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Ignatz - Thanks man, and I couldn't agree more with your crits! I think in truth I rushed it abit and overlooked these things 0_o I might just redo it from scratch sometime but i'll defiantly keep in mind what you said. Thanks again dude.
ramalooke - yeah man I agree. I guess it's cool to just try all methods and learn from there. Like with the black and white sketches ive been doing, it starts as blocks and then lines come into it later, though the method used to create them seems super fun for me lol. I should try doing that with my other stuff I guess :p Thanks again mate.
EduardoGaray - Cool ideas man, I agree with your points! I think I just rushed it too much though, I recon you might be right about just starting it again and tryin a new comp and stuff out lol. Personally, I hate this piece. I disappoints me because I can't help but feel I should be better than this now. It looks all flat and the marks and forms, lighting, design all look like shit haha. If this sketchbook wasn't a place where I felt comfortable sharing my failures I probably wouldn't have posted it :p Next time i'll do better  cheers again mate!
just a dump of doodles and studies and stuff, because I probably won't be able to post properly for a while. I got some freelance gigs and the jobs seem pretty sweet too. I'm super pumped haha
still lifes still destroy me >: o
took Zelda thing and spent a short time touching it up for warms up lol
sketches, as promised. Just studies from all over the internetzz
black and white things, which are super fun and fast 0_0
I <3 dark souls
also, I did these as studies from this dude on cghub. These are fucking crazy and you should check them out -
hapry doodle
camo baby dragon I never got round to completing
aaaaand that's all for now daggers. Loves <3
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ah, so this is where you've been haning out war? lol. how's the water here? good asses on those studies. also, love the baby dragon. he's cute.
take care!
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Man, those pencil lines of yours are just so killer and so confident. I'm jealous, haha.
I really like that baby dragon you got, even if it's not finished. Good stuff, man. :]
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Woah, awesome stuff in that last post dude. Dragon's really cool, nice palette :) And I agree with Archreux, your pencil stuff looks awesome. Might have to pick up a pencil again at some point, scary stuff. Aghhhh.
Oh, oh, still lifes look great as well. Keep it coming man :D
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Well look at you Will !
Great going man, keep it up!
Good luck,
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ashess - hey man! Yeah you found me lol. CD is awesome, especially to those who want this so bad that they work super hard to achieve their goals. It's really inspiring. Thanks for the compliments man, hope to see you again soon.
Archreux - Thanks man, I always feel abit embarrassed posting my pencils coz they tend to look all wonky and shit lol. The lines come with time man, just do pencils everyday and you'll be way better than me in no time! ;) Thanks for dropping by dude.
jake - cheers man, glad you like! Yeah pencils are super fun when you get into it. I can spend 5-6 hours doing pencils sometimes and it feels like about an hour lol. No matter how much you do you always feel like a noob lol, then again, I guess that's the same for digital. Always good to mix it up man, you know this better than most! Thanks again dude.
sickbrush - Thanks cris! That means a lot. Your work inspires me a lot. Thanks again man.
feels like its been ages again. Freelance and crappy job eating all my time :S
30 min speedies warm ups
and yeah......
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Boobies! Again solid volume of work Will. Those b&w sketches look good. I know those are only for fun but I think they could be pushed further. Think frank miller style. Keep pushing, your brush economy on those studies is inspirng ;3
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Damn Man, I haven't been in your sketchbook for awhile, ton of Awesome new stuff in here. Love those anatomy studies. harpy doodle, 30 minute warmups & all the B&W sketches are sweet, second one in the last post is my favorite. Also I'm with ramalooke, I want to see them pushed further! I've got to try some out for myself, they look like they'd pretty fun to do.
Keep pushing it man, your sketchbook is an inspiration.
