Will Warburton's sketchbook
ici - Thanks man, seems you were right coz that rhino some how got a DD lol. I still feel like i need to improve way more though so i won't be going anywhere :p as always thanks for the support mate.

TylerDonnelly - thanks! I'lll be sure to keep um comin, cheers for stoppin by.

Ursula Dorada - thaaaaaaanks ursula, your awesome too!

mannequin - thank you for the kind words and advice. yeah i still need to work on my lines some more. They tend to start all loose and shit like you mentioned but end all stiff and boring. Need to find a happy medium i guess lol. i'll bear in mind what you said for the fututre, thanks again.

SpectreX - thanks man, i'm glad you like! seeing the improvements is harder for me, but it's awesome that people think so. cheers again

EduardoGaray - hey dude, awesome to hear the thumbs read well, thats the kind of character i was going for. It's turning out to be a pain in the ass to paint but i guess it's all learning experiences lol :p
yeah man, ive seen your recent poses and their defiantly coming along. Anatomy is just so fuckin hard to study lol. I still struggle like crazy with it, especially with heads. Just gotta keep pushing it i guess. Thanks as always for your input and support!

sorry for the late post, day job and lazyness and stuff. Plus im workin on the character card piece thing which hopefully i'll ost in the next couple of days.

[Image: starwarsstudy_zps2cef01f5.jpg]

focal point lol
[Image: ouchstudy_zps8ea1f39a.jpg]

[Image: body_zps76b98a1f.jpg]

mind scraps, before bed/ warm ups/ after work doodles blagghhhh
[Image: brainfart_zpsaa634159.jpg]

[Image: daenysketch_zps7ca89848.jpg]

[Image: practicechick_zps0f3361b2.jpg]

or not lol...
[Image: thefatwizard_zps3864e4f8.jpg]

[Image: idontknow_zpsb8050489.jpg]

Boba Fett's such a pimp.

Good studies here. Continue to push your values even further with each study as well as your understanding of edge control. Solid edges will do so much to bring a sense of reality/readability to your renderings and is, therefore, vital. Keep it up!

i will give you +1000 extra points for the Lynda Lee study and her two friends. :)
Now seriously, you did a great job with these studies. Specially the boba fett one, the fat tits guy is kinda disturbing, but i think that thats a good thing.

mr frenkin - Thanks for the advice man, i'll keep that in mind. And agreed, Boba Fett is cool as fuck.

Eduardo - cheers man, i need to start doing more studies again, i don't do nearly as many as i used to. Finding that balance between quick imagination apply stuff/ studies and polished pieces can be tricky :p In regards to the fat guy, i was thinking about doing a bloodsports piece 'tits the fat wizard' lol but i don't know yet. cheers again buddy!

Sorry for such late updates, this piece took waaaay too long, i think a small piece of my soul broke making it lol :S

I think i'm pretty much done with it anyway....or at least till i get a fresh eye or critique on it, its still bugging me. EDIT - made a few changes

[Image: final2_zpsa9e3b106.jpg]

dump, studies

[Image: nudechickstudy2_zps48f27440.jpg]

[Image: nudestudy_zps95863250.jpg]

[Image: facestudyssss_zpsb8e7001a.jpg]

mind stuff
[Image: figureapply_zpsc6a57dfd.jpg]

[Image: facepracticedoodles_zps0a727e53.jpg]

asha greyjoy sketch :3
[Image: piratechick_zpsed328376.jpg]

[Image: Untitled-1_zpsde47e551.jpg]

somethin i won't be finishin
[Image: wip1_zps8fb212dd.jpg]

Man, those recent sketches all look great. Faces and Asha are awesome, and I really like the comp for that last one :). Lots of figures to paint in there, can see why you might not finish it ;). It'd be cool to see fleshed out a bit though at least, definitely got potential.

Keep it coming, this last page is really strong so far. :)

sweet stuff man. I really like those lineart women faces.
Looks to me that you are much more comfortable with line drawing, so i really want to see some more painted faces. :) I mean, your linework is already really good, so maybe it has become a comfort zone? either way, keep going with those studies, you are about to level up again.
Also, Asha! easily my fav feminine character from ASOIAF, both sexy and baddass. I was really disappointed when the actress they chose for the series wasnt half as attractive as she was in my head. xD (But the one in the series is still pretty, though)

hey man,

really great update since I last dropped by. Keep rocking :)

as for crits:

the far back hand on your character (the ghoulish thing) is so close to the bg, that I read his staff as his hand on the first look. and something about his pose is not quite right (to me at least). Maybe his torso is twisted too much or you could show a little of his neck. and lastly the point of view could be more dramatic. at his moment he seems to be running towards me, which is great, but maybe it would be stronger to use an upshot at him.

but thats all I can see.

oh and I am an mid-twenty-self-teaching-dude too (only that I am working full time for almost no money - yup that sucks ^^)

