René Aigner's Sketchbook
Long time, no news! I've been really busy with university stuff and some browsergame artwork I can't show. But here's a book cover I just finished for author Brian McClellan (! It's for "Stories From the Powder Mage Universe", release date is November 17th.
[Image: mcclellan_cover4_png.png]
MODO sketches:
[Image: mcclellan_cover4_wip.jpg]

That last image just blew me away. Incredible stuff man. May i ask, how much time did it take for you to set up that 3D base?

Thanks a lot! Not long, perhaps 1,5h. It's only really basic geometry and the rifle is a free model I got from the web (that would have taken quite a bit to model). No need to refine anything since eveything gets overpainted in any case.


Currently learning MOI3D in my free time. NURBS feels much more natural than SDS to me to be honest, but it won't replace MODO in my workflow since MODO is great for rough blockmeshing and to place DAZ3D figures in a scene.
In any case, my first "Object" (had no plan what i was going to create and just tried to find out wht all those buttons do :D ):

[Image: MOI_camera.jpg]

More MOI:

[Image: MOI_mixer2.jpg]

[Image: MOI_mixer1.jpg]

Aaaand still more MOI:

[Image: MOI_watch1.jpg]

[Image: MOI_watch2.jpg]

Behind the scenes:

[Image: MOI_fortis_1.jpg]

[Image: MOI_2watch4.jpg]

[Image: MOI_2watch5.jpg]

[Image: MOI_2watch3.jpg]

[Image: MOI_sub.jpg]

amazing! loving the book cover :)

Currently building an old spacestation concept of mine in 3D. Here's the cupola:

[Image: MOI_space1.jpg]

[Image: MOI_Space1.jpg]

A little funky car commission;

[Image: carsophagus_1b.jpg]

[Image: carsophagus_final.jpg]

[Image: carsophagus_final2.jpg]

Wow, how do you paint so much details? It's insane. But all of them look amazing!


another funky little car:

[Image: samurider_3.jpg]

[Image: samurider_final.jpg]

holy titty fuck, your work is great dude!

btw, I have the same question as purplescissors, about the detail in your work. do you handpaint all the textures or just the base tones and then splash some photos on top go get them sweet details?

Thanks a lot! With these cars, most of the work is done in 3D really. I add details on top in PS after rendering.

Another funky car, this time with a sped-up process video:

[Image: mitosis_final2.jpg]

Process on Youtube

Merry christmas everyone!

Another book cover for author Brian McClellan:

[Image: mcclellan_cover5_wip.jpg]

[Image: mcclellan_cover5_wip2.jpg]

[Image: mcclellan_cover5_final.jpg]

Couple of sketches for a Film Noir / Lovecraftian Horror blend book:

[Image: reanimatrix_1.jpg]

I'm amazed you can do a mock up like that in 3D. For a starter like me even getting the lines and polygons to push in the right direction and make a nice shape is hair-pulling, nevermind getting them to look like muscle and limbs!

I don't actually model the figures! Hell no! :D I use DAZ3D to pose standard figures, export them as .obj and then position and light them in MODO. Then I overpaint to add hair, clothing etc.!

New sketch (variation on sketch #1 above):

[Image: reanimatrix_2.jpg]

Another funky car:

[Image: belle_final2.jpg]

current status of the cover:

[Image: reanimatrix_4.jpg]


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