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solid studies, man, and I liked your dragon design the best out of all the others. :)
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HAHA I died when I saw the titty-man
reminds me of Little Nicky x)
Man oh man... amazing sketchbook, it seems you're improving with every post -- it's crazy :D
Keep up the great work!
sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
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Hey Will. I don't know if you still visit CA but your sketchbook has made it on to their banner page. Stardom beckons ;)
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ramalooke - yeah boobies are awesome man, but not on your head :p Thanks for the kind words, I feel kinda embarrassed that I didn't even know who frank miller was :o His stuff is awesome, cheers for pointing me in his direction. I might try some stuff in his style.
Jonesoda - Thanks a lot man, I appreciate it a lot, i'm glad you like! Yeah you should totally try those sketches out. At first it feels weird have no pressure sensitivity and only using solid black and white but it's strangely addictive and really fast too! Thanks again dude.
MrFrenik - Cheers mate, glad you like ;) I always suck at dragons so the practice was good even if it was unfinished. Thanks again for stopping by
smrrfette - Yeah little nicky did come to mind haha. I imagined what that dude would be like it about 500 years after they were put on his head xD Cheers for the kind words, it means a lot ;)
Ignatz - haha, yeah dude I saw, being the filthy hypocrite I am, i still like to go check out the weekly challenges every now and again and I saw it then. 0_o I think there must have been a mix up or mistake or something because there are a shit ton of better artists and sketchbooks than mine of there. Still cool never the less. Thanks for the heads up man.
sorry for the small update, just thought i'd share a 90% finished thing I did between jobs for fun.
zombie unicorn, might show steps later and i'll update with dump in near future
![[Image: zombieunicorn_zps627179d2.jpg]](
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This is a god tier sketchbook. Love it.
That tithead guy killed me. You should do more humorous sketches.
Good luck on the C.O.W competition!
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Unicorn, yaaaaay! Love this piece ;)
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the boobhead guy was awesome. xD Really like that black and white style, the studies and speedies are looking good too, and that unicorn sure looks sexy. You did a great job acheving depth and texture.
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crackedskull - Thanks man, glad you like it lol. I'll try to get some stuff out like this again sometime :p
ramalooke - cheers dude! I love rendering this kinda shit haha. Hopefully more to come soon.
EduardoGaray - Thanks again man. Didn't think i'd hear someone calling that zombie unicorn thing sexy haha xD I get what you mean though, I tend to see things in forms, textures and brushstrokes more often than the actually subject matter these days too. Glad you like though dude, thanks again.
quick dump, not much, just stuff between work. I need to start studying more again
Latest chow thing, doing it pretty quick. But which is better?? I can't decide on which colour is best..
and crap
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Hey Will. Is that the zombie Ahab CHOW? I prefer the one on the right. The red gives the impression he's in the belly of the whale and it contrasts nicely with the green of the sea to give a lurid feeling, which is what you want in a zombie pic right? The guy with 3 eyes is super cool; looks like he could be a character from a twisted Dr Seuss book for adults.
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Great stuff as always, man. I actually like the color scheme of the first, but I do agree with Ignatz that the 2nd one makes more sense in terms of where he actually is, so that's probably the better choice.
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Awesome stuff recently dude. The sketches are looking so good, really like the chick at the end of that last post, nice one :). As for the chow, looks like the character's popping out a bit better on the second one. Looking forward to the final, gonna be a sweet piece, the silhouette is sooo good :).
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Ignatz - Thanks man, and yeah it's the chow thing. Your points make good sense, and I have to agree with them. Thanks for the advice man, and for dropping by ;)
MrFrenik- cheers dude! Yeah it had a lot of mixed votes haha, but I have to agree with our points. Thanks again man.
Jake - Cheers mate! You make some good points, i'll take your advice, thanks again man. Yeah i'm still trying to work out a process, but blocking in early values seems to work well more of than not. It's easier to work out lighting for the composition that way too. Plus it seems much quicker ;)
done I think. Super fast too lol. Prob less than 10 hours. Heres some wip's too for anyone that's interested <3