Will Warburton's sketchbook
Dayum. Thought you post all your stuff on facebook. I've been wrong. Need to visit this forums more often to see what you're cooking behind the scenes. Awesom work. Your pencil stuff is great <3 makes me cry everytime I see it. Keep it up mate!

Nice updates as always <3 Would love to see a combination of thumbnails 1 and 3!

denikina - Thanks man, and thx for the crit on the still lifes, there really tough but I defiantly need more practice on them. Thanks for stopping by!

Lyraina - Thanks once again for your crit! Always appreciated, and your totally right too. I think its tough because you tend to focus on areas when you paint and they become crisp so its tough to find soft areas if you know what I mean? Even so thanks as always!

ramalooke - Na man, I do quite a lot I don't show too :p Always good to see you around dude, though you don't post nearly enough >:o Love your updates when you get a chance to post them, though its awesome that your busy too ;) Take care mate.

pnate - Cheers dude! I ended up rolling with 3 but it was tough finding the right one :p Thanks for feedback regardless mate!

Finally got something I can show which is 'finished'. I took a long time with this one and did a lot of experimenting which is why it took so dam long. Thanks to you guys who pushed me to carry on with this one, it turned out pretty fun. Though im still not totally happy with it, the colours and edges seem fucked up as does the clothes in areas. Anyways, I dropped some wippies too for those interested.

Thanks for all your feedback too, I really really appreciated it <3

The last one came out great, love the design of the dragon. For crits , The value of the smoke and the rim light seem to be same, There could have been a good opportunity to have light being blocked off from that left wing creating some beams of lights. Something to pop the girl out, I almost missed her entirely. Anyways the image came out really cool, cant wait for more :)
Saw this on facebook. Can't remember if I commented or not. But this is a badass painting ;3

benflores - Cheers mate, thanks or the crits too! I was worried about bringing too much focal attention to the woman at the bottom to confuse the image but you make a good point. Thanks again man, hopefully more coming soon ;)

Rama - Cheers mate, I think you did but I appreciate you dropping by here all the same :p Take care mate!

junk update
fucked up my edges again >_<

apply mind stuff

dragon tower 30m

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Crazy updates dude, sooooo much work!
On the edges of those objects, definitely use lasso tool / pen to draw some shapes and make them sharp, don't need to feel guilty if it feels like cheating, think of it like using a ruler.
WTB more goat too! Although the mouth is a bit too big.

Keep posting!

Awesome update man ! That toad means serious business D:
It's interesting to see your notes on light and colour on that shield guy piece.
Aaaand as Rafa said .... more goats please :D <--- that was too obvious.

mmmmmmmm nice material studies ya got there.

Oh man, that dragon piece turned out really great. It's really nice to see that you were able to get back into it!

Personally, I really enjoy A's composition and how you placed the rocks as foreground elements to lead us in, and the space feels a little less cramped in that one as well. Other that, the overall feeling is great.

I also see that there are some fresh pencils in here as well that are looking really tasty.

Your edges are looking a little better with every study you do, also. :]

rafa zanchetin - Hey man! Dude, you do way more work than me lol. I do very little compared to you :s
Do you mean the edges on the goat dude? I don't use lasso a lot to be honest but I probably should. Thanks for the heads up mate.

Adrian - Haha, thanks man. Yeah ive been taking a new approach to studies. Trying to absorb the data more :p Not sure about goats but hopefully more animal based stuff coming soon, I need to learn more creature anatomy and textures D:<

Aether Technician - Cheers man, need to do way more though! More in the near future hopefully.

Archreux - Thanks mate! It was pretty much thanks to you that I got back into it so I should probably thank you for pushing my ass into doing it. It was cool seeing how everyone liked different comps too which was pretty awesome.
Always gotta practice those dam edges dude :p And I need to do more pencils, I miss that stuff! Thanks again for dropping by mate.

quick update
Ive taken a new approach to studying. Ive noticed my stuff hasn't really been improving all that much in the past year or so :/ sooooo im trying things a bit differently. Also im gonna be showing the refs I used a lot of the time so peeps can perhaps pick things out im fucking up on more and correct me on it.

ALso, on a last note, for anyone actually reading this lol. I had an idea to do these on a livestream or something, that way I would break them down better for myself by talking through it all and also to anyone else who's interested too perhaps? Anyways...

hard round only

Rafa's lines are sweeeeet and I wanted them for myself so I tried to steal this techniques :p

Orc assassin/rogue applied from the above studies

chow forest guardian I missed the deadline for and never totally finished up :(

Solid updates man. In my opinion you should do more kind of studies like the firs one in post #511 plus application and practice. I started to do this very recently and it works pretty good. Oh and try to pay more attention to values on your painting and i have the feeling that you go to monochromatic with your colour. I allowed myself to do you quick overpainting to show what i mean. Hope you don't mind

[Image: YOTjR4o.png]

Rama - Thanks mate! I always appreciate a paint over so thanks a lot for taking the time to do that! If you don't mind me asking what do you mean by monochromatic? Im a colour noob and im not sure what you mean :p And yeah i'll continue the studies this way too mate, thanks once again for the help.

