René Aigner's Sketchbook
Okay, here goes.
MW: If you're thinking structurally already, that's the most important step of them all. The actual painting, the rendering etc., is mostly just practice. there is some science that goes into it, do you know Gurney's "Colour and Light" and "Imaginative Realism"? They are very good bocks on that. But mostly it's just painting, painting, painting, always thinking of structure and light. Paint lots from life, painting from photo ref is secondary.


Here's something completely different for a change. Very early stages of visual development for a short film, specificly a concept for a village. The houses are merely templates at this stage, the question atm is where to position the camera:

[Image: dorf_concept_1.jpg]

Okay, thanks! Feels good to know Im on the right track in my thinking. Now the practice has to follow^^ Thanks you!

Long tim no update again been quite busy.

Here's a little experiment. the ref for this was black and white, meaning th skin tones/colour is completely from imagination.

[Image: stud_0414_05.jpg]

[Image: stud_0414_05b.jpg]

Awesome, I see some Eytan Zana's brush tricks in that hair, right? ;)

3D/VFX artist, entrepreneur and photographer
Katara's Path to Mastery (SB) | Art Blog
Thanks david! Eytan's name didn't ring a bell immediately, but I've seen his work. No direct influence, but I'm flattered, he's excellent =)

[Image: stud_0414_06.jpg]

[Image: stud_0414_06b.jpg]

in awe man, your portraits are stunning. nuff said.
btw what is the construction technique you use? it looks useful

Train, gain, or stay the same.
It's called the Reilly abstraction. You can read up on it here:

I've always been more of a painter then a draughtsman. I do line drawings for every painting of course, but they're always a means to an end, for construction or as a value map. So I thought, why not give line drawing a go. Haven't done this in years. So different to mass drawing/painting. The great thing is that these line drawings don't take me nearly as long as a full blown painting, so I get a lot more construction/measuring practice in the same amount of time since I can do multiple ones in the time it takes me to do one painting. Another upside is that the reference doesn't have to be as well lit with these line drawings since values/masses are secondary to the lines. Will definetely do this again sson =)
[Image: stud_0414_07.jpg]

Love the first lady, beautiful strokes/waviness.
Thanks Dennis!

[Image: stud_0414_08.jpg]

[Image: stud_0414_08b.jpg]

Holy shit these studies look so good. Really inspiring man, keep it coming :)

thanks jake!

[Image: stud_0414_09.jpg]

[Image: stud_0414_09b.jpg]

Just wanted to see a beautiful new portrait before going to sleep, and this was the place to come. I just love how you draw people.

You still need to update your portfolio! :)

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


seeing this sketchbook just makes me want to draw more and become better at what I do. Great job here... love to see even more!
Thanks Tygerson, and thanks for for bugging me about the portfolio... I got rid of most of the old stuff yesterday and uploaded a few new images, finally.

Thanks Angelique!

Just a few thumbs to show... been dusy again. Boy, i need to make some room for more studies... If only a day had more hours.

[Image: eow229_thumbs.jpg]

[Image: stud_0414_10.jpg]

[Image: stud_0414_10b.jpg]

thanks for charing this réne ! just so good ! hope you doing well !

PS: hoffe du hattest ein schönen ersten Mai und hast nicht ganz so viele Steine geschmissen :P Obwohl bei euch in München sinds bestimmt Haxen :D

Gruß Janos´

thanks a lot Janos!

ehrlich gesagt hab ich gar nicht bemerkt dass freinacht war. Hab den Tag gearbeitet und mir ist erst nachher aufgefallen dass es ja ein Feiertag ist :D

Here's a bit more of the early visual development for the short film:

[Image: burg_concept_1.jpg]

[Image: stud_0514_01.jpg]

Amazing sketchbook! Thanks for sharing the progress pictures as well, I always love to see such things (:



[Image: film_concepts.jpg]


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