Anatomy of a Pinup - Class Closed
[Image: PinupPosterCD.jpg]

Hello everyone :heart:

I'll be posting the assignments & reference images in this thread.
First class will be on 20th Oct. 10pm (GMT +8)

will post ref. images & details about the assignments (with ref. images) soon..hope you are having fun with female skulls :D

Welcome to the party, everyone !

Assignment 1

10 Female Skull Drawings - please spend more time on the construction, only line drawings.
10 Female Skull Paintings (Black & White, no need to render too much, just concentrate on the construction and values/tones)
5 Master copies

[Image: Assignmen1.3.jpg]
try to paint these portrait as it is (at least 2)
please concentrate on the likeness, proportion & values/tones than rendering

Try not to use the grid method

please feel free to post and/or use other ref. if you want (only b/w) but please post them here.
cant wait to see your artworks..good luck everyone :)


Assignment 2
1 Master copy

Please try to do at least 1 master copy, I've uploaded few ref. here ---> http://shyamshriraminspiration.blogspot....ereau.html
feel free to use any one of these or use any other painting as a ref. but please post them here in the thread so that we can compare and others can use too them if the like it :)

try to spend more time on construction & values/tones than rendering AND you can ignore those background details if its too much, you can just paint it with flat colors.

Try not to use the grid method

Master Bouguereau !
[Image: william-bouguereau-la-perle-1894.jpg]


Assignment 3

Head Study

5 Drawings (no loose sketches please)
5 Paintings

Here are some references ( you can use any ref. but please post it here with your drawings/paintings)


Assignment 4

Figure study

please choose one ref. from the following links.
concentrate on overall proportion, likeness, colors, textures.
paint it as tight as possible, you have a whole week to render ;)

please paint bigger so that you can work on the details.
feel free to use any other ref. and post it with your artwork.

Please try not to use grid method.


Assignment 5

Concept Sketches

Please draw at least 2-3 concept sketches for the final artwork
(you can choose portrait or landscape format for the composition & please do not use any kind of references, we are going to use references for the final drawing)

here are some samples -

let me know if you are not clear about it, will post more samples.

Yes! We have a classroom.
My Skype is lewis-long in case we're going to do Skype calls in the classes.
Can those in the mentor group post assignments up here too or only direct to you and save them for the class stream?

Thank you so much for these classes. I won't be letting you, the group or myself down! Hey to the group. Feel free to add me to Skype too or join me on my stream while I complete assignments

Hi Lewis,
'anyone' can post their assignments here :)
will send my Skype id to all of you soon.

If people find good resources and ref's with female skulls could they link it here? I'm sure many of us would be grateful for the people who do this kind of work :D.

Yes, please feel free to post here :)

(10-13-2012, 01:45 PM)ImSkeptical Wrote: If people find good resources and ref's with female skulls could they link it here? I'm sure many of us would be grateful for the people who do this kind of work :D.

Christof Grobelski uploaded a ton of skull refs a while back amoungst some othercool stuff, heres the link to his blog for those looking for refs -

btw this is really awesome to see, thanks alot to shyamshriram for doing this!

Thumbs Down 
@shyamsriram: Very interesting assignment! Really looking forward to this program :)
@Warburton: Thanks a ton for these awesome references!
Hey guys! Shyam said he wanted us to post our progress! So here are my unfinished skulls.

I actually did 15 line drawings before Shyam said to only do 10 haha. But I only have 4 shaded so far! so 6 more to come and then 5 of the master copies! Ohhh I'm so excited, this is keeping me busy!
[Image: Line_15.png]
[Image: Shaded_4.png]

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
This now contains the full Class 1 Assignment.

@Zesiul Nice value studies! :O Are these from the CBrush ref's that Warburton posted? I don't know if I'm being an idiot but I thought they looked like male skulls. I avoided using them because of that but if I'm wrong I'd like to use them haha! Can we get an experts eye on to clarify? Shyam? ;)

Just the 10 line drawings. I also did a couple of quick male studies just for comparison. It feels good to do this many studies at once. :D Thanks Shyam and sorry It's taken me a while to post my first lot. I'll just edit this post with the paintings to keep things tidy.

[url=][Image: shyamshriramclassassignment01b-femskullv...=500&h=284]

Hi Lewis,
first of all, i'm not an expert at all :D but i think its ok to draw male skulls too as the difference between male & female skull is not too much..i gave this assignment just to understand the basic skull form & proportion...i know you guys must have done many drawings/paintings of skull already but still we (including myself) don't really draw skull that i think it's a good exercise before we start doing head studies & figure.

Nice studies..but i think there are some issues in few of those..especially in the lower part, we can discuss about it in detail in our first session on 20th.
Thanks for posting these, i hope others will post their studies too :)

That's cool! At least I know I can use the CgBrush refs! Cool, I can't wait for the class! Thanks!

@LewisLong Well those skulls I'm doing for the value studies are from the reference link that Warburton posted. I didn't think that they were female, I mean I judged this from, a professional shop where they sculpt skulls amongst other things. The difference that I noticed was that females have thinner chins, slightly larger eye sockets, and just thinner facial structure like on the nose. So when I compared the reference to this idea of what the difference is they look slightly more feminine than male. But thats just what I thought! I'll be posting the rest of my shaded skulls tonight when I get home :D

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Hey that's cool! I just realise that I was limiting the studies perhaps by sticking to female skulls only. The references Warburton posted are so good. I'm
Doing the greyscale value studies from them now. Yeh anatomy tools rocks. Need to get me some skulls from there. I'm streaming right now if you want to join when you're home.

Finished the 10 skulls and started 1 of the 5 master copies. I'm hoping to have 2 of those done tomorrow! So Check back. Gotta try and get all 5 done in time for saturday morning DD: [Image: Skulls_2.png]
[Image: master_Copy_1.png]

Available for Freelance - Portfolio | CD Sketchbook | Blog | Email
Hey guys! Not in the class but i like the assignments. I think it's really cool with fun and hard studies.
Thank you shyamshriram for doing this!
Pics on page 3.

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Hey these are good ! thanks a lot for posting these..hope you are doing the master copies too :)

I will definitely do some of those.

Hey, Im also not in the class but i thought it would be cool to try this assignment so here it is :]

Not very happy with the result but it was fun and i think i will do more of them in the future (especially master copies)

Cheers and thank you for the effort of making this class.

argh! So awesome! I gotsta get faster! Kudos BigWorm and Razvan!

Hey guys - everyone's motoring away and getting some nnice stuff done - looks like I'm late to the party afterall! Here are the roughs for the ten skull line drawings - wasn't sure how tight you wanted these shyam - but I can definitely go in and get some tight line work.
I'm going to move on to tonals for now - wanted to be sure I managed to do the majority of this - had a tight week with some business stuff I needed to get out of the way!
Have the whole day tomorrow and looking forward to the master studies - keep it up guys this is gonna be a blast of a class!

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