Will Warburton's sketchbook
Abit more practice, pencils will come soon

colour studies
[Image: colourthumbs.jpg]

[Image: robedchick29th.jpg]

imagination practice doodles
[Image: aliendude27th.jpg]

[Image: characterdoodles.jpg]

Studies are getting much better man, and you're clearly applying them well. Keep it up dude.

Try not to get toooooo down, but I know what you mean. This shit's tough. Although everyone would do it if it wasn't, I guess ;).

But yeah, looks solid, keep it coming man :)

JakeB - Thanks Jake, i appreciate the kind words, and yes your right, if it was easy everyone would be doing it. I sometimes wonder whether i should have picked something easier lol :P

I try to keep these sketchbooks as a kind of journal where i document not only my work progress but also my mood and stuff, that way if myself or others in the future decide to look back and analyse my progress it might be easier to see the highs and lows, where things got worse and better etc etc. So sorry if i sound like i'm on a downer, i don't mean to be an attention whore, i just want to keep this as honest as possible. Anyways, heres some more art!

Finally, 'some' sketchbook studies
[Image: 1.jpg]

[Image: 2.jpg]

[Image: 3.jpg]

[Image: 4.jpg]

[Image: 5.jpg]

[Image: 6.jpg]

[Image: 7.jpg]

fucking love this dude, check out his sketchbook if you want to see pure amazingness - http://conceptart.org/forums/showthread....&highlight=
[Image: 8.jpg]

[Image: 9.jpg]

[Image: 10.jpg]

should do more imagination pencil stuff, displays my weaknesses 0_o
[Image: 11.jpg]

more colour thumbs
[Image: colourstudy28th.jpg]

[Image: colourtownstudy8th.jpg]

[Image: colourstudy48th.jpg]

[Image: lips8th.jpg]

[Image: portrait3.jpg]

blah mind stuff
[Image: cave4th.jpg]
one day, i'll learn how to paint a face
[Image: warriorchickportrait5th.jpg]

abit more into this
[Image: portrait9th.jpg]

[Image: wtf.jpg]

[Image: lifethingblah6th.jpg]


It has been a while since my last comment. I mean, I'm following your stuff but I didn't have time to reply here. really like your updates. I have only one problem with your stuff. Well maybe two. First of all it's all not finished. I think you should slow down and pay more attention to form, value and color to get more realistic effect in your paintings. Also try playing more with contrast and more saturated colors. Dunno if you have dark monitor or what, but I find your images lacking some deep in the shadows. Anyway. Love your updates, hope you'll keep pushing it the way you do. Cheers

Try not to get to down on yourself dude, you've really improved since the beginning of this sketchbook. I think every artist has that feeling of self doubt or at some time or other, even the best artists probably feel like it some days. I like how you're documenting your mood though, thats a pretty cool idea.

Anyway really nice line quality on your pencil drawings, your enviro thumbs are really nice, liking them a lot. Keep pushing yourself! and I think ramalooke is right would be nice to see a bit of finished work pushed as far as you can go with it :).

Hey, maybe this will be blunt, but you might wanna work on the construction/placement of the (especially facial) features. I'm not sure you trained your brain to construct the correct 3d form in perspective, you are skewing them a lot. I am saying this because you will hit the wall if you don't develop drawing. Let the colors rest a bit, pumping the drawing skills will help you the most at this moment. Also, I don't know if you have the time, but try spending more time with your studies you will learn a shitload more (try to be present while doing them, don't let your mind wander off). That is if you really wanna be a pro. Nice amount of studies lately, keep them coming.

P.S. stop whining and get to work! ;)
P.P.S. I love that dragon with the chick illustration setup

rama - hey man, good to see you back again, and thanks for the advice. I think i see people like Brent and Hannes who do a shit ton of stuff everyday and see their improvements and i kinda want to simulate something similar, i guess its finding a fine balance between both quick stuff and stuff that takes ages. Cheers again man, love your stuff recently

JonHop - Thanks alot mate, i appreciate the support. I think its harder to see improvements in your own stuff, but i guess thats all part of the cycle. Despite my whinings i won't be giving up anytime soon. ;)

iCi - Sup man, brutal crits are always the best, i like your honestly. and point taken, less whining, more drawing ;p. I think your right too, hammering the pencils has been prity refreshing and i feel like ive been learning again. Thanks man.

