanks so much! I am trying to get as much drawing as I can inbetween life commitments. I usually only get a few hours each night before sleep. But, sometimes I can't because my old age tells me I'm too tired. But, I do want to keep this up and improve. There's a comic book I have in mind I'd like to do eventually, but my skill level really isn't there right now. 


Ok, here's some rubbish. It's been a bad drawing week where I've not felt "settled" due to life stuff. But, I actually have a whole free night tonight and all day tomorrow. I'm planning on spending it all with pen to paper.

I'm actually not enjoying using pencil as much as I am using ballpoint pen. I really dislike this page.

Ballpoint pen >>>

...and this is something I'm doing for a friend. He wanted a skull drawing in pencil and ink. Here's some thumbs and some work on the actual drawing. Something really bothers me about the drawing. Not sure if it's the composition, angle or execution of it. So, i'll probably start over. But, oh my horned lord, do I love drawing on Bristol BBoard.

It's been pretty much 10 days since I last updated. Had some issues here at home, so I've been doing bits here and there. But not much. I'm definitely not giving up this here's the past few days or so.


From life drawing today...

A little portrait construction...

...and a little sketch for a piece I'm doing for a friend. Hoping to start working on the full drawing of this tonight.

Edit: I also wanted to note that I've watched a documentary on Drew Struzen. The Man Behind the Poster. Absolutely mind blowing and hugely inspiring. I'm on my 3rd watch through now.

I can't wait to see that skull piece finished! 

I'm also a big fan of Drew Struzan's work, his strong compositional work is something I often try to emulate.
That portrait sketch looking really solid , and definitely digging the skull as well. Hoping to see more posts from you soon : )

Nice to see you still sketching, very nice looking updates!


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