wow, man. I really like the liveliness of your work. I feel like you are not too far away on becoming a story book artist. just keep it up that way and be as determined as you are. I can't wait for more.

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

yo, thanks for the comments everybody!!

starting a new thing today, gonna post my goals and last week's timechart on sundya or monday and a midweek update on wednesday or thursday
[Image: fExCAhy.jpg][Image: of3WByf.jpg]

In other news, I got the caricature job!! That's been pretty fun, really cool knowin gpeople are iwllin gto pay me for drawing. I've Been adjusting to the schedule so that kept me from updating a while XD here's a dump with some gestures and caricature practice sketches.
[Image: BbCUn7O.jpg][Image: J4SAEi9.jpg][Image: 8Ad5mTL.jpg][Image: tz4VLIP.jpg][Image: 1RfGG24.jpg][Image: jwwHR3l.jpg][Image: 3KMo49L.jpg][Image: qulfMEF.jpg][Image: vG9tS9L.jpg][Image: KC6IITh.jpg][Image: ZQL90X4.jpg][Image: DBTW7pf.jpg][Image: TNII6Qv.jpg][Image: 58aY4FG.jpg][Image: 21uujAI.jpg][Image: RFuWQ7U.jpg][Image: 3xWNODf.jpg][Image: NvdcsUW.jpg][Image: W9ourpV.jpg][Image: XGV2PPv.jpg][Image: 4DBJXoS.jpg][Image: q84YudD.jpg][Image: vAPgIuY.jpg][Image: IWmiPs8.jpg][Image: 88OX5Xs.jpg][Image: hf67fFT.jpg][Image: 0QvVU8n.jpg][Image: 7sqMfV2.jpg][Image: 5tiicoF.jpg][Image: cLQ2DXh.jpg][Image: CSv3xrY.jpg]

You manage to convey weight with your lines very well in those caricatures.
Sweet caricatures, and congrats on getting the job! (I've been having a go at doing live portraits this summer, and have been considering having a shot at learning caricatures too. They look like a lot of fun.) Anyhow, really liking how smooth and confident your lines are looking. Nice eye studies too - getting the negative space for the eye whites down really helps with likeness, doesn't it?

Gorgeous gesture drawings as always too. :)

woooooo YOUR CHARACTERS ARE AWESOME ~! love the dragonball from previous page hahaha xd but man where is finished spiderthing? It was so amazing! I want to see it finished now please xd Gosh you really made me jealous, I love this kind of art that you're making, Never stop doing what you're doing I beg you! xd

Thanks for the comments everybody!!
Go for it clockodile, it;s actually a really great way to sharpen your observational skills because you have to form an opinion about what you're drawing

And OH MAN thanks Madzia :D wooow how do I make YOU jealous, your work is so cool :0
thanks, I kind of needed the encouragement XD

Okay so, first midweek update! status on goals:
none of em even started!
...crap what am I even doing. Been drawing stuff, b ut nothing that will really get me close to the job I want. I gotta get over my fear :/

[Image: wSM0JCw.jpg][Image: PFyP4bW.jpg][Image: NMnLvIy.jpg][Image: F6eC4Nu.jpg][Image: BVphnuY.jpg][Image: cobTir5.jpg][Image: JVzsOnL.jpg][Image: zjqOAyD.jpg][Image: lcNIRWa.jpg][Image: 7knyMgl.jpg]

I was thinking of entering a submission to do art for a porn comic website, but my situation's just not right for it. Spent a few hours inking a thing before I figured that out though XD
I'm just gonna link it instead of posting it since it's super nsfw. here's a preview
[Image: rHRxyCT.jpg]

my goal's to get the spider illo done by this week...not really sure why I'm doing it I guess? To practice finishing a piece and for fun I guess...I don't know if it would make a good portfolio piece, to sure what the portfolio would be, not sure who to send stuff to..siigh.
I gotta do more storyboards too >:o

forgot boob eagle
[Image: pF0apbN.jpg]

I wonder how a showdown between boob eagle and the five-assed monkey would go down...

Really enjoying the cartoon sketches as per usual of course! Really like how you stylise and vary the anatomy.

Don't get disheartened by the goals. We all have different working styles, so feel free to ignore me on this, but it may help to start with setting aside small segments of time towards a clear task - picking out points that are maybe just an hour or so when you are unlikely to get disturbed or are too tired - and sitting down for it. (Tricky with work and other people around, admittedly.) Snatching the odd hour here and there can be an effective way of building momentum though, because it breaks up the task into less scary chunks. Even grabbing a half hour in the morning is something - it is like filling up a jar with pennies. Good luck with your goals, I hope you get a handhold on them!

DUDE! Your work is stunning! I'll keep an eye on this thread for sure! Congratulations, man!

Help me learn, dude! My Sketchbook
Sam! Congrats on the caricature job!! Great stuff you've been posting, improved yet again since I've seen you last :D
You deserve it you tank!

Keep pushing, looking forward to more of your work -!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Caricaturing is a fun job. I did it last year for a little bit, although not many people wanted me to draw them D: It did get me back into drawing regularly after like a decade of non drawing. Hopefully unlike me, you have someone whos a senior caricature artist that can guide you. They kind of just threw me out there so I had to wing. It was pretty rough for a while.

A few nuggets of wisdom I learned: guys want to look cool, girls want to look cute and old people want to look wise. Also if you have to draw a girl who is not exactly conventionally attractive draw their eyes really pretty and dont worry about making them self conscious about having crooked teeth or a big nose. And oddly enough people dont care as much about the drawing as they care about the experience of having you draw them. So try to be confident, smile and interact with them as much as you can.

