draw a box

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Great to see you back Alfonsox! Your boxes look very neat, accurate linework! It must be a good excercise, those box challenges.


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draw a box

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    Art Course
Become an amazing artist on 5 easy steps ;p

1 Accuracy: Observe and replicate.
Bargue, Image Copy, Still Life, Self Portrait, Life drawing, Plein Air.

2 Visualization: Reconstruct and represent. On the canvas your brush is gliding through space.
Draw a box / Dynamic Sketching (construction, form, lineweight, texture, highlights)

3 Perspective: Technical draw, man made, hard surface, symmetry.
Scott Robertson: Basic Drawing, H2D Book, Cars, Planes, Hovercraft.
Feng Zhu: Sketching Environments 

4 Render:  Environment acting on surface material through photons.
Scott Robertson: Matte Surfaces -> Cube, Cylinder, Sphere, Organics.
H2R Book -> Materials (Metal, Skin, Wood, Rubber, Leather, Silk, Glass)
Lighting variations ->(Key, Overcast, sunset, sunshine, artificial, interior, SHADOWS) 

5 Sexyness: Use the language from above to convey emotion on an image through tasteful design of...
.Brushwork (edges, texture)
.Anatomy, Gesture and Expression
.DESIGN and Stylization

Take with grain of salt.
This is just my distillation of matter into atoms.
Each step build on the previous ones but everything is interrelated. Can jump around for sanity sake.
My idea is to label everything a paint from now on with this labels: Accuracy, Visualization, Perspective, Render, Sex.

Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Haha, it isn't all that hard. Just follow those five steps and you are fine! But yeah, I guess that the essentials of it, where the first three steps interact heavily with each other.
You have some nice draw-a-box exercises. I like all the textures.

The last two still-lifes miss some sharpness and pop I think. They look a bit flat and don't really come stand-out from the surface. I think the shading might be too flat? Not sure.

But good luck with the learning program :D Seems a good way to go.

250 Box Challenge
Sample page 5 and 15

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Robobeans, render and some perspective.

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Every time I have some stuff done I have the urge to post it here. I think that is no good.
For my next update I´m going to wait till 1 of Dec.

Right now I feel I need to push the digital rendering skill. Lighting.

mix mag.

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Sketchbook: p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7
Good to see you back AlfonsoX! Do you take some art classes atm?

Glad to see you too. 

Not really, not any real life physical class at least.
Just going through online resources and books that I have hoarded over the years.
But im not really following a plan. 
Sometimes I do perspective exercises in lines, next day I think painting like a sculptor is the solution, next day I go on figures... too much cahos  Bomb

Classic alien study and selfy.

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Planning is hard sure, I'm struggling with it a lot as well :) Got to make one today. Damn I thought you were a lady based on your avatar.

Hey ALfonso, you have some really fantastic Drawabox exercises! I think your heads and figures could use some work. you're laying in the perspective right, but the anatomy and proportions aren't up to par. I see you're doing some skull studies, which is good, but don't just do them for the sake of doing them

You need to actually pay attention to each part of the skull. So my advice is to get a nice photo of a skull, and instead of copying it, make a new layer with a bright color and break down every form you see, like the nostril bone thing, then try and perfectly replicate the nostril bone right next to it even if it's kinda scratchy. That will train you to think about the actual shape. I see you're doing a lot of really nice things with fundamentals, but translating it to more complex forms like faces and figures will be a challenge.

Also watch out with symbol drawing, you seem to do that with both faces and figures. Like the last dude you painted, his features look like they aren't relating to eachother with that very sophisticated perspective you've developed. Try to build the forms individually from each angle so you know that an eye is round in a socket, and a nose is composed of several 3d forms.

keep up the good work :)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Quote:Damn I thought you were a lady based on your avatar.
I thought my real name "Alfonso" and my subject matter "bunch of naked girls" was clear enough  Mrgreen

april doodles

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(04-29-2017, 03:37 PM)AlfonsoX Wrote:
Quote:Damn I thought you were a lady based on your avatar.
I thought my real name "Alfonso" and my subject matter "bunch of naked girls" was clear enough  Mrgreen

april doodles

I really enjoy to see your effoerts . Keep it up)

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Hey, Alfonso, I like your work, there is so much interesting stuff. I see you're drawing/painting everything :). I m not so good at what I do but have noobish advice, that could be useful, maybe.:) Focus on one thing for a while...human figure perhaps, proportions, anatomy, posing...and then use it when you're creating a character, 'cause I see that u practice that stuff. So apply that knowledge and keep up!


Carbonmade portfolio

Hey Alfonso, #69 and #71 are really good! You should do some more like them (nice and simple and yet very accurate :) )


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