Eddy´s Sketchbook
thanks! :D still i need to work more on it

hey! cool stuff dude:D i love your proportions and skill but i would try to push harder on the rendering:) i think your images will be so much stronger with more polish on them! Cheers for the visit in my sketchbook:D
Hi Alex! thanks mate, thanks for the advice, i really appreciate it.
I stopped focusing on the rendering to improve my drawing, but you are right, i need to do another high polished work asap!

In the mean time, here is a little update, a front, back and side view of my previous sketch.
I really like this character so, probably i will use it in my next full illustration.

These female soldiers are awesome. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing more work.

Also, just finished MGS3 a few days ago, damn amazing ending!

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thanks mate!
also for the ending, i told you! haha, for me it was the most amazing ending in videogame history.

Hi Guys and Gals! i´m back, this time i decided to start my own graphic novel, because is so much fun and i think i will learn a lot, i dont know much about making comics/graphic novels, so any help or suggestion will be very appreciated.
Also, my english is very crappy too, sorry about that :)
I did this quicky just to experiment and decide the composition of the page.

Also, i noticed this sketchbook already surpassed 1000 views, i´m very thankful to all of you.

Here is a WIP, she is the female soldier of my last sketches.

Noice! Great emotive portrait! I like your atmospheric approach a lot. Constructive crit, maybe push your darkest areas just a little bit more, to help round out you value range and to add just a touch more depth.
Thanks Corey, i´m currently struggling to render the body, i followed your advice and pushed my values a bit more.

Hey Congrats on the freelance work Eddy! Very nice successful power composition in that last one! Even her hair parting and face paint support the triangle you're rockin'! Not sure what the story is but it seems to tie in with your awesome graphic novel page. Like she just stood up after shooting the guy but it was her first kill and she has mixed feelings about it. No matter what she does, she's chosen a path and can't go back! Don't worry about the the deathline if your getting work! That's the whole point of this place right, studies supplement your personal and client work so just include them in the 100 studies.

You should do studies for her costume so you can nail this piece. Seems like it could be strong for your folio. Keep working on it!

Thanks friend! :)
I want to play a bit with symbolism in this last illustration (and maybe including it in the graphic novel)
The red of the bottom is supposed to be blood which will transform into rose petals.
(Because the Codename of this character is "Rose")

Tastey stuff. I only made the comment about how I thought she may be feeling because her current facial expression is contrasting the power comp. I like that though! She's a lot like Meryl haha! But then if she had purple hair people would say she looks like Motoko Kusanagi right?!

Lewis: haha true! but this character is more inspired by Big Boss and Guts from Berserk (in a femenine version of course)

And here is an update, i suppose i will finish it tomorrow.

That chick looks pretty cute. Make sure to expand your value range more to the darks on the last one as you go on, especially around her torso - that rifle needs to pop. Nice job.

thanks iCi i knew i was missing something!

Finally finished!
What do you think?

Also i named it "Calling to the night" i was listening the instrumental piano version of the song on loop while working on this. :)

Now, back to work!

Looks great man! I really like the petal effect on the shoulder, looks really cool.D16c4689

thanks! i was trying to add some symbolism to the picture

Man awesome work on the female soldier!

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thanks mate, glad you like it.
as a sidenote, i just checked my deviantart account and i encountered 142 messages on my inbox.
I never though people will like this one so much.


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