Danger Zone
Awesome sketchbook! Love them skintones and the way you draw heads.

oh, some serious dedication on the rise!:)

I love those figures. And colors.

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
Those hands!!
Incredible work man, this is the kind of sketchbook that makes me push harder.

I´m a painter man, and i paint my cock the size that i want!!
-Alberto Mielgo

@pnate: Thank you very much! I always considered my weakest point to be skin tones, glad it's improving.

@Doolio: Thanks :)

@MarcRosete: Thank you, and yours do too, it's a never ending cycle!

So, damn HotS streams again, seems to be such a good game. And I had some work related stuff that I cannot post, so here's some faces, again!

[Image: 0314faces.png]

I need to start to pump these out faster.

[Image: 0315face.png]

I started this one last night, but I guess my wrist is starting to give since I've been painting and drawing everyday since ... like October. It feels like I have a cast on the back of my hand, it's not painfull just bothersome. Gonna take it light today.

[Image: 0315face2.png]

I found switching my mouse pad to the left hand and using the left hand helps keep my drawing hand fresh. That or practice left hand drawing for a while just to keep the habit going without wearing out your main hand.

Thanks, I'll definitely try the mouse one, the draw not so much (I actually never tried) because the setup I have on my desk makes is impossible to move my wacom to the left side of the table.

Theres always the old sketch pad and a pen or pencil :D Im thinking of starting a left handed drawing thread for fun so we can all show off our horrible squiggly drawings together.

(03-17-2014, 04:51 AM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Theres always the old sketch pad and a pen or pencil :D Im thinking of starting a left handed drawing thread for fun so we can all show off our horrible squiggly drawings together.

hehe grat idea just call it "the other hand drawing" cuz my left is f*awesome and will destroy you all xD

lolwut how about draw with feet then! And you can use your tablet for that.

Geoguessr fun!

[Image: 0317%20ggall.png]

Some more crap.

[Image: 0317app.png]
[Image: 0317app3.png]
[Image: 0317app2.png]

Rome study.

[Image: 0318.png]

Aaaand another one.

[Image: 0318%2002.png]

Beautiful portraits.

@CoreyH: Thanks :)

I've been slacking on anatomy lately, need to fix that. No refs on these, they kinda suck :(

[Image: 0318%2003l.png]
[Image: 0319.png]

Your swordman and that last drawing with the fireballs look so good.
Love 'em!

@Kaycee: Thanks!

Yeeeaaaa, I suck at gestures, first ones are from imagination the rest are 30s~2min ref'd ones.

[Image: 0319%20startdoingitrightl.png]

woow :O I saw that a lot of people already said this but daaaaamn this is one hell of a sketchbook and definitely gets my juices going to start drawing right now!

Awesome work dude, keep up and I'll keep an eye on you!

@RenatoCaria: Thank you! I'll try.

Playing around with colors, I feel like I'm almost there when I'm working with no ref, but still not to my liking.

[Image: 0320%202.png]


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