The Velvet Revolvers
Hey bookend, that demon study looks sweet man! nice values!

Veronica, Use sites such as Flicker to upload your mages there. Then copy the share link on here, and you are all good.

Thanks Jeso! I also worked on this today, I used a reference for this one. I'll like to do a few more to get a better final piece but I had fun working on this.
Hey! sweet colors as usual Veronica. Now, I dont have the reference so I can't judge it too much, but as an image, I would say make the mountains in the back have more of a rocky feeling. I think you used a round brush for it, which ended up with mountains that look too bubbly. Next time for rocks, use a square-ish brush, like the chalky one in Photoshop.
The other thing, maybe add some wavy texture to the reflection in the water.

Hey guys! I worked on that Northern Lights drawing a little more :) it's not perfect and I'd like to keep studying this subject but this is what I finished this morning.

Also thank you so much for giving feedback, I hate the sound of crickets waiting for someone to give feedback! you guys are amazing :)
I decided to join you guys! So...

I'm Eyliana and I'm a student Industrial Design Engineering. Which is also where I got most of my 'art' education: Product drawing. Learned to draw circles, straight lines, basic perspective and materials. And I was not very good at it. I have always been interested in art and creating things in general and I have drawn for short periods of time, until my studies catched up again and did not have time anymore. Since this summer I have decided to take it seriously and since then I try to draw every day and try to finish one water colour painting a week. My main focus is the head at the moment. At some point I want to make the step to character design/concept art. But one thing at the time :).

So yeah, I guess that's it.

@ Veronica; I love the nothern lights! When I have seen them they were usually a bit more wavery also at the bottom. Makes it also more dreamy.

Hey eyliana!
Welcome to the VELVET REVOLERS!!!! Study, and draw and DRAAAAAAAAAA and post it here, and stuff. So yea.. Rock on!

Here is the stuff from today from me.
Sci fi shit studies plus heads.
[Image: 23060209713_297ac5aec7_c.jpg]
[Image: 23060209433_7ac855a0b8_b.jpg]

[Image: 23391605190_2c082a53a0_c.jpg]

Welcome Eyliana!  Awesome to have you in the group. Grin

Jeso: WOO.  SCI FI.  XD


I haven't been doing much sci-fi I'm afraid-- At least I did the Dune thing, haha.  Mostly just going with the flow and letting things happen as they wanna come about.

Once I've exhausted these plays, I'm probably going to do the perspective boot camp from permanoobs... Buuuut we'll seee.

Here's a copy from Ash vs. Evil Dead again.  And then there's my own imagination thing, trying to use what I learned.  Kinda crude, but... Better, I guess.

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 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
@ Jeso; Love the armor designs!

@ Brookend; Thanks! And those things look creepyyyy x_x

I did those studies somewhere this week. Faces with too much tilt are a bit of a problem. Going to wrok on that next week.
[Image: untitled_by_eyliana-d9jnbb3.jpg]

And another sketch that I plan on water colouring somewhere soon:
[Image: untitled_by_eyliana-d9jwbgh.jpg]

Nice monster Book, I dont even know what that's from... Ash vs evil dead.. never heard from it.

Eyliana, nice heads!, specially the elf girl. Though I'm almost sure the ear is misplaced, the proportions on the face look pretty good. The hair is a bit odd a swell. Gotta study that more I'd say.

Eyliana: Cool line art!

Jeso:  Thanks man.  It's a new TV series based off of some old horror movies.  Hilarious. ;)


Got a WIP portrait from the mini-series, "Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell."

And a bunch of gestures and imaginative play.. And even some sci-fi elements. Grin

Book's Weekly Review: 

I'm solving visual problems and figuring things out slowly.  I've done a little something everyday this week, even if it's not shown, so I'm proud of myself for that.

I have this deep fear and embarrassment associated with my work, though.

I've seen artists where their work hasn't changed or improved in 10 years.  I don't want to be one of those artists.  But, I'm afraid that I don't have the patience, or the will power, to sit down and do the fundamentals and apply them and work slowly to build up to get somewhere.  That I'll just be a copy machine and I'll never be anything more.