Took the study, blanked it out and tried from my mind as seen on the left, then brought the study back and and rectified it based off the study in the middle

mind shit

new pieces in the pipe work

aaaaaand creature thing. spirit of winter, with the initial thumbs

Sup dude! i finally put my shit together and started posting here again haha
Your edges are still as awesome as ever, also i really like that mermaid portrait thing for some reason. But the pose and values of that monster dude with two blades are just great.
It just feels natural there nothing i could really critique on that particular piece.

PD: Liverpool was awesome, though sadly due to some problems we ran into, we didnt have time to go the art gallery near the station. But still, the UK is a beautiful country!

your edges totally rocks! The creature thing, maybe have to strong contrast? i dunno how you are going to pull colors from it but for colorization you need more neutral grays not so many pure whites and blacks. But overall sweet works!

Eduardo - Good to see you here again man, glad your well! Thanks as always for the kind words, they always mean a lot. It sucked that I couldn't drop by and say hello while you were in Liverpool, I could have shown you around, I lived there for about 4 years :p. Thanks as always for your constant support dude!

Madzia - Thanks Madzia! Your totally right about the lack of greys. I actually tried to apply bits of colour but I have no idea how to do it effectively from black and white, though your point explains it now lol. The creature was for a community contest thing and one of its requirements was it was brilliantly white so that's why I kept it relatively high key. Thanks for the kind words and crit though, your work rocks and your insight means a lot!

Dam its been a while, happy new year all! Things have been kinda crazy for me as I think ive moved out of my parents for now and i'm spending my time at my girlfriends. Its been tough adjusting but I think im somewhat back on track again now.

Its been pretty strange. Over the past few years of doing this ive run into all kinds of walls and obstacles which have tested my resolve but finding myself in a relationship is oddly one of the toughest yet. Its meant I cant dedicate as much time as before because I have a new commitment now so finding the right balance and trying to keep all my priorities in tune so none of them get neglected has been really challenging.
And to be honest my art has been slightly neglected and over the past few months its been tough to keep that same motivation, while deep down I still know this is what I want to do. Also a lot of the community which was around when I started has faded now. I cant really think of anywhere now where I can go to for motivation like I used too. Plus the freelance still hasn't kicked off and so things have been slowly becoming lost to me and the path seems fuzzy.
Sorry to start the year on a downer haha, im still here and painting and ill never give up. I just hope this forums doesn't disappear 0_o

oh and im thinking of starting an IP. Never done this before but we'll see how it goes, im pretty excited about it at the min.

some heads after rafa zanchetin


gonna be redoing a piece from 2013, heres a taster

trash Ill never finish

dark souls fan art I never really got round to finishing

Yo dude , nice to see you postin' again.

I'm not exactly sure what you feel in the lost community side of things ... I probably came right after that happened I suppose haha. So ... on an community-side I'm not sure if it will help but... You can always join the CD hangout. Me and Angelique are almost everyday there so if you'd come at mostly any hour during the day ... you'll find us there. We are also on European hours just like ya. :)

Really nice to look through your sketchbook.. I like all different designs and it is nice to see your thought process when you writing stuff down, makes me wanna study harder :) keep it up!

Very cool updates as usual! Yeah, it can be hard with all the real life stuff hitting you to keep that balance; it always throws me off and I feel like I have to get back on track with the art stuff. Got to keep that personal life though, or else most of us would probably slit our own wrists or become statues. I'm not sure what could be done about the community side of things and that's unfortunate. It feels like the general "group" as a whole moved to facebook, which doesn't really work as a forum for critiques and things; just more of a "look what I did" format.

Adrian - Cheers buddy, I appreciate that and I may take you up on that offer sometime :) Would be cool to hang out with other daggers and stuff while painting!

echo - Thanks man and im glad its helpful to someone. This isn't an easy skill to master and I try to be as honest as possible with my process. Thanks for the kind words ;)

pnate - I know what you mean dude, so long as we never give up though and keep painting only positive results can follow right? Or that's what I keep telling myself lol :p Thanks again for dropping as always mate, your updates are always way more inspiring though :D


creature design sketches

ran out of time

tried to redo an old piece 'the bison brawler' which originally was for the bloodsports. Didn't work out as I wanted, though I might try to rework a similar idea...

mind shit

aaaaaaand I piece I did super quickly for a contest thing on devisntart. Came out super generic due to the time restraint but I love painting stuff like this

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