Peter's Sketchbook
(05-18-2020, 05:43 AM)Fedodika Wrote: i think your asian girl, the execution is overall better,

Here calves too short, heads too big, her entire arms too small, torsos too short, and overall her body has more of a lunging force to it in the gesture line...

I think your imaginary stuff suffers from similar issues where say the sword guy has a really small body for his head and the pose which im assuming is from memory is really stiff

The oil portrait is going in the right direction, i think his eyes are slightly too big, but the overall control is good and the tiling is relatively clean.

If you want to get better at imaginary stuff, id reccomend copying an artist whos good at that very thing, imaginative drawing. I dont feel like you have a lot of appealing tricks and tools to use when doing imagination drawing, so the characters end up with similar stumpy looks to them. If you like anime or comics, copy that stuff, get those visual cues of appeal into your work, it'll help even with observational studies.

I can reccomend leyendecker or gibson all day, but not everyone resonates deeply enough with him to actually use that stuff (including myself.) I get the feeling that youre trying to play by the rules and do things right, but i feel as if we're not seeing what it is youre really enjoying, its like people are telling you what to like, and you follow them, instead of you genuinely liking something; i dont know if that makes sense.

I get youre trying to be rigorous and thorough with this method... I hope youre enjoying yourself at least, have fun with art, specially if you want it to be your career
As usual thanks for the feedback. Regarding the imaginary stuff you're definitely right about them still looking stiff, I think it might be because I'm not really thinking too hard about the pose or look, I'm just maklng it up as I go and just trying to see what I can remember or just chill and see what I can do out of my head.

I think I get what you mean, I wouldn't say I'm simply doing what people tell me to do, well I've never thought that atleast since I've always done my own thing. I'm not sure if how I am appraoching imaginative stuff is right for me, maybe I should simply use it to see what I can remember e.g. an arm from a certain view etc for now. I feel like everyone here who does imaginary stuff or on other platforms are people who want to be concept artists and be very stylized, whereas I'm more interested in imaginative realism stuff like James Gurney's and Donato Giancola's work.

Actually I do like the medievel period and fantasy stuff set within that (again like Donato's work) but haven't tried to invent that stuff since I haven't practiced drawing arms and armour or animals and so on.

Once my classes are over I wanted to start doing more finished stuff like posters and book illustration, so maybe that will fill the imgainary itch that I have? I'm still enjoying wat I'm doing, still get frustrated like I imagine most people here do and still make it a career, just with bokk illustration and posters, and not concept art like alot of people here.

Feedback from last week


Main feedback from last week was to properly show the tendons from the rear head of the deltoid and to colour the medial head of the scapula white so that they are distinct. Apart from that a few mistkaes but nothing too serious. Ironically one of the additional tracings I did was the same reference that we were going to be using for week 4 so he didn't critique it.

Reilly Painting

Foreshortened Figure Drawing


Think I'm going to compile my feedback every few weeks instead simply because he is fixing one drawing a week out of 7-8 that I submit and I'd rather have a page of fixed drawings along with notes.

Most of my work from this week. Still have a few pieces that I need to either scan or photograph which I didn't get a chance to last week since the anatomy homework took me way longer than I thought it would so I'll make sure to do that at some point this week.


Last weeks assignment was focused on the muscles of the arm which is definitely my weakest area. Didn't even get time to work on some additional tracings since the homework was taking me forever since I kept on second guessing myself. Going to work on some additional tracings focusing on the arms this week to submit and I've started doing some studies of Paul Richer's arm plates to help me memorize all of these muscles.

Reilly Painting

Last week we had the choice of either refining the features from our first painting or complete another painting from different ref to submit. Decided to try and refine my original painting aswell as try to make the corrections that Erik made. Comparing it to last week I feel like I butchered it abit....

Foreshortened Figure Drawing

Still working on gesture drawings but this time from the male model, spent 5 minutes total on each one. Still using my own reference as I want to tackle some really foreshortened poses.


Spent some more time on the poster idea I had, trying to refine my rough sketch that I had awell as starting to figure out the poses of the secondary characters. Started using some reference just to help with the outfits and appearances since there's no way I can remember what they looked like, but still trying to stick to my rough comp as much as possible.

