Terran it up....ehhh
*sucking noise*

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Man, the amount of work that must have gone into that last picture is just crazy!
really cool stuff! I think the stairs might be too high-contrast against the background right now, they're drawing my eye in but they don't seem like the most important thing in the picture.
keep up the good work :D

hey man, I see you've been busy studying clouds. I'm doing that aswell including water, and really its a bitch to render anything non solid i found out. Keep on pushing :)

:P I agree with Sam your last piece is getting impressive. I do feel like you need more forest on the left, or something. I'm not buying it that there is only 1 mountain ;P
Hey man, your sketchbook shows progress, but you already knew that.

*sucking noise*
Thanks guys, while I agree with the points you made I had already decided to move on to the next stuff.

Been really slow lately on top of moving so I have just gotten an embearessing amount done. There are a couple others I'm gonna upload soon but this guy is "done". Probably gonna paint him.

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Hit me like a drum. He-he-heyy! I feel the mumbooo~ I can't sleep. Bear.

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Blind Bear ShamalamanFaroutseermaaaaaaaaaaan

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nice one! :3
though i would play with the lineweight a little bit... ;)

I agree, some heavier lines and spots of black around places where there would be occlusion shadows would help this a lot. I'm digging the ornaments he's wearing, cool stuff! the arm leaning on the staff looks much longer than the other one

Love you're linework ;3 I agree with holdkocos. Some lineweight action would benefit your drawings. I like the design though. Great stuff, keep rockin'!

Love the design on the bear !:D, Also I agree with sam the arm looks slightly longer than the left.

Sketchbook | Deviantart | Blog

"The difficulties of not knowing are much greater than the effort of learning"
These bears are great, and that latest enviro is fantastic. Keep it up.

Thanks for all the tips guys! Helps a lot, I'm still pretty new to drawing things out like this.

Can't believe that arm got by me, Sam! Completely unnoticed, thanks for the catch.

Taking a small break from the bears. Been doing a lot of traditional lately but my scanner apparently broke...damnit. So I did an afternoon study and lined out a longer one I wanna do. Can you guess where I got lazy? haha gonna have to do abunch of those, I'm overdue. Forgot how much I enjoy studies In love More soon!

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Really like the armored bears--great rough hewn artistry. The weapons and armor suit them so well, one could see a bear making such a thing.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Thanks Tygerson! Trying to push 'em : )

So it's been about 1 year and 4 months since I "became an artist" and started painting. I've worked hard and learned a lot over the past year about myself as well as art. So much more to learn and discover however! Can't wait Thumbs_up

Talent ain't shit. Work hard all day 'erry day, bitches

Great progress over the year dude. Keep it up.

Much progress !
Awesome !
Keep it up !

dat progress <3 keep working hard man, it's motivating to see this.

Your improvement brought a tear to my eye :')

Keep ripping it up Terran!

P.s. thanks for the likeness tip, +rep !!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Nice progress in here mate. Those bears are sweeeet. Definitely play with line weight for next ones but yeah cool. Keep it up!

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