Anatomy of a Pinup - Class Closed
next class is going to be on 1st dec. 10pm GMT +8
you can find my channel and youtube link in my signature.

Hi there all
I worked on the assignment #2 and I have to say that was so fun to work on a master piece
lot of things, overall with the color texture. Of course mine is ugly and overall the poor girl seems to make in plastic again. This time I used another kind of brush, but the result is unsatisfying again. frustrating...however I'll go on the third assignment. AMAZING STUDY FLOW , i'm loving it

Lewislong - looks like you are too busy to reply my mesg./working on the assignments/attending the class, hope you know that its easy for anyone to see your latest online activity.
its ok if you dont want to continue this class anymore but, at least have some consideration & spending my personal time here, you can at least inform me that you are not interested anymore.
its so sad to see this kind of behavior.

to others,
if this class is too boring for you or you are not learning anything from me or if you think im not good enough then we can stop this class at any, please let me know.


Oh no Shyam!!!!!

This class is so great! It's been so much fun! And I've most definitely picked up new things. This class is in no way a waste of time! It's exactly what the doctor ordered, and I'm just happy to be a part of it!

I don't know whats happening with Lewis, but I can say it's been a very good experience for myself. I personally appreciate what you're doing for us!

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Ehm...I know I am not in the right to speak but please don't stop with this class
Try to think that maybe your student got some personal problems or maybe he's just sick or anything else.
I called one friend of mine to do this class and now he's doing the first attachment
It's so cool YOU HAVE TO CONTINUE THIS, as you said, it's a respect matter also.
i can totally understand, anything can happen..thats why i've sent a mesg. first
but, whats with coming online, reading the mseg. but not replying it? not working on the assignments, not attending the class without giving any information etc.
im not closing the class, i just want to know what others thinks.. im feeling as if im forcing others to learn from me which is quite funny and sad at the same time.

i really dont want to talk about it anymore as this is not a discussion thread..see you everyone on saturday for the next class.

Keep on!
Hey guys, heres where I am right now. The whole background is still kinda a place holder. Nothing in the background is done yet. Feeling better about her though.

[Image: Future_Punk_W2.png]

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Here is my WIP so far... Will be working on it till the class starts.. but I'm not sure as to how much detail I should put in before the coloring stage. Took most of the time fixing the drawing and the composition. Changed the monster to a giant squid since the monster was not quite fitting in the whole air/naval theme. At this stage I'm just trying to assign a value to the different pieces of her costume. I keep adding stuff! :P

Here is the updated WIP.
@lewislong: Good to have you back mate!
@Zesuil,@razvan: Good work guys!

My wip:

First of all I owe everyone in the class, Shyam, Dan and Dave a big apology. My conduct over the past 2 weeks has been poor, I never meant to cause anyone to feel negatively about crimson mentoring or this class in particular. I am very sorry if I have tainted the experience for anyone because of my absence. I realise now that I should have let someone else have my space from the start, I knew I was going to visit my family in the UK for a month before the class started. I really thought I could handle everything but I underestimated how much I missed my family and friends.

I am back now, I have no plans other than painting for the next 4-5 months and no job. I set aside this time for portfolio development. Needless to say I will be making up for my absence and completing the class and finishing past study assignments that need to be pushed further while I work on my final pinup.

Really great sketches and wips by everyone in the class! You're all kicking so much ass. Loving that "Rocket Rider" Razvan!

3 of the sketches below were from my last sketch post but the other 4 are new based on similar concepts.

I think sketches 3 and 7 have the most interest in terms of composition although 3 needs to be more sexy somehow.

See you in the class

edit: I was working on this sketch sheet a lot smaller but then increase the image size later, that's why some of the sketches are blurry.


Hi All,

I'm very late in this class and I'll try to reach the last progres soon as possible.
Here's my first step in first assignament. I know the 3 master pieces are totaly wrong so may redo these to fix the errors.
So Shyam, please, let me know if it's better finish and correct fisrt assignament or go ahed to the second.

I would say thank you for the big opportunity that you offer to us!!!

[Image: skullspencil.jpg]

[Image: skullsbw.jpg]

[Image: duty001.jpg]

[Image: duty002.jpg]

[Image: masterpiece04.jpg]
Hey mrccl

thanks for joining us, about working on the assignments, its totally up to you…i'll be away till 5th jan. so you have enough time to work on the previous assignments if you want.
maybe instead of working on 3 master studies, just concentrate on one and try to match as close as possible..just a suggestion.

Hey everyone, please work on the basic structure before adding the details/values.

Hi there mates
First of all it was funny on sunday
that was my first streaming lesson
and i liked a lot to see how it proceeds
Than i would like to say that I like your pin up sketches
overall (if I can say) the pirates
Great pose, concept and composition
and I can't wait to see them finished all!
Keep On
Instead I am in late and so here you are my third assignment
I lack a lot on incarnate and face consttuction
but hey! I am here to learn
Hope you got the time to feedback these to help me to be better

hey, glad you find the stream was funny :D
thanks for sharing your works, well..maybe you can try to draw all the features individually to get the better understanding of them..your drawings & paintings looks kind of stylized to me which is not bad at all, but its better to have an idea about the realistic form first..just my two cents.

looking forward to see more works from your side.

thanks !

Ok that will be a great exercise to do meanwhile I'm doing the assignment
You 're right i got a poor realistic style, but i want to stop with this :)
Thank you for your feedback, I'll pass to assignment #4 too
I've been doodling away, trying to fix my girl. I think it's just getting worse though 8[

[Image: Progress.png]

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i think you need to minimize that shadow on the nose and forehead and break it around the eyebrows.. at the moment, it looks like a patch...jeans looks way too tight...there should be some thickness and few folds/wrinkles right? those breasts looks kind of too saggy..face looks much better now...looks like you didnt work on the hands yet.
will discuss more in the class.

I've been battling with this for a while and finally decided (after a lot of messy fixes of the last value painting I did) that I'd completely redraw everything.
I'm going to go through the proper steps of lines, values then colour.

I did add some quick values to this though just to get a better read of everything. Still lots to do but I'm happier with the feel of this one.

Going to be a sexy spy type in tight jumpsuit, camouflage tights and some gadgets. I'm going to go slightly sci-fi with the tech and design details.

(This is at 30% of the resolution I'm working in).

Just adding some refs for costume

and the values for the ground plane


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