Cheated and traced over a screenshot for the top left portion where the guy is standing on top of the destroyed ship simply becuase I'm still treating this as a more refined rough, and secondly that is the exact scene I want to depict. Going to spend some more time this week on it, start making a crack on the secondary characters and figure out how I want them posed. Atm I'm thinking of montaging from the waist up but that might change.

Update for last week.


Reilly Painting

Foreshortened Figure

Since last week was a break for the anatomy course the feedback for the arms will be this week so I'll post that when it's available.

Here's some of the stuff I worked on last week.


Wanted to continue studying anatomy so I thought I'd review the arms again since they give me alot of trouble. Studied some of the lates from Paul Richer's book first.

The following day I thought I'd do some memory drawing and try and see what I can recall from the studies from the previous day which I then corrected.


I seem to be able to recall most of the muscles, still forgetting one or 2 depending on the angle of the arm but atleast I'm not drawing more muscles then there actually are. Main take away from it seems to be workin gon the origins and insertions of the muscles aswell as actually recalling the view of the arm twisting since I completely butchered the last 2.

Reilly Painting

Back to starting  anew painting for this week, Spent around 2-2.5 hours, forgot to time myself after one of my breaks but it was definitely not longer. Tried blocking this one in rather than constructing it like I did on the first one.

Foreshortened Figure Drawing

Lay-in practice for this weeks class, again decided to work from different reference than the ones provided just to try and work from some really foreshortened ref. Spent around 1.5 hours on this which is around 30 minutes longer than my previous lay-ins from the ast few weeks. Hopefully I can work on cutting this time down.


An additional lay-in I did for practice, again around 1.5 hours which I then did some corrections over.

Quicksketch practice

Trying to do a decent amount of quicksketch practice during the week to help me get quicker and help me fix my proportion issues. Atm doing 5 minute quicksketch but might start varying the time. 2nd page are some 5 min studies of Erik's and Brian's quicksketches.


Some more memory/invention work with some figure invention. I find with sketching from the imagination if I don't have an idea of what I want to draw or a starting off point then I struggle to draw anything or end up drawing very generic things. I found doing the memory drawing of the arm studies I did to be really helpful, so I thought for now atleast I'd continue that in my imaginary work with figure invention since I struggle alot with it.

For now I'm setting myself some specific rules with the type of poses, e.g. this week I thought I'd stick to sitting/kneeling poses, so seeing what poses I can recall drawing during the week that fit that criteria, and then also inventing some figures in those poses, trying to work on different ways of expressing those poses. I don't know if it's the best way to approach sketching from the imagination but I'm going to try it for now atleast.

Poster Design

Spent a day working on my poster idea some more trying to figure out the poses for the chracters. Please excuse the very poor drawings. I was more concerned about getting the general idea for the pose down, and less with proportions and making it look nice. Also played aroud with the composition, changing some of the elements around and including some new things since I wasn't keen on my first pass at it.

Think I'm going to work on this rough one more time and see if I can refine the poses of the characters some more before I start shooting some reference. Still not sure about the 3 figures in the top right (meant to be stormtroopers btw). Not sure if they are needed or not.

Hey man, got some nice sketches there. I like the way you neatly lay in the shadow terminator lines with the side of the pencil.

Since you're studying anatomy I thought you might find this useful. It's a collection of plates from Gray's Anatomy. One thing that medical books have which I have not found in any artistic anatomy book is illustrations of bones with the origin and insertion points of muscles graphically demarcated. I had trouble remembering where the muscles were supposed to go until I started referring to these plates regularly:

Start from page 43-84 and go from there. Hope it helps!
(06-08-2020, 11:54 AM)Pubic Enemy Wrote: Hey man, got some nice sketches there. I like the way you neatly lay in the shadow terminator lines with the side of the pencil.

Since you're studying anatomy I thought you might find this useful. It's a collection of plates from Gray's Anatomy. One thing that medical books have which I have not found in any artistic anatomy book is illustrations of bones with the origin and insertion points of muscles graphically demarcated. I had trouble remembering where the muscles were supposed to go until I started referring to these plates regularly:

Start from page 43-84 and go from there. Hope it helps!

Thanks man and thanks for that link. :) Just been checking it out and it looks really good, just what I wanted :) I was going to refer to Goldfinger's anatomy book for the origins and insertions but this seems equally as good!

Apologies for the late update. I was planning on updating on Sunday but I had zero motivation that day to do any work so here we are.

