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ici - cheers dude, your previous crit about constuction hit a cord within me to push that stuff. I still feel i suck at it but i'll keep practicing, thanks again for stopping by ^ ^
Mannequin - Thanks, i'm glad you think so. Somethin i stuggle alot with is setting up figures in environments with the lighting and stuff, so maybe thats one of the reasons why my illustrations kinda suck. Cheers for checkin out my shiiiit.
MDM - Yeah man, my childhood was prity much based on RPG's lol. cheers for the kind words, i'll keep pushing ;)
Liberty - Thanks man, will do!
Abit more, ive had an idea about posting studies and stuff. I'm gonna lay off posting most of them for a while. The reason being i have this thing in the back of my mind which feels the need to somehow get them to a level where they look as good as possible for the sketchbook, and in having this in my mind i loose focus on the actually reason i'm studying them, if that makes any sense lol.
But i'll post original stuff (or at least imagination stuff.)
Also on a side note, does anyone know a good place or resource to learn in depth colour theory?
It's something ive been struggling with lately.
couple of studies, trying new stuff out
drawing on a wacom
sketches, practice blah
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Is it just me or is the art community shrinking? Alot of the peeps who livestreamed and stuff from a year or 2 ago have prity much all gone, (to go and make careers for themselves no less) and it makes me sad. I didn't realise how much i used those folks to channel motivation. In my surroundings currently the idea of making a living from art is prity much unheard off and is rediculous. Anyone you try and talk to about sacrifice and years of labour just to try and start a 'career' where your going to scrape by until you invest even more years of work for a half decent living look at you as if your an idiot. And it's easy to forget why you got into this whole thing in the first place. It's all about the £££. As a result ive been slowly fading out of this, and ive started to go back into my old habits of procastination and games,films. They are good because they tempereraly help me forget the pain and deep loss which sits inside me. I feel prity terrible :[ Sorry to spam post like this, it's just i have nobody i can talk to about this. At least none who really understand, so writing it somehow helps me clarity my own thoughts, i'm not an attention whore, honestly :X
Couple of studies
saw a trailer for dark souls 2, got me inspired before bed
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I would suggest you to start looking for some freelance jobs, and crimson conversations always help :) Keep up!
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Agreed, private commissions can keep you busy and there is no excuse to procastinate.
You got the skills for it!
Ohh Lautrec came out great!  *edit* as a darksouls nerd i have to point out he doesn't have the embracing arm design on his chest plate.
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Looking good man. Facebook's become a pretty good place for constant art for me. And recently I've been listening to bobby chiu's interviews, and feng zhu's videos.
Oh, and looking back through some of the epic sketchbooks on ca, such a good way to get pumped when you see how good people got.
I definitely know what you mean about the community shrinking though. But I guess the most active people disappear because they're getting jobs and can't show work so much any more due to NDA's. guess we just need a new generation lol.
Oh, and are you on the CD Skype group? That's pretty good. If not, pm me your Skype address and I'll add you to it. :)
(Anyone else reading this, feel free to send yours too!)
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iCi - good idea man, that would help. Ive put my stuff up on a few looking for work sections but i hear very little back so i figured i'm not good enough yet. Also, i don't know how it is with other folks but work and money related topics are tougher to find info about for some reason. Maybe i'm looking in the wrong places :p Cheers again man
Lumens - thanks man, like i mentioned to ici ive had abit of trouble finding work. Maybe i should start sending my portfolio off to places :/ in which case i should probably undate my portfolio with some new pieces. Thanks for the advice and support mate. And as for the dark souls, your a way bigger DS buff than me, i just thought his armour looked prity cool so tryed to freestyle it lol. I gave up on dark souls when i got to a boss of a big fat bastard and a dragon dude who were fucking crazy :p
JakeB - Thanks Jake, yeah Hannes sketchbook is always a good kick in the balls as are many others. I need to set my skype up again, the CD group sounds like a cool idea. I'll let you know when i set it up again ;) Cheers again man, the support and stuff is always much appreciated.
Today i turned 26 which means it's about 2 years since i started this journey.i did another self portrait, it's almost become tradition to do this on my bday lol. I also listened to Dan and Daves livestream which added fuel to the fire of my previous post :/ They had an interesting point when they mentioned that the amount of time it takes to become ok at this could make you successful and rich in almost any other industry. (should i have been a dentist or something "facepalm") Its just a question of what do you want? Do you want to do a job you love but sacrifice friends, relationships, money, hobbies, weekends, your own place etc or do a job you hate and get the things mentioned above. It makes it more awkward when my boss keeps wanting me to work with him more, and i know hes thinking off retiring soon and i could easily carry on that buisness and make a good living. Life is tricky but burying your head in the sand and playing games and stuff won't help the obstacles.
Sorry, i rambled again lol. Less chatty, more painty. Mooore shiiit to coooooooooome!
tired 26
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Lots of progress man! Happy birthday! Very nice self portrait :)
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Self portrait's sick, and the sketches look awesome man. All looking great man, keep it up. :)
Yeah, sure thing about Skype btw.
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Ursula - Thank you! And cheers for stopping by ;)
JakeB - Thanks again! More stuff coming soon hopefully :p
I tried to do another portfolio piece which was based of the cghub drawing jam thing. I got this realisation half way through that i'm not good enough to please my standards so i'm callin it off i think lol. I'll try again soon
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Nice updates! and also, i would say dont give up with this piece man.
I quite like it, it has potential.
Dont give up, squeeze your brains to find a solution with this piece, take references, look at other artists works, do anything to make this pic a success.
