story to start...
woo...enviro practice O....o
any critique is more than welcomed!

aaand final color versions of Teszthia's...

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Love your style ;3 and the linework is yummy. How I could miss your sketchbook ;o. Need to subscribe it <3

Thank You so much ramalooke! :33

aaand i pushed the previous landscape a little bit...
i know the rock in the middle the middle XD when i widened the pic it didn't occured to me only when i finished it, but by that time i was too burned out to do something with it so'll stay like this...*shame on me*

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Teszthia Nírsa's again :P...

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Wow! The landscape is like... total magic! Been through your sketchbook and I must say it became one of my favourites! Keep it up!
[Image: Youre-awesome.-Bill-Murray-320x240.jpg]

It's a somewhat solitary existence, a bit like a lighthouse keeper throwing a beam out into the darkness, in faith that this action might help someone unseen.

BombMy Sketchbook (critique welcome)Bomb
Try to introduce a little bit of texture and harde edges into your work. Your new creatrue painting is a bit blurry, yet still awesome and i digg it =D

thankies kerm! :3 i should do way more landscapes >..<

hmmm yeah i should really apply textures, dunno why i don't use them, thanks for reminding me! XD

a little bit of this and that...:P

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Wow, I agree with ramalooke, how did I miss this sketchbook for so long.

This last creature looks really cool. If you havent already you should look up the Terryl Whitlach tutoiral in IFX, not sure if you can access it but it is a really solid look at working from the inside out to design creatures. Looks like a lot of work, but it also looks like it would pay dividends if you follow it.

Keep pumping out work for 2014 :D Looking forward to seeing other things you produce. Also, I must watch you on DevART :D

Thaaaaaankies Jaik! ^^

hmmm i will (try to) check out that tutorial! ;3

everything from 2013... ˇ-ˇ

(atm i'm working on commissions mostly *sigh*)

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fisrt attempt to paint sci-fi theme :P...

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daayum killer stuff :O

thankies Peppermint! :3

aaand back to the basics...

man, those locomotives are just...haaard...(and beautiful...i mean in reality...)
and i just can't draw ellipses... O_o
but at least i already feel the effect on my perspecive skills...

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headworld stuff from 2013...

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steampunkish something...X) hopefully more will come...
(perspective practice...)

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your work is excellent, I must spend the time to review all of the pages!
Well, you are completely crazy and now I don't know whether I should browse your sketchbook every day and despair in sweet agony or don't open it for at least a year so I could practice without constant sobbing:D

Keep calm and get in the robot

My sketchbook
What can I say?!.... I'm in love with your sketchbook...

You. are. amazing.


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