Feedback from classes


Reilly Painting

Foreshortened Figure Drawing

Work from last week


Almost at the full figure now. Going to try and get an additional tracing or 2 done this week since I haven't been able to the past 2 weeks. I have this weeks homework roughly traced, just need to clean them up so I'll try and work quicker.

Reilly Painting

Adding colour to last weeks block-in. Went abit too orange with her complexion which I've corrected this week after viewing Erik's feedback (just waiitng for it to try so I can scan it). I got the tone/value correct but fudged the colour portion.

Foreshortened Figure

Male lay-in this week, I'm getting abit quicker but I still want to work on getting quicker but that's more of a long term goal.


Homework for the past 2 weeks. Still 5 minutes per pose. Feel like my quicksketch has definitely improved this term, still having proportional issues (mainly small heads) but hopefully that should get resolved soon.

Figure Lay-in

More figure lay-in practice. I've been trying to impliment my anatomy knowledge with these, which i guess doesn't really show on some of them since the models don;t have much muscle definition, but still.


I've been taking Erik's advice for improving my figure invention which is taking a figure you've drawn, drawing the same figure from memory, and then trying to draw that figure from different angles. Sticking to basic angles atm, want to read up on Loomis's box method for posing the figure in perspective to help with more challanging angles. I beleive there is another book which covers the same topic but can't recall it atm.


Slowly working on this poster idea. Only have time atm for 1 day a week since my other days are spent doing the various assingments that I have. Only have 2-3 weeks left for classes so once they are done I should be able to finish this. Including today I've spent 5 days on it, trying to stick to 2-3 weeks since that seems to be the norm for other poster artists.

Re-worked some of the psoes from last week, just addressing proportional issues (left) and then moved onto the final drawing (right).

Lost track of where I am posting wise, been having a hard time with motivation the past week or so, classes end in 2 weeks time so I'm going to take a few days off and hopefully get out of this funk.



Reilly Painting

Foreshortened Figure

Most of the work I did from last week.


Ran out of time again to do some additional tracings, the homework was easier this week so I will definitely have atleast 1 additional tracing done to send off for extra feedback.

Reilly Painting

Spent around another 2 hours on this (6 in total), mainly fixing the mistakes that Erik pointed out from last week.

Foreshortened Figure

Working on individal limbs this week trying to get a decent lay-in, focusing on anatomy but I'm still finding 20 minutes quite a challenge.


Some rough quicksketches.


This is where I'm currently at with the design. Too lazy to turn off layers to see where I was at last week but it was basically this minus the ship and characters. I was hoping to get the drawing done this week so I can start inking next week but had to take care of some things. Should definitely finish the drawing next week.

its coming together peter that oil looks fantastic!!

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Love the anatomy tracings Peter! I love how your studies are always so neat and patiently done.

By the way how do you do the tracings - do you reference the muscles from an anatomy book or do research on the internet and then apply to the tracing?

Keep it going fella!

“Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.” -- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

CD Sketchbook

Excellent studies here! That Star Wars image is looking very promising, strong composition and solid linework. Really looking forward to seeing how it progresses!

Fedodika - Thanks man! They definitely turned out better than I thought, just need to work on my edge work and colour mixing.

Artloader - Hahaha thanks, probably spend too much time making them look nice but oh well.

In regards to how I do the tracings, I've been taking Scott Eaton's anatomy course so when I've been doing these tracings I've been referring back to his videos aswell as referencing Paul Richer's "Artistic Anatomy" book and an app on my phone called "L'Ecorche' which I believe Scott had a hand in it's development? Only cost a few £ but I like being able to rotate the body. Hopefully this helps?

Cgmythology - Thanks alot! Compositon is not my strong suite so I'm happy that you think it's working. The piece is definitely coming along, albeit slowly haha.



Main feedback from Scott was to work on the deltoids and acromion process since I keep messing it up but apart from that I seem to be on the right track apart from some small mistakes.

Reilly Painting

Pretty much the same feedback from the last few weeks which was to work on blending and edge work. I was definitely more conscious of it last week but I guess I didn’t push those things enough.

Foreshortened Figure Drawing

Again pretty similar feedback as before, mainly pushing those overlaps and varying my edge work.

Some work from last week


This was the finjal assignment for the course which was roudning out the body and focusing on the muscles of the hands and neck. First was a continuation of the homework from last week and adding those muscles in (I also corrected my mistakes based off Scott’s feedback) and then a few tracings focusing specifically on the neck.