Just like Noah Bradley says, doing the impossible is how we grow.
But that just my opinion lol, i would love to see something new from you too.
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What Ed says.
Make a copy of the .psd file. Zoom out to palm size. Get rid of the details. Look where the big shapes are in relation to each other. Did you use the light to show off focal point? Where is your focal point? Are the shape relations dynamic enough?
Where is the high contrast part and where it should be subtle? Were should it be light on dark and dark on light and how can you use it?
Ask yourself these while looking at the zoomed out image. It will probably help :)
Cheers bro
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That piece is coming together nicely actually, I wouldnt give up on it too. Its a problem I have had myself - giving up on finished everything because I am not good enough. Like Hannes said, finishing stuff is an habit we need to develop. Polishing and painting are things we need to train too, even if we do it less than the bulk of studies.
Anyway, that most of the problem you're seeing you could have solved on the thumbnail phase.
A better value separation would really help too.
So I have two things to suggest here.
1) thumbnails; One of the things I did in Chris Oatley's class that was amazing was doing a crazy amount of thumbs, over 70, for the same piece. It takes a while, but once youre past the obvious ones, the nice ones start showing up. Another thing we did whas analyzing successful paintings in form of thumbs - doing a lot of those too. After a while you start developing a sense of what would work, what would not.
2) Value separation: do a couple movie screencap studies of low light scenes - you will see the contrast is much higher and that a lot is actually lost in shadows.
But even if you manage to finish this the way it is would be a nice portfolio piece to have around - you are going to replace it when your skills develop further.
And hohho I am always lurking <3
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I dont know much about illustration or anything, but i dig your characters and elf sketch is cute.
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EduardoGaray - Thanks man, i appreciate your input, i hadnt really thought about it like that. Cheers for stopping by again ;)
ici - Some prity gol advice right there, i'll keep them on a list the next time i tackle a piece, to be honest i probably overlook alot of them when starting out. My big problem is a start a thumbnail, it looks prity cool, i flesh it out, still looks ok, then i start chipping away at it and it turns crappy lol. Probably just part of the process but its still frustrating. Cheers man
Ursula Dorada - Wow, thanks alot for that advice. The thumbnail idea is a prity interesting, and composition is something i need to work on alot. Its one of the main problems with this piece i think, its very vertical and static when its meant to be an action scene. Lack of perspective knowledge probably doesnt help either. I agree with what you said about the values too. Trying to work out dramatic and dynamic lighting in a cave with torches turned out to be alot tougher than i thought lol.
I'll take your advice and probably just restart the piece with the crits ive been given. Thanks again, the feedback and advice is much appreciated <3
liberty - Thanks man, don't worry about it, i don't really know much either, i just make this shit up as i go along. Cheers for the compliments though :)
Seeing so many flaws in my own stuff has sent me back to doing studies for a while, tryng to address some stuff, i'll restart new piece soon though, i promise :p
mind doodles/sketches
i don't know lol
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really like how the form is coming through your paintings =)
keep pushing man!
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Nimao - thanks man, i will.
study i took t a 'finish' don't do this often :k
somethin ive put off for a long time but beginning to learn
hangover sketching :S iow contest 'ambushed' done a load of thumbs as recommended and narrowed it down to these two. Problem is i want to do them both, can't decide which to pick lol
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that finished portrait looks sweet man.
For the thumbnails, i like #1 the most, but that composition isnt perfect, there is room for improvement so, i would say, keep exploring that idea, try different camera angles, etc.
But you were problably planning to do that already lol.
Anyways, nice update!
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(02-18-2013, 04:44 AM)EduardoGaray Wrote: For the thumbnails, i like #1 the most, but that composition isnt perfect, there is room for improvement so, i would say, keep exploring that idea, try different camera angles, etc.
But you were problably planning to do that already lol.
Thanks for the crit man, i'll see if i can work the comp abit more. If you don't mind me asking, what parts of the comp do you recon i could fixand which parts are broken? Your knowledge of composition is better than mine :p
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haha to tell you the truth, i think composition is my weakest point.
But i will try to help, i think the comp would be much more powerful if you add more action to the scene and stablish a focal point in the center of the composition.
For example, you could make the assasing blocking the mouth of the soldier and backstabbing him, maybe with the blade emerging from his torso.
But maybe thats too bloody. :P
Short version: add some action, stablish a central point of attention and add some elements in the background to lead the eye to the focal point.
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(01-24-2013, 02:41 AM)Warburton Wrote: Is it just me or is the art community shrinking? Alot of the peeps who livestreamed and stuff from a year or 2 ago have prity much all gone, (to go and make careers for themselves no less) and it makes me sad. I didn't realise how much i used those folks to channel motivation. In my surroundings currently the idea of making a living from art is prity much unheard off and is rediculous. Anyone you try and talk to about sacrifice and years of labour just to try and start a 'career' where your going to scrape by until you invest even more years of work for a half decent living look at you as if your an idiot. And it's easy to forget why you got into this whole thing in the first place. It's all about the £££. As a result ive been slowly fading out of this, and ive started to go back into my old habits of procastination and games,films. They are good because they tempereraly help me forget the pain and deep loss which sits inside me. I feel prity terrible :[ Sorry to spam post like this, it's just i have nobody i can talk to about this. At least none who really understand, so writing it somehow helps me clarity my own thoughts, i'm not an attention whore, honestly :X
Honestly, we're pretty much living in the same county. I know exactly how you're feeling - especially around here. I've been doing the same in regards to sinking back into procrastinating and playing computer games and spending time out and about and not actually painting. It's like my little fire is dying and I need something to stoke the embers.