Bjulvar's Sketchbook
^i agree, also this last practice has a lovely 80's feel haha, i like the second one is kinda funky

arden Thanks man! Trying to keep it flowing. Hah, you're right. I was sitting here the other day in despair trying to figure out what was wrong with my piece. It was way too flat. Checked out the video too, nice tip!

Just started reading Color and Light by james gurney as well. There's a lot of things that I haven't thought about before that I'm beginning to grasp. Feels like it's very correlated with form.

EduardoGaray Haha listened to the new Daft Punk album while doing it :P 80's 4 lyfe!

Pumping in some color studies

And thought I might do Suzanne Helmigh's portrait class. Seems like she's put together something really nice and easy to follow. So here's some quick portraits and a skull!

Great sketchbook dude, you'e imroved insane amounts since page 1 which i was shoked to see was only about 1 year ago :0

Always makes me happy to see someone like yourself busting their ass to get better and achieveing great results. Your obviously doing it right but if i were to offer and help or suggestions i would recommend spending abit of time on your edges as well as your values. In your latest screen cap studies they can look abit muddy because you use only 1 type of mark and theres little contrast between the hards and the softs. That being said this latest skull piece has beautiful edges so your defiantly heading in the right direction ;)

keep killin it dude, i look forward to seeing more updates and improvements from you.

Warburton Ah thank you man! Nice to know that I've made some improvement :D

Doing my best! Haha, I hope I am, I honestly don't know what I'm doing from time to time :D
Aah that made it more concrete, I've gotten that critique for my traditional work aswell! Need to switch up the brushstrokes! I've just recently started using clipping masks which really helps my workflow, because I tend to stick everything on one layer, making it hard to manage it all.

Thank you! I look forward to delivering it!

Made an environment study and some thumbnails today, they certainly don't follow the brush-critique though :P

And here's a WiP on a new illustration. Going to try my hardest to stick to this one!

Incredible effort was put in today.

Hey cool color studies here ! :D Keep doing those ! Your last illustration is looking to be great I like the cool VS warm colors effect ! can't wait to see it finished ;)

Keep working that hard and improving like that mate ! :)

Hey Izzual! Congrats on being feature in the bloodsports judging :D

I will try to keep up with it! Thank you, yeah that's the only color theory that really stuck xD Will try to deliver it soon enough!

Tied this one in with the other illustration. It's way easier to invest time in something if you build a little world around it. Weird statue thingie!

Wow Bjulvar, love how you're pumping out this work consistently! Not much I can offer crits-wise except what you probably know: keep going! :) Hope to see you takin part in the next bloodsports dude, (supposedly) going to be announced this week. Rawr I'm all pumped up just thinkin about it

Yo man, trying to keep it up atleast! Ah I'm really up for another Bloodsports challenge, learned tons from doing beastmasters. Couldn't really find time to join this one though, but wanted to do Jack the Ripper fighting aliens! :D

Struggled really hard with trying to apply from memory today. So here's one helmet from observation and one from memory! Also the second skull done for Suzanne's portrait thing! Love rendering teeth (sarcasm!)

Some stuff from yesterday

i´m loving the warm versus cold in your last illustrations. Also, cool perspectives. :)

Thanks Eduardo! Experimenting a lot with colors lately. Hah tried setting up a perspective grid on a blank canvas then sketch away! Epic Games released an awesome free tool, works really well :D

Did some gestures and modelstuff today!

Nice Gestures! Where do you get the references for those?

Keep it up :)
Thanks man! I get them from here:
But there's also

They're both very similiar!

Some more gestures from today. Sketched some diffrent stages of a sci-fi soldier concept. Just for fun.

And studied a moviestill from The Patriot. I have never been so enlightened when it comes to values. This seriously challenged me a lot, hoping to be able to apply it in the future. Never thought I was so wrong about things:P

Moving onto the next part of portrait class. Really liked Suzanne's still life challenge as well, been thinking about doing one with a weird stonelamp that I got. Hopefully it'll happen :D

I heard that Sargent is a pretty cool dude

Started the day with a little still life. I have a bunch of figures standing around and I've never really used them for reference or studied them. I guess I'm changing that now :P

Great sketchbook man. I have to agree with arden and others that in some of your works the forms do seem lost and undefined. Another thing that is getting my attention is the use of edges around the silhouette. They seem too sharp compared to edges inside your figures. I also want to complement you on the skull studies. They turned out great. Good luck!

Thanks man! Trying to work on it now. Not sure on how to tackle it though!
Aah you're right, I haven't really thought about that. Tried working on that a bit during the last crunch of my illustration, so thank you for that critique!
Thanks, happy with them aswell :D

Here's the finished illustration. Took a while. Also the beautiful thumbnailsketch!

Quick cloth study. I've been having migraines so drawing has been hard.


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