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
Ooo man, I'd like to see that red clock sketch finished, I think it would look pretty cool. For a crit on that voodoo guy I think the composition with those two branches in the foreground and two trees in the background, it's a little bit too symmetrical and centered. He has a cool dynamic pose so I think something like a swirly composition or a dutch tilt or something would have added some extra in-your-face-ness to it. But nice sketchbook! It's pretty obvious you're working really hard and making progress. It's quite delicious

jake - thanks dude, glad you like. Yeah in a dance with dragons asha is pretty awesome and i think you got her wrong in the tv show in her look and style. i'll say no more lol.

eduardo - haha, yeah man i agree, like i just said with Jake i think they got her wrong in the tv show too, shes cool in a dance with dragons. Interesting point with the lines comfort zone too, i hadnt really thought about it but you probably have a point. I'll try using them less :p I got a crit a while back that one of the main problems with my stuff was that they were broken which was to do with the shit initial line art, so since then i guess ive taken it to heart and tried to fix it. I still feel that my structure is still wonky lol

flo - hey man! Thanks for the crit, i agree with all your points and it's much appreciated. I spent way too much time on that piece messing about and fixing things that by the end it kinda felt like a house built out of matchsticks, just a mess lol. I'll try harder next time, thanks again dude.

pnate - cheers man, afraid to say i probably won't lol, i just wasnt feeling it. Thanks for the crit too! Whats pretty funny is that intially the trees in the background where slanted and the foreground stuff came quite late to give it more of a dynamic feel, but the more i worked into it the more it just didnt work. proabaly need to work on my process more and not rush into rendering. Thanks again mate, it's much appreciated.

small update, trying to stay focused again but i want woooooooork not studies :L. That or i need competition lol. I like to be challenged!

[Image: bioshockchickstudy_zps87a2be72.jpg]

[Image: dressagain_zpsc06f7de6.jpg]

[Image: draperystudy_zps7baad7c6.jpg]

[Image: facestudy2_zps482ebe03.jpg]

[Image: snow_zps10ec5041.jpg]

mind faaaaarts
[Image: dogshit_zps367be294.jpg]

[Image: robotchick_zps6cc86684.jpg]

Another solid update dude, that robot chick looks great, Really like the way you've rendered it out :) I know what you mean about needing a challenge, makes it so much easier to get pumped! Keep it up man, wish I had something more helpful to say lol.

Edit: Just saw the "Perfect Pitch" thing that Dave and Dan just announced. There's that challenge for you ;) Get on it man :)

Hey man, thanks for the crit's in my thread, thought i would return the favour.

Your stuff is really good and definitely on the right track.

I feel one thing to work on is the scale of your details in personal pieces. I feel that all the details are around the same size, like on robot girl, there isn't any large flat panels and then small details in between it. It's hard to explain :/. I'd also like to see you sharpen edges up, a lot of the rendering feels really soft.

But again this is top notch work and you are on the right path!
Good studies, and I like the mood you've got going on for the robot girl. Cool design too. I second what muzz said about edges. It's not necessarily that you need to have more hard edges but hard edges in the right spots. :) I know a lot of people bash photos, because they say you can't do reliable studies from them. But I give a big ol' FUCK THAT to that notion, since edges are clearly demonstrated in high quality photos. So look at those as well as paintings you really enjoy and try to figure out how the edges show up.

Dang man, so much WORK! awesome stuff, I think your form is starting to read very successfully. Awesome to see all the stuff from imagination too, keep that up! A lot of the characters you draw from the mind are in rather stiff standing poses, you might want to throw some more active gestures in there.

very nice stuff ! you really know your colors mang.You just need a bit of polishing on ur facial construction and flow but I can see you're already working on it , so keep it up !

Looking good! Keep at it

i love that Elizabeth face, maybe my favourite face on this SB.
Everyone already said what i wanted to say haha. But i still wanted to pay you a visit and say hello.
Keep working mate, looking forward to your next update!

jake b - cheers dude, your comments are always helpful, i appreciate them all! Yeah that challenge sounds pretty awesome, i'll have to see if i can find some good ideas and some how it goes. Are you going to doing it too? I'd be pretty interested to see what you'd come up with, your stuff seems to be getting better and better.

othermuzz - hey man! Thanks for the crit, i think i know what you mean. I tend to have a bad habit of rendering the shit out of everything lol. I should probably do some Frazetta or masters studies to combat that. Cheers again mate.

mrfrenik - I'll keep that in mind, thanks alot for your comment and feedback dude. And thanks again for stopping by my sketchbook :)

Samszym - Compared to you my sketchbook and work ethic are shit lol. I don't do nearly as much as i should these days :S Thanks for the crit too, i hadnt even thought about that but you have a good point. I'll be sure to work on my poses and gestures more soon.

Rindoukan - Thanks man, yeah ive been fighting that battle with facial construction for about 2 and a half years now and i still fucking suck at it. My anatomy is pretty broken too. I'll be sure to keep working on it, and thanks again for your comment and feedback.

kidult - cheers mate, thanks alot!

