Taylor's Sketchbook of Patterns and Progress.
Dropping a CHOW entry from over at CA last week. Didn't win, but had an absolute blast! I loved making this chick, I might have to alter her design and utilize her more often as the concept really appeals to me.

Studies coming today. Mark my wordsssszasa :D!

Oh, have some landscapes too! Still gotta hammer on these for level ups.

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The study I said I was going to do!

About 50 mins, after Alex Oliver (a supremely skilled sculptor.)

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Really like the colors on the Chow entry, the mix of blues and purples, with touches of yellow. Even the hair and the face are based on those hues.
The one thing that takes away from the piece is the clothing on her belly. Feels like a quick texture slapped on there, doesn't really fit with the rest.

Alex Olivier is a beast, saw his MB LA demo (just the pics wasn't there) and it was crazy

Thanks for the Feedback Tom! I made the texture myself, but unfortunately failed at creating something like fishnet. There's always next time :D.

Some things! Studies, sketches, all that stuff.

I find myself looking more and more for a focus. I know I need to temper my abilities and process to create a deliberate and marketable look, so that's what I'm going to hone.

I love experimenting, so I always beget a multitude of results.

I know that to truly excel I'm going to have to find one or two really good processes/looks and stick with them!

Laser focus is crucial. So I'm chargin' mine.

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So here's more for today! :O

Considering finishing the girl w/ the sword. I'd need to tweak the composition more so and find ref for various elements, but it's helping me hit closer to home in terms of my working affinities.

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Really liking the skeleton king and still life piece man, I'd work on that skeleton guy!

I think what might help is approaching a painting with just one brush, you seem to be using all these different brushes just for the sake of using them, try rendering materials with just a normal round brush, rely less on the texture brushes etc and I think you'll get a more solid painting that way.

As for the girl/sword piece it looks to me like her head is a bit too far right and sort of detached from her neck and the hilt of the sword doesn't seem to be in perspective?

Hope I don't seem too harsh, you're definitely improving man!
(02-11-2014, 08:53 PM)pugsloth Wrote: Really liking the skeleton king and still life piece man, I'd work on that skeleton guy!

I think what might help is approaching a painting with just one brush, you seem to be using all these different brushes just for the sake of using them, try rendering materials with just a normal round brush, rely less on the texture brushes etc and I think you'll get a more solid painting that way.

As for the girl/sword piece it looks to me like her head is a bit too far right and sort of detached from her neck and the hilt of the sword doesn't seem to be in perspective?

Hope I don't seem too harsh, you're definitely improving man!

Great critique! Thanks!

Several people have suggested i go back to the round brush, so I should probably do so. I used just one or two brushes for the still life and it came out nicely.

I plan on finishing up the skeleton king, and getting the girl and her sword into proper shape.

Anyhow, as far as studies today I'm going to be hitting them from a drawing perspective (probably traditionally) If anything digital happens today it'll be round-brush-bonanza.

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Alright, so I've had a hard time parting with custom brushes, I'll admit that.

That being said, I'll drop these spitpaints and go back to polishing up my personal works and studying!

Round brush studies later, got some good sketching in yesterday so I'll see if I can't break out the scanner.

Spent 45 minutes on the girl w/ flower one, not 30.

Just happy to be painting/drawing :3.

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Hey, dawg.

Do go and finish that skeleton dude and the blue sword guy. I sense great MTG card potential in the blue sword, the second I saw it I immediately thought of it being an equip, or some other type of spell character.

Your stuff otherwise is looking nice, and has been getting way less muddy in such a short period of time. Just keep working on that refinement of your edges, blending, and the shapes of things. Mostly Hands, feet, and general objects, and out of those, mostly objects are what I'm seeing that could use more careful refinement.

