Eddy´s Sketchbook
Tygerson: thanks mate! glad you like it, i´m so focused on drawing from imagination now, because looking at references is awesome, but it will only take you that far. And you described it perfectly, but its more like learning to walk or talk again, you feel lost and frustrated most of the time, but its so rewarding at the same time.

JakeB: thanks man! yeah, i like your idea, i guess a bit of damage would be a good way to increase the epicness and dramatism of the picture. Also, glad you like the design, i tried to be realistic this time, so no fancy but useless ornaments.

ramalooke: glad you like it! i really want to start drawing that story, thats one of the reasons why i am so focused on drawing right now.

And the update, remember guys that i warned you about lot of awful stuff coming?
Well, its here xD


A sketch from imagination for a challenge in facebook, run by our fellow dagger Matt_radway!
The idea is really cool, you take a sprite from an old game and do a sketch from imagination based on it. Mine is Dinaria from Golden sun 2.

And a sketch from imagination to apply what i practiced today.

Love <3

Thanks for the love mate! :D you know it means a lot.

Brace yourselves! moar crap from imagination coming! and some anatomy practice too.


And comic stuff!

page 2!

Also, i just discovered this on pinterest, basically tons and tons of references for character design and anatomy, super useful:


Those gestures look awesome man. So good. And loving the comic stuff, really cool :) Keep it coming :)

Plot-character development, I cracked up XD.
Comic works looking awesome man, keep it coming.

That comic page really tells a good story, even if it's short!
Really nice metaphor on the plot and character development, you always need both, it would look weird otherwise! Thanks for opening my eyes! :D

whoa alot of variation in your work! really cool stuff

Front End Developer by day but an Artist by Night
"Artists help artists"
My Sketchbook | Artstation | Instagram | Youtube Lets Learn 3D
good to see the imaginative stuff and the comic strips are just stirring ! mooar
sup people!

JakeB: thanks man! glad you like it, i know it isnt at the level of my other stuff, but thats why i really want to get better at it.

Triggerpigking: haha thanks mate! the idea came from this gif http://mrwgifs.com/wp-content/uploads/20...Yuusha.gif xD

Bjulvar: thanks man! i still have to learn so much about narrative, the book Framed Ink is like my holy book right now. Also, for the metaphor, i will say you the same i said to Triggerpigking, just look at the gif. xD

Nufftalon: thats me! trapped between my love for comics and manga, and my love for fantasy and sci fi illustrations. :) Thanks mate!

BenFlores: thanks Ben! :D glad you like them.

Not much today, just a sketch, another comic practice and a portrait study, because i dont want to get rusty at painting.

Lots of good stuff going on, man!

Aw man nice! Lovin' these comic panels!

I see you know about the importance of "plot" as well, huh? LOL xD

Keep going woottt!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
It's been awhile since I've commented, but I've been checking your sketchbook often. I'm really enjoying everything your posting. Your anatomy studies have a lot of nice movement going on - and that portrait study is really sick. Keep it coming Ed!

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Yesss mannn, those lines are looking so sweet. Very cool looking, I can tell you are having a lot of fun with it

MrFrenik: thanks a lot man! :)

smrrfette: thank you! :D yes, it seems like you need a big plot and an equally big character development to make a good story haha. xD

Jonesoda: thanks mate! no prob, i havent commented in your SB from quite some time either, but i know you are watching and i appreciate it! and i´m glad you like these updates.

pnate: thanks man! :D i hate my linework myself so i´m really glad you like it, its a love/hate relationship really, so much fun and so much frustation at the same time! quite hard to explain.

This is my latest comic practice, this was fun to do, but it also was too time consuming.
I had to spent way too much time, so i'm not going in this direction anymore.
But still, i supposed i could show it to you guys, what do you think about it? (i know it kinda sucks but apart from that haha)

and a sketch from a scene i liked from Xam'd Lost memories, not sure if i will paint it or not, i still have to finish that dragon lady painting.

Dude, great stuff going on here. And those gestures from imagination, so vibrant! What's your secret? :D

Woo loved that last comic man!

This sketch here is looking very nice too!

New stuff as always good. However i'm still waiting for continuation of the story from post #484. The suspense is killing me xD.

Those gestures and that woman you drew are all wonderful, great linework too! I like the sort of anime light-lined style you've been working with accompanied by your realistic portraits and paintings, they share a really interesting dynamic.

Those figure studies look like they've been paying off, and the same goes for the facial expressions you've been working with. Keep an eye on some of your faces, though, there's a few that are really awsome and expressive, much like the last panel of your last post on the previous page, it turned out great! There's just those few others that lack in construction, and look a little wonky.

I'm really liking your paintings and would love to see more fleshed out characters in that respect. The comic is interesting as well, would like to see more of it. Great stuff! :DD

JBZ: thanks! :) secret? xD i dont know, when doing gestures from ref or imagination i always try to draw the movement, instead of the figure itself. More like drawing what you feel, rather than what you see (or what you think you are seeing) Studying Bridgeman helps too! haha

Ursula Dorada: thanks Sula! :D i definitely dont want to go in that direction anymore, i love the cell shading anime style but if feels so mechanic, so artificial, if that makes any sense. xD I will keep my comics sketchy for the time being. :)

ramalooke: i wasnt going to post anything today but knowing that you were waiting to see more about this story made so happy that i had to post it asap! so here it is! :)

Archreux: thanks a lot! you are right of course, construction in both expressions and figures is one of the fundamental things i really need to practice rigth now. And i agree with the wonky faces . xD I still have to finish a painted portfolio piece, but it cant be helped! comics are just so much fun!

Page 3 of that comic practice i've been doing, page 2 in post 484.

sup daggers! moar practice, focusing on the arms and torso.


Female (she will break your heart, literally.)

And page 4 of this little comic practice, no dialog this time. :)


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