Cmon man! Get those goals done! You're stickin to stuff you know how to do from TAD but you aren't in TAD anymore, you gotta take what you learned from there and start applying it to some work, some real work. Like Full on illustrations, characters, something. Try to give yourself a big project like making a cartoon or a story idea that you would love to do and try to do work related to that, maybe that'll help motivate you. Or maybe even just start a portfolio site on DA or something and just make it a goal to fill it up with brand new stuff that you think is client worthy.

You gotta lay off the sketches and start to spend more time on things. Stick to the spider illustration, if you really want to make it then make it. If not then make something else that you want to make.

I believe in you, make me proud son. <3

Congratulations on the job, Sam! I hope you'll have loads of fun!
And man, I feel you with the goals though, I really struggle with it myself. I've been listening a bit to Steven Pressfields "The war of art" and it's really interesting in some parts. (I think pnate mentioned it in somebody's sketchbook thread). Maybe it would be something for you as well.
Other than that, I can only say that your sketches are amazing as always, I mean when it comes to dynamics you're definitely a hero!
Maybe, in addition to find solutions to get into the work flow, you should explore as well WHY you don't get to reach these goals. (I mean why for example you avoid doing this or that) I don't know, sometimes the reasons are mostly trivial, but maybe it will reveal one thing or the other. It's just my five cents though, I always need to know WHY I do or don't do something XD



Thanks for the comments everybody! Sorry for the pause, my scanner was on the fritz. Really appreciate all the advice, I'm gonna try to start managing my time better and working on more finished stuff. nothing of the sort to show yet though :/

I don't know why I'm so averse to finishing stuff...I guess, I love the energy and though that goes into preliminary sketches, finishing just feels like adding uneeded information and probably dumbing down the good stuff in the sketch...gotta get over it, the sooner I find a finish-lookign inking and coloring style the sooner I can start getting commissions and maybe a few freelance illustration gigs. Wanna keep working on my gouache painting too :/

[Image: tuX4CNJ.jpg][Image: juVz7Oo.jpg][Image: k9L5CQw.jpg][Image: jX2Li9U.jpg][Image: sthBHjx.jpg][Image: 8xREZO5.jpg][Image: XFS2ydy.jpg][Image: PSX8eIo.jpg][Image: 5MfKPsR.jpg][Image: Prb5T1A.jpg][Image: J24M3e4.jpg][Image: 8wGjeLl.jpg][Image: 0RqnyYx.jpg][Image: XAKvTPE.jpg][Image: PitKKqg.jpg][Image: KuoPz7W.jpg][Image: nEqHiLi.jpg][Image: nIrdu2i.jpg]

Yay you're back!!! I was wondering where you had disappeared to!
Glad to see your update, your diversity in figures always reminds me that there is much more to draw then the standard figures I draw for example...

I often feel the same when it comes to sketch vs. finished work, however, there are so many different styles out there, even the more sketchy ones. You could take a sketch and clean it up a little and experiment with digital coloring, I mean, maybe you don't even need the inking.
The third pic with the girl and the robo arm looks almost like a finished work to me, why not add one or more contrasting colours or even a screentone or sth. like that and see how you like it? It think that would really match the inks.

Keep gooooooooooing

Oh and btw, in case you are like me and sometimes get distracted by endlessly browsing the deepest depths of the net, you could maybe install leechblock! Don't know if you know it, but it's a neat little tool sometimes (:

And maybe interesting to read:


Thanks cyp! That was an awesome read

sooo...not all sketches today!?! wow, 2 of these almost look finished ish :0

planning on watchign dave rapoza's gumroad video and using the techniquwe when I make time. gotta get better at that. makin' time :/

oh ya, set up an NSFW tumblr and a hentai foundry account today, I think I'm gonna start drawing smut. I wind up drawing stuff like that anyway, might as well try to make some money! Just gonna link tot hat stuff instead of posting it so nobody has to see anything they don't want to
[Image: 1Adw2jA.jpg]
[Image: guRp7C1.jpg][Image: DNw3u6W.jpg][Image: 8lahJhs.jpg][Image: XgYp2XR.jpg][Image: zpXHb1d.jpg][Image: iI3DLDX.jpg][Image: FzVDWu4.jpg][Image: AJjFa9Y.jpg]

sup guys, thanks for the comments! Sorry I dropped off the board. again. Still trying to convince myself to spend my time not-working doing something productive. When I'm at work or when I had school I had some more direction, some purpose. On my own I sort of lose that. I'm starting to write a webcomic project, hoping I can work on that and it'll give me a bit of purpose

some recent sketchydoodles

[Image: mDzFr1Q.jpg][Image: VSc1WwZ.jpg][Image: sZe3y8p.jpg][Image: rFoDEYK.jpg][Image: KpOmKd5.jpg][Image: Sp8rdQL.jpg][Image: f1xHHS6.jpg][Image: nZ8S6ky.jpg][Image: FRL1kd9.jpg][Image: 9djjU8O.jpg][Image: UHsdPF6.jpg][Image: lOFoJjC.jpg][Image: cbRd6jI.jpg][Image: J5wwSsz.jpg][Image: CkWyDif.jpg]

Can't wait to see your webcomic, and don't let yourself down. I love your style!

Awesome sketches Sam, I have the same problem of not really finishing much(yet sketching a lot), so much so that I barely have a portfolio, I would defo say giving yourself a project to do will be good motivation to get out of your comfort zone, comics in particular force you to learn how to draw a whole number of things you have never really considered before. Good Luck!

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
I fell in love with your gestures! I really like your design sense when it comes to a costumes. I would love to see more finished pieces from you. ( I really dig the yellow background robo-arm-girl)

man ur breathing life into those character man :D so sweet bulbasaur gives me a ren and stimpy vibe haha

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