Joseph's shiny new sketchbook
This is the end of my first week learning blender. Yesterday I followed a tutorial to make glass cup and saucer. Today I tried to use what I learned to make a spoon on my own without help. It looks a little jagged and weird but i'm pretty proud of how far I've come. I also made the glass look like 60's leaded glass which I kinda love. 

I also did an anvil and honestly that one was a big struggle.

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Maybe try to use less force on the stylus or turn down the effect of the sculpting there a bit to much force in those dent also it seem like there some slight issue with the mesh inflating which i think happen when the mesh doesn't have enough resolution for the amount of displacement you did in the mesh.

What render engine was use evee or cycle?

I hope i played atleast a small role in inspiring you to pick up blender.If not atleast now i got someone to who might teach me something i don't know yet.

Personally i recommend you learn the shortcut as much as possible it an other ball game it much more shortcut heavy if you want to work fast and you will get alot more done for sure.Also pick up some add on and tweaking your experience is the difference between painful and fun experience.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
(09-03-2023, 04:55 AM)darktiste Wrote: Maybe try to use less force on the stylus or turn down the effect of the sculpting there a bit to much force in those dent also it seem like there some slight issue with the mesh inflating which i think happen when the mesh doesn't have enough resolution for the amount of displacement you did in the mesh.

What render engine was use evee or cycle?

I hope i played atleast a small role in inspiring you to pick up blender.If not atleast now i got someone to who might teach me something i don't know yet.

Personally i recommend you learn the shortcut as much as possible it an other ball game it much more shortcut heavy if you want to work fast and you will get alot more done for sure.Also pick up some add on and tweaking your experience is the difference between painful and fun experience.

Everything here is on cycles. Yeah the mesh got a hole in it that I didn't know how to fix lol. And yes I agree the sculpted dents are not great. It was my first time trying it. Overall wasn't too happy with the anvil but it was good to go through the process so I learn things more than get a good result.
Maybe you inspired me a bit to do it lol. I know you're probably the only other person on here doin 3D. I made it a soft goal for the summer tho mostly to help out with my 2D painting. mocking up scenes, architecture, and designing objects to be in scenes and stuff. I already used it a bit for some of my paintings, using models as reference to get drawing of things from difficult viewpoints. but I was limited to downloading models already made and rotating them.

Thanks for the tips!

(09-03-2023, 06:29 AM)JosephCow Wrote:
(09-03-2023, 04:55 AM)darktiste Wrote: Maybe try to use less force on the stylus or turn down the effect of the sculpting there a bit to much force in those dent also it seem like there some slight issue with the mesh inflating which i think happen when the mesh doesn't have enough resolution for the amount of displacement you did in the mesh.

What render engine was use evee or cycle?

I hope i played atleast a small role in inspiring you to pick up blender.If not atleast now i got someone to who might teach me something i don't know yet.

Personally i recommend you learn the shortcut as much as possible it an other ball game it much more shortcut heavy if you want to work fast and you will get alot more done for sure.Also pick up some add on and tweaking your experience is the difference between painful and fun experience.

Everything here is on cycles. Yeah the mesh got a hole in it that I didn't know how to fix lol. And yes I agree the sculpted dents are not great. It was my first time trying it. Overall wasn't too happy with the anvil but it was good to go through the process so I learn things more than get a good result.
Maybe you inspired me a bit to do it lol. I know you're probably the only other person on here doin 3D. I made it a soft goal for the summer tho mostly to help out with my 2D painting. mocking up scenes, architecture, and designing objects to be in scenes and stuff. I already used it a bit for some of my paintings, using models as reference to get drawing of things from difficult viewpoints. but I was limited to downloading models already made and rotating them.

Thanks for the tips!

What you mean by hole can you show me the mesh upclose in a transparent mode?Did you find how to fix it i might know how to... also i think it as to do with point that are where vertex might be intersecting such as a edge which might be problematic .

Here a video that might help if it the problem i think...

here and other video that might teach you other alternative way to fix hole in your mesh

Oh and i recommend learning to import image if you plan to use blender for a 2d/3d workflow.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Hey. I checked your whole sketchbook thread. Those academic studies are brilliant but I also agree with decision to move on to other types of art. I think you already good more than enough observation skills, sense of color and value. What's also important is being able to create good compositions, designs and make good use of references especially if you want to do illustrations.

Good luck on your 3d learning journey. It really is bottomless pit so you can learn forever this medium but that's also what makes it fun. I also did anvil tutorial at some point.
Thanks, farvus!

I've gone past the anvil at this point. It really just gets harder lol

So I've been learning Blender for about a month now. This is my first project done just by myself with no tutorial or anything. I made a model of the little temple from one of my concept sketches. It didn't really take too long, and I'm sure there were faster ways to do everything, but it was difficult to even learn all the things involved to get to this point, and troubleshoot things that weren't working. There's definitely parts of the mesh that are not ideal, but we made it work. 

The textures on this were just downloaded from the internet, but it was a good learning experience to figure out how to do that and apply them as well. I also figured out how to make the camera spin around my model. Next step is to make it look ruined which should look neat.

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That all blender no paint over?

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
yep just blender no painting

I've been working on this side project the last couple days which has been fun. I wanted to kind of do a style study of one of my favorite artists on artstation that goes by Gxy, and the many artists doing similar work. Their building and environment designs are so fun and the painting is beautiful. So I went through a process of referencing and sketching and came up with the idea for a medieval potion shop. I wanted to have like a copper distillery visible on the outside in some fun way, like as if it's the place where they make the hundreds of health potions players would go through. The painting is actually coming out okay I think though I need to work closer with reference to up my skills because I don't think It's quite there yet. But ultimately as I work on it I am starting to think maybe I don't like the idea that much, like it doesn't quite feel interesting enough and I need to workshop it some more or change directions. Idk

I used blender to roughly model the scene to help with the lighting, and the staircase so that was kinda fun.