As advised, ive been hammering line stuff so not as much photoshop, but i have new illustrations in the pipeline which im looking forward to getting out there.

some pencils from the past few days, lots of Hannes study, his lines are awesome 0.0 sorry about the quality
[Image: 19th1.jpg]

[Image: 19th2.jpg]

[Image: 19th3.jpg]

[Image: 19th4.jpg]

[Image: 19th5.jpg]

[Image: 19th6.jpg]

[Image: 19th7.jpg]

something ive spent abit of time on here and there, still working it out..
[Image: goblinassasinwips.jpg]

doodles and thumbnails
[Image: thumbnails16th.jpg]

[Image: snowlimbo16th.jpg]

[Image: helllavadude9th.jpg]

I brought one of those thumbnails to a finish, kinda.
[Image: unexpectedjourneylowress.jpg]

and heres wips for good measure
[Image: IOW42WIPS.jpg]

sweet thumbs man totally love how nice you can express ideas. I think you should try and make the characters built around a more accented series of S and C curves to make a more impacting visual story

Workshop enthusiast
Workshop blog
Oh my god, that door makes sex changes.

mr toodles - Thanks man, anatomy is something i'm trying to fix, i'll keep your crit in mind for future stuff ;)

bemota - lol, the piece was for some ca.org weekly contest thing and the topic was 'unexpected journey', which kinda fits right? Also, a top artist tip. If your having trouble painting a figure and it's pissing you off change the gender last minute. It works every time :p

suuup daggers
more pencil studies
[Image: 2012-12-28165121.jpg]

[Image: 2012-12-28165225.jpg]

[Image: 2012-12-28165255.jpg]

[Image: 2012-12-28165156.jpg]

[Image: storm127th.jpg]

[Image: storm127th2.jpg]

[Image: storm127th3.jpg]

christmas sketch
[Image: santaclaus25th.jpg]

[Image: facewtf19th.jpg]

[Image: dragonsthumbnails20th.jpg]

[Image: stormdragonwip1.jpg]

sketch which for the first time in 2 years i was kinda happy with 0.0
[Image: orgedudething26thcolour.jpg]

Happy holidays and all that stuff, xmas shit has kept me occupied so only a small update :s

first sketch of 2013 which got corrupted so only have the sketch, good start lol
[Image: assassinchickthing29th.jpg]

[Image: portraitstudy1st.jpg]

update on the storm dragon. For the c.o.w over at ca.org, but once again ca has exploded and sod my interest. Kinda like a client pulling the plug on you last minute.
[Image: stormdragonwip3.jpg]

nice as always, keep pushing those heads.

Nice to see all this hard work man, I really like that Christmas sketch and all your anatomy studies.

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shiiiiit i need to upload more stuff

Liberty - will do dude, thanks again ;)

jonesoda - Thanks man, i need to keep hitting the anatomy, its something i stuggle with alot. Cheers for the kind words

[Image: conan7th.jpg]

[Image: beetlestudy6th.jpg]

[Image: beetlestudy26th.jpg]

apply sketch thing
[Image: beetlearmour6th.jpg]

[Image: goblinthingmonsterblah3rd.jpg]

working on some new illustration inspired by recent chow. Shame the website has exploded again lol. Just trying to get a feel for this stuff which makes little sense to me.
[Image: lolrlokldjdldjdhdah.jpg]

[Image: shitface.jpg]



[Image: lolththing.jpg]

Man, a lot of improvement lately, brushstrokes are flowing, faces are coming together slowly, some sketches are just wow (red creature in the snow, dragons...) :) Keep doin it!

Yours newest works are showing improvement. You're taking good path :)
Though I prefer Your pieces where there is one figure.
But overall, great studies in sketchbook.

Mannequin's Blog :)

Mannequin's CD sketchbook

Deviantart - Add me to Friend list :)

Awesome technique, awesome colors. And the creative fantasy work is really inspired (wonder if you're a RPG person). keep it up!
Keep pushing.


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