Ramalooke's Sketchbook
Awesome update! :O

Also I know how full time work can be frustrating and how it reduces the motivation for studies... You will figure something out ;)

hey there,

long time since I last visited. Man your environments look really tight, do you use photo-textures or what is your process? I would love to know how you do them.

as for the motivation problem, I can also relate like warburton. I worked full time now for almost a year and when I think about the time I could have used to study instead of stupid work I could cry lol

BUT I established learning sessions every week at work, where I do studies with my coworkers and teach about the fundamentals. Maybe you can do that too? teaching is by the way an awesome way to learn new stuff, because you really have to understand it, in order to answer all the upcoming questions :D

what helped me get more excited again about painting and drawing was learning a new media like water colors. maybe worth a try :)

have you ever thought about starting your own IP? like dan and dave are doing it with skull n shark. It motivates and makes progress more measurable. I would love to see those environments embedded in a story.

Keep it up man, you are doing great

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
Heeeeey, I'm alive =D Here's some stuff since forever. There's waay more stuff that I'd like to show. But my clients will sue the shit out of me. Hope you guys all doing allright, I'll check out your sketchbooks soon. Cheers.

[Image: land5_zpsdf932856.jpg][Image: land1_zps1b3dd512.jpg][Image: foresty_zps010cb2d4.jpg][Image: master2_zps81a4ec36.jpg][Image: master1_zpsbb9007f7.jpg][Image: master3_zps8bd34f2a.jpg][Image: steffen_zps5ec4ef02.jpg][Image: dycha_trefl_zpsaefc3726.jpg][Image: cosmonic_zps64ce99c2.jpg][Image: tutrle_dude_zpsc2d74efe.jpg][Image: cap_fin_zps52ae0540.jpg][Image: mage_zps47dcd2db.jpg][Image: wwysocki_com_warrior_zps84585850.jpg]

ooh great update man

Your clients are lucky to have you work for them, these look awesome!

Ramalooke kicking so many behinds at once he should be charged on account of mass ass kickery--!!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
great new stuff dude! keep pushing ;O

Aaah, so lovely. Not sure I’m a big fan of a chromatic aberration this intense though :P

For some reason, I really like the foggy forest piece … I can almost feel the moisture. I wonder what’s hiding in those mists…

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Yo rama, you develop and develop. I am really impressed. Could you share your process for the environment studies? I am really struggling with getting good textures and have it not look totally blurry and lame. You seem to have a good grasp on both of these topics, so please help me (us) out :)

As for crits: I think your illustrations would benefit from some complementary colors here and there to make the colors more vibrant. Some of them look a bit monochromatic.

And don't stress over visiting the sketchbooks, I can totally relate to that. Just keep your work - life - balance on a normal level if possible. It is a marathon and not a sprint haha

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
@Ursula Dorada
thank you ;3

hah, sure they are xD i'm not chargin as much as i should so why woudn't they =D thanks for stopping by xd

Thanks xD <3

thanks, I will xd

oh this, yeah your right, I tend to overdo stuff when i'm playing around ;o glad you like the forest piece ;3

Well not if i'm not struggling or something. i'm using shaddy safadi process in my envrionments. check it out https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8XmF5W...R5FwH8b8yg and thanks for crits and words of advice. i appreciate them xd

here's some recent stuff. not all of them ofc. still need to make myself use to using forums again. kinda whish i had as much time and energy i use to had. need to work on that part =D

[Image: afs_appcopy_zps6367fff9.jpg]
[Image: afs23_zpsb1620f63.jpg]
[Image: asf33_zpsba9c2b18.png]
[Image: as2_zps24ba6b51.png]
[Image: comic_zps7bde5f69.jpg]
[Image: otto_zpsdddca7eb.png]
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[Image: 600_p_zpsa6aedc8e.png]

Ramaloooookeeeee!! YES! Miss you man, but each update from your absence puts me in awe at your improvements!

Sketchbook ▲  Website ▲ TwitterArtStation ▲ Twitch ▲

Oooh, I love the textures and colours going on in your Dragonball Z posters. Good work and keep posting!

Yo Rama,

holy fuck, that's what you have been doing while you were silent? If that is the case, man ... do that again ^^ those studies look killer, the lineart is uber-sweet (reminds me of dave's stuff, which is probably why you did it ;) and those posters are crazy.

I actually know the process, but I am too stupid to do it myself :D Will have another try though. How long do you take for one of those environment studies?

Please help me getting better by checking out my sketchbook

HOMEPAGE http://floart.weebly.com
It's no shame to take some time off from social media and/or forums. Better being silent than burning yourself out from all the posting. Although I must say that I do appreciate you posting, 'cause your art is very nice to look at :P

Lovely update. Always love your painterly landscape stuff ... but man, those DragonBall posters are awesome. Grad diversity in skin tone and texture! You're so versatile! Drawing, painting, neat rendering ...!
The matte painting falls a bit short compared to your other stuff ... somewhat pixelated edges where the different photos were put together, and I feel like there's no real focus, just super-crisp edges everywhere. But I'm sure you'll get a hang of that soon when you do some more :)

Keep up the great work!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Man those enviros are insane, where have you been, why are you not posting more? We demand more!

Hah, thanks man. I'm glad you like my stuff. But to be honest I'm not improving that much, it's all cheats and hax =D

Thank you ;3

Glad you like it ;). Hard to say how long each of those environment studies took. I'm bad at tracking time and I get distracted easly. Each one of those took like a half a day. But if I put hours I spent actually painting it'll be something around 3-4 hours. Dunno xd

Thanks for the crit. Still trying to get a good grasp over this photo bashing thingy. I'll get a hang of it sooner or later. Thanks for stopping by ;3

@rafa zanchetin
Heey, thanks. I've been in all sorts of places but don't worry. I'll be posting regurarly from now on =d

I've been listening today to dan and dave's unsolved mysteries podcast (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIIwi7tQ...1TqmLqGauA) and in the part when they were talking about how there's no place for artist to show they're process and failures. I've been like 'wait a minute, there's still an old daggers forumz' it made me some kind of sentimental. I have nothing but good memories from here and for the long time I drew my motivation from this place. So I made a decision to start posting on more regular basis again and become more active member overall. i won't scan this time my old sketches and studies i'm doing on paper, but i found my scaner in one of boxes i had left from the movement. and i plan to be using it. so for now i post some recent digital stuff. oh and sorry for my more than usuall broken english, it's a weird day for my brain =D

[Image: 1_zps4419b7ee.jpg]
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[Image: 3_zps1cee5ffc.jpg]
[Image: 4_zps462d04b2.jpg]
[Image: 5_zpsdde0ec07.jpg]

Good to see you back man, those enviros are looking awesome.

Damn nice studies! These enviros are so juicy.

What Rafael said!

lovely enviros!

Oh duuude those satudies... Dayum. But check your values when doing color personal stuff, it could be juicier. Keep up the awesome work.


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