Also got time to get an additional tracing in since the hhomework didn’t take as long this week.

Reilly Painting

Last 3 weeks we are focusing on the full figure which came out alot better than I thought. Noticing some small proportional errors, mainly to do with the width of his right arm and body but that should be easy to correct once I start applying colour.

Took around 3-3.5 hours. Working at 12x16 inches, forgot to mention the portraits so far have all been 10x10 inches (incase people are curious).

Foreshortened Figure

Focusing on rendering a specific area of the body this week which I have neglected this term so I’m definitely rusty. I’m not use to rendering the limbs this large so i found it rather hard.


A memory drawing of a figure I drew the other week, just need to practice drawing it from different angles which is something I’m going to try and do more of for these last 2 weeks now that the anatomy course has ended, I should have more time aswell as some more anatoym drawing from reference.


Some more quicksketch. Still trying to fit some in no matter if it's only a short period.

(06-23-2020, 05:20 AM)Peter Wrote: Memory/Imaginative

A memory drawing of a figure I drew the other week, just need to practice drawing it from different angles which is something I’m going to try and do more of for these last 2 weeks now that the anatomy course has ended, I should have more time aswell as some more anatoym drawing from reference.

Hello, Peter!

Your studies are looking great! I learned a lot just by studying them!

I do feel like the proportions are off. The head looks a bit big and I think his right leg is a bit thin. 

Attached Files Image(s)

BeirreBibber - Thanks for stopping by and thanks for the draw over :) Completely slipped my mind to correct these memory drawings, it looks so much better proportionally in your draw over though, I can never seem to get the head right in my drawings....



Reilly Painting

Main corrections where some proportional fixes, lengthing the torso, shrinking the head and widing the torso slightly. Not sure how much of this I'll be able to correct now that the painting has dried but I'll give it ago.

Foreshortened Figure

Main corrections from Lucas was softening some edges and trying to blend some more.

Work from last week. Had to take an extra day off since it was really hot where I live last week, just sitting in my room was draining all of my energy.


Now that Scott's course has ended I've gone back to studying from Richer's book, doing some studies and trying to redraw them from memory a few days later. Scott gave me some advice for continuing studying anatomy (more tracings from artists and photo ref/life) which I'll continue to do.




Reilly Painting

Erik's feedback wasn't available when I started adding colour to the lay-in so I'll attempt to correct the mistakes next week when I tackle the upper body.

Foreshortened Figure

More rendered anatomy drawings, focusing on individual parts of the body. Going to have to go back to some master studies focusing on rendering since I'm not happy with my rendering as it is. Feel like I'm having difficulties with blending and determining what edge to use.


Some more additional quicksketch

Homework for Erik's class

Figure lay-in


Finally fisnhed the drawing for the poster,not enitrely happy with the hand on the bottom figure so I'll probably try and correct it before I start inking it.

Also did some colour comps, less so for the colours and more for determining how many layers I need.

Final colour comps

These are the final 3 colour comps that I've settled on, atm I'm quiete liking the blue one but since I know how many layers/screens I'll need, changing the colours if need be will be fairly straight forward.

Have to go back to work starting Wednesday so I won't be able to get as much done as I have been the last few months, but I'll be doing reduced hours so who knows.

Apologies for the delay in posting.

Since classes ended I've been working on my poster design and trying to progress to a point where I have something to show.

I've watched the feedback for my final assingments, just need to make the corrections which I'll try and do this weekend, or i might just wait until I've finished the poster.

Reilly Painting



Slowly progressing with the psoter, definitely taking me longer than I thought.

I've finished inking it (left) and right now I'm working on the trapping (right) so please excuse the horrible colours. Hopefully I can get the trappng done in the next day or 2 which should make colouring easier.

Cool oil figurative oil painting! Some feedback for the recent oil painting of that seated old guy would be to pay closer attention to the vlues. The reflected lights you're doing in the oblique area (right side of his belly area) is much too light and should be much darker. Reflected light is a cool effect, but is very easily overdone. To work around this, simply squint more with your eyes when deciding the values on your painting. This will remove any detail that is not necessary at this point, and will simplify values a lot! Keep in mind that you had the tendency of exaggerating the reflected light, so what I would do first is just to paint the shadow value and only after that lighten the edge up just a little bit so you get that subtle reflected light effect. A saying is that the lightest shadow is darker than the darkest halftone.