I think personally my eye would say to add more texture to the roof and to keep the detail around the door and the window.Also for the mock up considering value is very important because white tend to really squatter light more then if you use color so you can try to remplace that white some color to the 3d model if you want to know where the color will mix when thing squatter but i am sure you have lot more experience then me in ajusting your color and value base on pure greyscale.

I just said that because i saw the green grass and the white none descriptive color of the house and i felt it wouldn't have taken much time to change the color not that it necessary.

One thing you could do would be to texture that scene with a phototexture and fill up the gap with some hand painting by saving a render of the scene and editing on any art program you use.The texture is more of a suggestion then it use as a final in generally because to speed up thing you would create a seamless texture that repeat itself over the specific zone you have in mind for that texture.So handpaint here is more about breaking that repeativeness and removing artefact or noise sometime if you want to make big scene you don't have to pain every grass of blade and it still look fine from a distance...

I just don't know how you use your mock up if it only to visualize or if you also build from that why i suggest something that might be new to you maybe you never thought about 3d ''photobashing''

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
Great work and technique for your latest. The values in particular are extremely impressive, well done!

(10-27-2023, 06:00 AM)darktiste Wrote: I think personally my eye would say to add more texture to the roof and to keep the detail around the door and the window.Also for the mock up considering value is very important because white tend to really squatter light more then if you use color so you can try to remplace that white some color to the 3d model if you want to know where the color will mix when thing squatter but i am sure you have lot more experience then me in ajusting your color and value base on pure greyscale.

I just said that because i saw the green grass and the white none descriptive color of the house and i felt it wouldn't have taken much time to change the color not that it necessary.

One thing you could do would be to texture that scene with a phototexture and fill up the gap with some hand painting by saving a render of the scene and editing on any art program you use.The texture is more of a suggestion then it use as a final in generally because to speed up thing you would create a seamless texture that repeat itself over the specific zone you have in mind for that texture.So handpaint here is more about breaking that repeativeness and removing artefact or noise sometime if you want to make big scene you don't have to pain every grass of blade and it still look fine from a distance...

I just don't know how you use your mock up if it only to visualize or if you also build from that why i suggest something that might be new to you maybe you never thought about 3d ''photobashing''

Thanks for the input. I actually am considering doing some 3d photobashing in the future. I saw a video recently by Jordan Grimmer where he does this and makes a pretty amazing scene with simple means and a little painting over. On this one I am just using it to simulate the cast shadows mostly. So it doesn't have to look like much on it's own but it's helpful to me in the same way that a traditional cardboard maquette would be.

@CG: Thanks!

I have still been experimenting with using 3D. I decided to redo one of my VN backgrounds that I made a rather long time ago. I really don't like how messy and low effort it looks, even though I was going for kind of a quick hand painted look on purpose, it's still not good. Like it's fine as a sketch, but that's about it. So I redid this simple scene in blender, and painted over it to give it the same kind of hand drawn lines, and I'm pretty happy with how this looks. Idk if it looks overly 3D model-ish but it corrects the perspective mistakes, and makes it feel like a place that would be interesting to be in even if it's just a corridor.

I think 3D is going to level up my art a lot. There's certain things that are simple to do in 3D, like a row of golden columns, but tedious to draw by hand even if possible.



old version

I think you might want to learn more about camera focus atleast you can get a bit more ''edge'' difference i think that what can make something look very digitally process and also adding some kind of particule in the air in old interior can really help sell a more believable light.The problem with doing 3d paint over is you should in most case break up your shape because otherwise everything look right off the box so adding aging to the object is very essential also.You need to introduce new color then the local color also because yes object absorb color when they are being rub against other object overtime.For example a statue that is visited alot and rub by visitor for luck,a chair that is sit on or the side of a step on a staircase will often rub off some color from shoe or just get discolored or tainted by food or body oil overtime just think what kind of people use the place and what do they do inside.For example maybe they bow down on a specific spot in front of a shrine and this slowly bend the wood floor.

I think the fake look might have steam from the fact this a very well maintain space.

Also a problem with flat object i mean all object that as no real bumb and valley on it surface is that this not how object are so if you got time just hit your object with a few modelling brush but this is very optional but i think if you spend sometime learning how to do asset that you can re-use or if you find technique to do multiple object and randomize there quality with a few click you can save alot of time and the problem with generating randomness is that you have to adjust the level of that detail sometime so creating area of noise and space to rest is a concept that need to be mastered and also taken account from to make sucessful work of art.

My Sketchbook

Perfection is unmeasurable therefor it impossible to reach it.
I worked on it some more. I'm pretty happy with how it looks. I added a screen archway instead of what I painted before which was all lopsided, I think it looks better, and some other tweaks. I probably spent more time on this than I should have but it was fun and I like how it looks.

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Nice job on that hall, the 3d and paintings look good, dig the light from the windows.

thanks man!

The render looks great, strong use of light and color there which gives it a rich, dynamic look. Well done!

Past few days I've been working on a sculpture of a torso in blender. Going pretty slow to try and understand the anatomy using references.

Definitely not perfect, but I'm kinda shocked at how good it looks actually considering I never really sculpted in blender before. It definitely helped solidify my anatomy because I felt like I was forgetting it a bit from not doing figure so much these days, and I learned some new things as well. I feel a lot more comfortable using sculpt mode as well. I'm excited to do more of the body after a little break. I think I want to try a more stylized figure where the muscle groups are really separate and clear just to make sure I actually know the muscles.

Hope everyone is having a good 2024 so far!

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