My ADD isn't an excuse, but it's a big problem.  It makes it harder for me to push.  Most days all I can do is just copy, because that's what I'm comfortable doing.  And I want to do the hard stuff and go beyond that, but I just don't have the will power.  I see exactly what my problem is, and I want to fix it, but it's as if I can't.

My solution is to attempt to build will power, by simply working at art everyday and doing a little bit of application with that work.  It doesn't have to be much.  Just something... And then as time goes on, maybe I'll do a little more, and a little more.

I can't expect to be able to train intensely and perfectly right at the beginning...  I have to allow myself to build up to it, and own it.  So... I can't stop.  No matter how shitty my work is, I have to ignore that and power through.

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 Join our Study Group: The Velvet Revolvers!  Let's work hard together!
Bookend:Nice you watching ash vs evil dead as well!, that demon design is kickass hope to see more demons like that in the series.
Know what you mean about not wanting to end up like artists who have'nt improved in 10 years, i've been drawing for about 5 now and while i'm inconsistent with my hours I still feel I should be atleast a little better then I am now(feel that might be partially due to me focusing on studying over imagination so much which i'm trying to remedy), tbh i've always felt like I might have ADD as well, never got it looked into though, probbly should.
But yeah trying to build up willpower gradually through just doing a bit each day and working up to drawing more sounds like a very good idea, i tried jumping into 8 hours of drawing a day for a month or two back in january/febuary and it burned me out for a few days.
Have'nt drawn much, as usual i've been stressed over other rl stuff like jobseeking and i've been doing an online animal care course as well which is sucking up some of my time.

I'm trying to draw from imagination once a day atm, does'nt have to be anything good and i'm not gonna upload them all but I figure it's a good idea to get my brain working on that side again, got a bit of a reliance on drawing fanart over original ideas but I don't care to much about that atm it atleast gives me a basis on what to draw.
trying to build up my drawing hours as well to about 3 or so a day, hopefully i can get into drawing that much consistently.

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Hey guys, awesome work.

This response goes to you 2, Trigger and Book. And I guess its partly weekly review.

I get where you guys are coming from. ADD and will power. I also thought maybe I had that ADD too. I guess its easy to think that, when you are trying to stick to a task, but your brain actively wants to fuck you over and drags you into the procrastination. I always have that. But, there is a thing, that solves both ADD and lack of will power.

That is the power of choice. Forget about concepts such as Will power, or Laziness. It all comes down the power of choice. Decide that you are going to do something, and just DO IT. Its hard because of what our mind tells us hard work entails. BUT, if you decide to do it, and you shut off your brain for a little bit, before you know it you are a couple of hours into the work, sitting at your desk, and you think "fuck I'm tired I wanna play a game, but then you will be like, wait, I'm already here, doing this shit, might as well keep going strong. Embrace momentum. I have noticed I had shit ton of momentum like a month ago. Something happened to me, I'm still me, but my momentum was gone, because I stopped working like I was. And Its become since then, harder to get back in the zone. Momentum is your most powerful Ally.

But again, If you decide to do that thing you need to do, and just do it without any more thought, Its easy to carry on further. If you overthink it before you even start, It starts feeling like a compromise. that's when you just look the other way and waste time. So just do it, slap yourself to stop your brain to go any further from that thought, and sit on your desk and start.

That's what I'm gonna do today. And tomorrow, and the next day.

I recently got a critique from Daniel Warren, about my portfolio, He was super nice about it. But still, was incredibly disheartening. It turns out I'm not even good enough to work for Paizo, which was fucking depressing. You telling me after 4.5 years of art training I cant even work for a low company like Paizo? god... how much longer til I can make a living... I thought.
But thinking about this shit, only hinders yourself. Paizo aint my goal, it never was. My goal is greatness. I'm aiming at greatness not paizo. I may never be the one artist for Paizo, but, I can reach my potential and achieve greatness If I keep going and dont give up.

So dont give up Revolvers, never.

Stuff from today.