EduardoGaray - Your comments are always welcome dude, i always appreciate your support! Glad you like the bioshock chick study too :p I'll try to update more often too, ive been slacking recently. Cheers again mate.

sorry again for the late reply. Been going though that dip again so ive been working way more and playin too much shitty games -_-

I was also pretty gutted today to find my ca.org sketchbook has been deleted. Also loads of other awesome sketchbook have gone too :{ Thats pretty much the last nail in the coffin for me, i'm done with that place.

[Image: busthead_zpsa2702cbb.jpg]

[Image: chickface_zpsc5cfaf98.jpg]

[Image: stilllife1_zps91f80923.jpg]

mind shit, tryin somthin different inspired by monkey bread - http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-759-page-6.html

[Image: bandwsketch1_zps74c8fcdd.jpg]

[Image: bandw3_zps7f542ddc.jpg]

[Image: bandw2_zps673187e3.jpg]

got <3
[Image: gotsketchbadnww_zps8005f02a.jpg]

[Image: minddead_zpsa0c355d0.jpg]

There are some really nice new things I haven't seen yet, and those colors in some of these things are quite tasty, I gotta say. I would REALLY like to see that one red clock painting brought to a finished, it's got a great deal of interest and I see it having a whole lot of potential.

Do you have any big pieces on the horizon? I'd be really interested to see what you've got going on aside from sketchy things. Keep bringing moar! :]

hey folks, another late reply. Ive been pretty lazy this last month, i'm not going to lie. Everytime I go on one of these depression drops I seem to get closer and closer to finishing up. I took a long walk into the woods and got lost, but i'm back now lol.

I'm going to go on another ramble again, in the hope that to those of you who read this don't think of me as some whiny attention whore but more as someone who's just trying to be as honest and open as possible and might be able to relate or take some courage from this. I know ive mentioned in the past that it seems almost impossible to get to the stage I want to be, where i'm living a respectable living from doing this I love. Especially when you hear fellow artists talk about the shit rates their having to deal with it but it goes deeper than that. The family, friends and colleagues, customers etc etc that surround me everyday all seem so far away from anything I can comprehend. It's almost like i'm a different species from them. I see this pattern which people desperately clamber into which involves comfort and routine. Nobody I see is truly pushing themselves or evolving, or willing to sacrifice for something more. I see humans chasing false dreams which have been laid before their feet to set them up for a life of luxury. This might sound pretentious, and maybe it is. I'm a guy who has nothing and so have no right to judge others, it's just I feel myself being pulled into this world and it breaks a conflict in my heart.
I can't keep living here at my parents, I don't even have a bed or a desk here, I sleep in the living room and work of the dining room table. Meanwhile my parents don't hide the fact that they don't want me here, and so my first thought is to move out. Get a new job doing anything, so long as I can earn the money to afford rend and bills etc. As for this? Well that would be a pipedream or a hobby and I guess i'd have to pursue a more realistic career. But hey, it's not all bad right? I'd be able to live a life of luxury, have a bigger social life, a nice car, get into a relationship, buy some expensive shit. You get the picture..
On the other hand I think ive taken a trip too far down this rabbit hole to turn back now. I should just push harder than ever and get either a studio job as an artist or stable freelance and keep progressing this graft, following my own ideas and try to do something meaningful. Keep putting up with the parents that despise me and working of a dining room table to perfect my skills. It's a tricky decision but the longer I do this the more appealing the first option becomes.
I think this is why I just spent nearly a month with my head buried up my ass playing computer games. I was trying to drown the pain of this decision by ignoring it, and games are a great means for this. Looking at it worded like this it sounds retarded, but at the time to be honest I didn't really know why I was doing it, it just made me feel better for a short time. Dam i'm sounding like a crack addict lol, no more games for me, i'm done with that shit!
I'll stop this rambling now, but this is something I am unable to talk to anyone about propally for the above reasons and so writing it like this and being as honest as possible feels good. And I figure if anyone else gets like this and feels alone who reads this, might take some motivation or something from it too knowing that their not alone.

but for the time being, i'm here to stay

Archreux - hey man, i'll perhaps spend abit more time on that red cover piece, i just lost interest in it very quickly initially lol :p And yeah, i'm going to be doing more portfolio pieces in the very near future. Thanks a lot for your comment and support dude, i appreciate it.

still life
[Image: stilllife_zps14eb1024.jpg]

eyes, hard as fuck and break my brain
[Image: eyestudy_zps45edc1ef.jpg]

mind games and sketches
no lines
[Image: lonetravellersketch_zps520ab4fb.jpg]

blah ??
[Image: flowerrthingblah_zpsd9350d3e.jpg]

another cover piece which died very quickly
[Image: 1984wip1_zpsccb9220c.jpg]

night sketchy sketch,
[Image: chicksketch_zps02fccaeb.jpg]
plus values :p
[Image: chickbandwsketch_zpsd7b2b91d.jpg]

see you soon <3


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