Ramalooke's Sketchbook
Awesome environments, love how those mountains are fading into the clouds, and that man-pikachu really looks like he has seen some action!

Merry Christmas Rama!

Damn Jamie jones gave you the gift of brushwork for christmas. I hope that it was nicely wrapped and all that! Love that it's so easily readable with the edge-relations and silhouettes. Like the cloud having no texture and being so soft versus the rough ground. Great job Ram!
And ninja Brian, hurray! Awesome work on the expression! You should try sending it to NSP :D

Can't wait to see the sketches! Merry christmas and sexy new year babe <3

Great studies man, love that cloud one :O Can't wait to see your new stuff after you've applied his secrets :p

Thanks for the explanation on the car piece too, you don't have to bug your client if it's gonna be hassle to share the wip's, but even on a personal piece I would love to see it. Though like i said last time, I know how busy you are dude so don't worry to much about it ^ ^

Hope you have an awesome Christmas and new year mate, and best wishes. Let's crush 2014!

That cloudscape is cool! Makes me want to paint more clouds again!

That portrait man! Its godlike!
Keep doing awesome artworks.

Ohhhhh shiii-
That portrait is great. Really nailed the materials on that one. I must do some of these Jaime Jones studies. Your brush work has jumped in skill 10 fold. Amazing work, really inspirational.

WOAH MAN I just caught your sketchbook today, and I gotta say, your progress is just craaazy good!

Seriously, dude, you're an inspiration. Nothing else to say here except keep posting the good stuff man.

Keep being awesome, you are rocking it <3 and happy 2014 to you man!

Hey sexy hope we can skype again soon, I can't tomorrow like I thought though I have to go to work again :/
shmoly hokes man, your last studies are just that impressive. I love that Pikachu-Ninja-Dude. Lol if he is some sort of meme I don't get it ^^

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
Hmm... why is it that I remember you from the concept art forums?

Either way... KILLIN' IT!

Keep trying to push that style while using what you learn during your studies. I know it's hard as hell, but it's definitely worth it.

One thing I would suggest is to start doing some copies of not only paintings, but portraits as well. Less for the actual rendering and try to start searching out composition. Use three tones to break apart a few pieces and see if you can start to see how to break it up. Trust me, this will help immensely for your imaginative work.

Anyway, keep it up! I'll critique as often as possible :)

There is usually more on my blog...

great work man, holy pikachu dude! looking for more of ur stuff!

Wow, what an awesome mix of crazed and cute (but mostly crazed) on that last psycho guy! That man must have some major issues.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Awesome sketchbook! I just love the crazy pokemon guy xD
Also your studies are fantastic!
Hope to see more stuff soon! :D

Thanks for the comment! You're right--gotta start personal work.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Thanks ;) Jaime Jones is gold. You should try doing studies after him ;)

Thank you ;)

Thanks ;)

Thanks ;) but sorry no sketches my scanner's broken and i'm to lazy to shoot photos ;P

Thank you kind sir =D

Hah. Thanks mate :D I'm glad you like my stuff. I send NSP this image a while ago. It was posted on they're facebook and got quite a response. So YAY for me I guess ;D

Sure thing mate ;) I have some personal stuff coming up, plus gonna learn some new cheats. I'll make sure to post my process here. So stay tuned =D And thanks for comment. It's always good to have you here ;)

Thank you ;)

Thanks ;)

Jaime Jones studies makes wonders happen, trust me =D Thanks for comment and feedback ;3

You make me blushing *^^* Cheers mate, and thanks for kind words ;)

Thanks ;) And late best wishes to you to ;>

http://www.youtube.com/user/NinjaSexParty ;) Glad you like my painting ;) Thanks!

Maybe it cuz i remember you ;) Thanks for feedback and advice ;) I'll make sure to apply to it next time i'll be figuring out how to suck less at art ;)

Cheers mate ;)

Haha yeah he does. You should check out the band it's kinda fun ;)

Heey, thanks for dropping in and comments. Highly appreciated ;)

Pheeew. You guys are awesome. So much comments. Been a while since my last post. Life got into the way. My schedule is a bit crazy right now. Not much time for anything. Hope I'll get my life back by the end of the month. Not to much stuff for now.

[Image: wieeeee_zps066f05c3.jpg][Image: doodle2_zpsc1f21c80.jpg]
[Image: land1_zps1140b4a0.jpg]
[Image: starbomb_fanart_zpsfa5a6bed.jpg]

haha, love that derpy Egoraptor face! Awesome stuff, good luck with your crazy schedule.

ooo awesome enviros! I'm itching to get into them! Hope everything settles down for yah and your able to get back to your thing!

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Nice update rama! Hope the busy-ness in your life is the good kind. Keep up the good work, always get inspired each time I come check out your sketchbook

very nice atmosphere in the enviros especially the second one I can almost feel the wet and damp and cold air in that place!


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