[Image: 23711003506_0a56d3cbcb_c.jpg]

[Image: 23654781391_2821ea9487_c.jpg]

[Image: 23110312303_c216f83fca_c.jpg]

[Image: 23711003906_2072065f86_c.jpg]

[Image: 23369171439_6d84c2369c_c.jpg]

I don't have any new drawings at the moment, but I spent to weekend making a new portfolio with all my original artwork :D Will be posting more recent drawings later today!

here's a crayon drawing I did this weekend :)
Hey Veronica, please comment on other people's works as well. Also take the time to read everything we type. This is a study group. We also encourage each other to keep working when times are rough.
I've said this before but since you are knew. One of the rules of the group is that you gotta comment on other people's work. This is not a sketchbook thread, this is nobody's personal art dump.
Sorry to call you out on it. But It seems that you haven't commented on anybody's posts since you joined.

We also hate the sound of crickets waiting for someone to give feedback! :)

Nice portfolio site btw.

Lighting practice.

[Image: 23761306665_810ba8d3d6_c.jpg]

Hey Jeso, I really like your studies from two days ago. The lines look nice and clean. With some of the portraits I have the feeling that the angle of the eyes and/or mouth are still slightly off. With the rendered portrait the bottom of the nose looks a bit small (the top is wider). And nice speech on 'Just do it'. :).

@Brookend; Even if you copy things, learn from it. Do not paint it because it looks the same, try to figure out why it looks like that. Later you can apply those principles in your own work. It will get better!

@Triggerpigking; Nice designs. I really like the character design you did. And sounds like a good plan to draw something from imagination every day, I think I'll give that a shot as well.

Last week was an oke week for me. I'm trying to do 30 minutes of gestures every day, usually an hour and I'll continue that this week. I'll also continue studying the facial features and try to get them on the same plane and in the same direction.

Some studies I did yesterday and friday:
[Image: 2015_12_15_by_eyliana-d9k7aks.jpg]

And the finished water colour painting:
[Image: kyra__princess_of_the_fire_pearls_by_eyl...9k7a0h.jpg]
Here I need to learn how to stick to the same/expression of the sketch. While painting shapes change, not always for the good. And  I need to plan it better, the light sources are all over the place now, because I only planned the shading of the face and forgot about the rest.

That was it for now. :)

Sorry Jeso! you're right, gotta remember to contribute :) haha so I wanted to say I also struggle with distractions and daily life, but you're absolutely right, you've gotta pinch yourself and stay focus! Sometimes I get right into the zone and can stay zoned in for hours, I love being sucked into a piece. I've still got miles and miles to go before I'm where I want to be, but there isn't a single other thing I'd rather be doing. Also trying to work on some christmas presents before it gets here! agh

with that said, here are my comments for all the sketches up there!

@Book- your sketches look great! even the more simple ones have lots of umph. I really like to fancy looking pale guy. Is he a vampire?

@Eyliana- I struggle with faces too, I usually draw them from a front view because of it, you're making great progress though! I've gotta do blocking exercises like the ones you've done. I also like your little watercolor lady.

@Trigger- Love that robot lady! very cool, I also try to draw from my imagination. Actually I usually only draw from my imagination most times, I feel cheesy when I do fan art.

@Jeso- Those body references are great, I like the faces you've drawn! the lady bits on the bust look really realistic. Also the first head in the lighting exercise you did looks very well done.

here are a couple drawings I did this weekend using crayons :)
Eyliana- I like that you are trying to be structural with your heads and sketch out the whole thing before placing face features. So That is good, I just think you need to obverse more carefully, measure even, proportions a little more carefully. Many of the heads you drew, the water color one even, have skewed features. So, look out for that. The water color painting has lovely colors!

Veronica- Cool, I like the one with green hair. Is there something in specific you are aiming at with your art? Usually people in here just want to get better at drawing and painting realistically to get into the entertainment industry. But its a bit hard to critique when we dont know where you are going. Because of the work you usually do, I'm not sure.
I think you said you just wanted to do commissions for ever? Then you gotta think, about medium, what kind of work you want to get commissioned to do, and things like that. You also want to think about whats marketable, Will they buy it? Do people buy this? things like that...

Honestly, it may be because I never went to school for an art degree of some sort, but I don't know which direction to go. I know I love getting a new commission/ project no matter what the subject is. I just want to get paid to create! Maybe concept art or eventually down the line (when I have appropriate skills) I'd like to make a comic book. But at this very moment in time I'm unsure. So for now, I'll keep my options open and try to improve while I go. At this point I'd take any advice you guys can throw at me!

Thanks Jeso for the guidance!

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