It's just simple small stuff, like the hilt of a sword not appearing to be symmetrical with the other half, armor and bits being out of proportion of one another, or boots/shoes looking a little blocky. Sorry if I was a little over-specific, haha. You're doing great though, man! :]

Wow I love the fingers of the girl with the flowers. Feels like a canvas.
The vampire/bat piece is really nice too, with the soft edges around the character, and the fact his cape seems to have bat eyes, as if they came out of there.
Other than that, continue working on heads, hands and feet, as they are the least defined in most pieces, and are blocky most of the time

Cool, Thanks Tom & Archreux! I'll put more time into heads, hands, and feet. It's good to strengthen those areas, can't afford to neglect them in figurative works. I feel an aversion to them that I must quell post-haste! >:D

Every time I put my laser on something, it becomes apparent! It's always just a matter of focusing in with fervor and having fun learning & beating your previous attempts.

Here are some Sargent studies, a couple spitpaints, and a few personal pieces Insane, ecstatic.

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Hey guysss O:

Just dropping off some things. Going to fly off to study land for a bit, I'll be back later.

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Fresh things! Many of them spitpaints-- couple studies and commission progress too.

Attached Files Image(s)

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haha I ove that egg dude. The last one looks nice, the only thing that jumps out is that the figure on the left is sitting kind of close to the egde of the canvas. In general the heavier the mass, the closer it should be to the middle of the image. Smaller masses can be subordinated to the edges. Keep it up man!

Your stuff has developed like crazy in this page man, I love that egg study haha.
Not much to crit here because your obviously doing some right, so just keep heading in the direction your heading! You've got a really nice mix of stuff here dude.

I think one thing which I can notice which is perhaps a weaker area in your work is the anatomy, so perhaps hit some studies in that area. Only nit nicking really though man, I look forward to seeing more updates from you!


Thanks man! I really nailed that compositional pointer into my brain after you pointed it out. I remember reading it in a Loomis book a while back, so I really appreciate the refresher!


I sincerely appreciate the kind words! I'll turn to anatomy studies and take more reference poses for my work. I had a feeling my figures weren't progressing steadily, so I'll have to shape them up.

Here's some fresh developments:

I've been really focusing heavily on what it means to be top 10%. I keep fueling my mind with as many masterful artists I can find and putting my work up next to theirs.

This is an exercise that takes quite a bit of bravery in my experience, but after having done so I have the skill gap etched into my mind.

Once you do this you'll feel like there's an 'A' to 'B' map in your arsenal. It's really helped guide my work in the right direction sans mentor.

Dropping off a couple pieces too! I'm going to be in a portfolio/marketing and studying frenzy this week Insane, ecstatic.

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Alright, so I've made it a goal to stop doing so many speed sketches and instead focus on heaping volumes of studies in addition to longer, more refined works-- ideally 15-25 hours at first...then I'll progress upwards from there.

Doing quick things is like lifting the same weight all the time, you can find new motions to make it more difficult, but in the end it's still the same weight.

I want to spend some good time really planning my composition and carefully carving the forms while considering light and detail.

Longer sargent study, commission WIP, and some of my last quick non-study works for at least a month.

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Great sketchbook man! I see loads of improvement from the first page. I really like the range of design ideas you come up with. Are you going for concept art or more illustration type of work?

(03-12-2014, 10:09 PM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Great sketchbook man! I see loads of improvement from the first page. I really like the range of design ideas you come up with. Are you going for concept art or more illustration type of work?

Thank you kindly!

I'm learning more towards illustration at the moment, but I'll have to blast out some concept art once I'm done with the multitudinous studies I'm embarking on this week.

In other news:
So I spent this weekend really pushing my patience, and forcing my mind to develop more acuity when it comes to my own artistic mistakes and shortcomings.

The ever-present struggle of the artist, to really see and ameliorate the gaping flaws in their work, and to sit patiently and humbly crafting a piece.

I know I can always keep pushing-- spending more time crafting my images and looking even more critically at my skill set and the results it produces, but for now I'll just put my head back down and keep working to strengthen my craft.

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wow , youre last post looks great! i love the colors and also the composition of it all. its really is a treat to look at!

mind if i ask you how much time you spent on focusing on finishing a a particular piece?
also can you recommend books or masters to follow in terms of composition?

keep it up man ! youre getting there !


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