Bjulvar's Sketchbook
Wow, the helmets are really cool, and unique!

Also, I really like the sweeping motion in the Winter Journey piece.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


ramalooke Thanks dude! Yeah I suppose, I think toned down a lot of value towards the end. Not so good at handling all that depth!

Izzual Thank you man :D Might've gone wild with the same brush haha! It was fun trying to figure it out though. Snow is scary. I will man!

Tygerson Thank you! One more is coming up soon! Ah nice that you notice that, one mission completed atleast! :D

Here's two little rock/environmentstudies and my finished super-zen turtle thingie. Trying to be satisfied with things more haha.

Another opera inspired helmet and some thumbnails for something special

Playing around with Prince Igor designs. It's one badass opera.

Study and apply

haithere BABE
rocking portraits!
stucture going nicely translated. but on the second one value control wasnt so efficient.... im not sure how to explain it besides that... sorry :/

With the helmets veiling the eyes, I keep getting the impression that these guys either have some psychic power, or navigate by echolocation like these guys:

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


Aragah Yo babiroonie! Thanks man! Haha I know what you mean. I noticed it too, my sketch lost a lot of the darker tones and the relations between values are weaker!

Tygerson I haven't thought of why I keep veiling them to be honest! But now when you bring it up it probably has to do with not even needing sight anymore. So leaning more toward the psychic power realm! So thanks, that got me thinking more about what the hell I'm doing :P

Another environment study, doing some quicker ones today hopefully.

Then I went deeper into this helmet fascination and contextualized it a bit.

Quicker studies. I tried working in a layered way. Starting from the sky/atmospherical and working my way up to the foreground. Felt kind of structured and nice!

Turtle forest all the way homie.

More quick environments and something wyyrd

Love those helmet designs!

The one with the quote is super cool, maybe rearrange the composition so that the text is in the flat dark area of body instead of cramped between his head and the frame all the way up there at the top. Try and keep your values a bit closer together too, it's hard to tell what material the helmet is. It looks fairly matte all around but then jumps up to some speculars that look out of place based on the lighting, especially the one on the left in the shadow side of the face.

Love your stuff man <3 especially those quick environments you're posting. need to start doing these. keep on rockin!

Hey thanks a lot Devin!
Ah I didn't think about the text relation to the portrait at all. Thanks for pointing that out. But I suppose you mean move it to his body instead? Posting a new sketch here with the text more central.
Don't know what I was thinking with the speculars in the shadows haha. I think I lost a lot of value when I did some soft light and color layer paintovers. Atleast it feels like they were the reason it got more of a matte look. Or I just slacked :P

ramalooke Thaanks man <3 They're good practice! Don't really lose patience with them either since they're so quick. You should totally do it!

Little meatier update this time.
Another helmetguy, had fun with these for a while. Nice to do something you're a bit more familiar with to counter the depression from all the environments haha!

Started the day with a quick portraitstudy of a friend

Sneaked a small portion of the apply in this sketch

I worked on two environments for our weekly team challenge. But I abandoned this one because I didn't really get everything to work together.

Rendered this one out, ran out of time as usual. Feels like good practice to work with more though out pieces in a shorter deadline. I need that. But I'm more happy with this one than the winter journey piece!

A sketch I abandoned


And a sketch to get out of my slumpiness

Also, Fauré is awesome;

Definitely need to paint more clouds! I was torn between doing this quickly or spending more time on it. Ended up with the latter, I guess that I'm struggling with it's form the most.

I don't know what I'm doing

Thinking about starting up something new

Great SB Bjulvar!
The bearded guy with the dragon glove shows a lot of potential. You should go for full illustration and make the dragon ornament "contain" fire or a molten lava essence.
Have fun and go crazy with it :)


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