Values are always more important than color in a painting, or at least if you want to depict something realistically. For the shadow colors that you have, the color of the shadow on his right side of his chest + shoulder + upper arm is pretty close i'd say, it's just a little too purple and should be going more towards a warm brown. What confuses me is that on the reference picture, all the shadows of the figure are in that sort of warmish brown with areas that are a little bit less saturated such as the legs. In your painting though, you have a lot of difference between your shadow colors. You have that purplish color for the shadow on his right chest + upper arm, then you have a very greenish color for the shadow on his abdomen and his left leg, and then a very desaturated grayish purple for his left arm. They need to be more in line with eachother basically :)

Super cool, I love figurative oil painting so keep practicing, getting accurate flesh tones is super hard!

Keep it up!
(07-16-2020, 10:02 AM)Uiriamu Wrote: Cool oil figurative oil painting! Some feedback for the recent oil painting of that seated old guy would be to pay closer attention to the vlues. The reflected lights you're doing in the oblique area (right side of his belly area) is much too light and should be much darker. Reflected light is a cool effect, but is very easily overdone. To work around this, simply squint more with your eyes when deciding the values on your painting. This will remove any detail that is not necessary at this point, and will simplify values a lot! Keep in mind that you had the tendency of exaggerating the reflected light, so what I would do first is just to paint the shadow value and only after that lighten the edge up just a little bit so you get that subtle reflected light effect. A saying is that the lightest shadow is darker than the darkest halftone.

Values are always more important than color in a painting, or at least if you want to depict something realistically. For the shadow colors that you have, the color of the shadow on his right side of his chest + shoulder + upper arm is pretty close i'd say, it's just a little too purple and should be going more towards a warm brown. What confuses me is that on the reference picture, all the shadows of the figure are in that sort of warmish brown with areas that are a little bit less saturated such as the legs. In your painting though, you have a lot of difference between your shadow colors. You have that purplish color for the shadow on his right chest + upper arm, then you have a very greenish color for the shadow on his abdomen and his left leg, and then a very desaturated grayish purple for his left arm. They need to be more in line with eachother basically :)

Super cool, I love figurative oil painting so keep practicing, getting accurate flesh tones is super hard!

Keep it up!

Hey Uiriamu thanks for giving me such a detailed critique :)

I'm planning on working on oding more paintings now and try and really improve skill wise, so I'll focus on tackling my problem areas that you pointed out.

Yh flesh tones are a bitch! I don't have more practice mixing flesh tones so it's definitely something that I find really challanging. I think I pigeonhold myself and focused on specific areas rather than takcling the piece as awhole which explains the missmatch of shadow colours.

I'm taking some more oil painting classes so expect to see more over the next few weeks :)

Finally finished the poster design a few days ago. Definitely took me alot longer than I thought it would but atleast I finally finished something that wasn't just a study.


Close Ups



Baby Yoda Print

Took baby yoda and did a little 10x10 print as I've been looking into screen printing it myself (the poster would be too big for me to do) and see if what I created is actually screen printable. It should be as I've seperated the colours into seperate layers and used a brush specifically for screen printing but I'd still like the peice of mind of knowing that what I've done is correct printing wise and find out if I'd lose any detail when screen printing, or lose any detail at all.



Going to take a few days off now just to relax before the summer term starts. I've signed up for 3 critiqued classes and 3 audit, mostly painting as I wanted to shift gears once the spring classes had ended and once the poster was done and start focusing on painting more, start doing some more finished illustrations and possibly start getting a portfolio together depending on the quality.

Yo dude! I was super impressed by the amount and quality of your studies the 1st time i went through your sketchbook and I'm glad to see you doing some illustration and using those skills. Here's just a quick paintover of the poster. I really dig the composition, but i think the way your elements overlap isn't very clear in some parts because of them being similar value, so i just added some darks and whites to strengthen the silhouettes of the figures overlapping.
Also, you had an odd tangent with baby yoda's ear and the fingers, so i just moved it a bit
[Image: VIytwsx.jpg]

Hope that's useful, and keep grinding man, nice work!

Drain gang
Decent work. Better adjust the oval of the gun barrell end to be correct in perspective. Don't want such a blatant rookie error to take away from the nice overall comp

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