Annamoons Sketches
Hi guys,

my realname is Annett. I am a softwaredeveloper from germany with a heart full of art :-) I found you over the DA profile of brent.

My comfortzone is painting landscapes, mostly I do this in Painter 12 or with the traditional way. I am a great fan of Bob Ross.

At the moment I have two projects. I work on a landscape calendar and I will improve my skills in painting humans and creatures. I study gesture drawing with the Hampton book. After the gesturestudy I must improve my lightning and shading.

Here some gesture stuff
[Image: gesture_drawings_by_annamoon77-d5itpi5.jpg]
[Image: figure_drawing_study_by_annamoon77-d5jciud.jpg]
[Image: gesture_drawing_practise_by_annamoon77-d5jjx3r.jpg]

A landscape sketch
[Image: marshland_by_annamoon77-d5om84r.jpg]

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some gesture practise

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Some sketches from my Inkling.

[Image: skizzen30122012.jpg]
A snailestudy for practising. A bit burred because I did this on a ThinkPadTablet with SketchbookPro-App. Must staying in bed and can't use the Wacom. Next time I will use a bigger resolution.

[Image: IMG_20121231_113803.jpg]
Looks like a nice stat so far. I would recommend some books by Vilppu, Andrew Loomis and Bridgeman for your anatomy and gestures. or your Digital Paintings, I would start by using a harder brush instead of a soft one.
Have you ever tried Traditional Painting?
Some new gesture practise and a hand practise

[Image: IMG_20130101_142911-1.jpg]

[Image: Sketch311142849-1.jpg]
New sketches from yesterday before going to bed.

[Image: IMG_20130101_220718.jpg]
Today some sketches with the head. I studied in the book Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton.

[Image: IMG_20130102_210645.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20130102_210748.jpg]
Do you know what book might help you? James Gurney's Color and Light book.
I looked at this book and set it on my Amazon wishlist :-) at the moment I am on the proportions and perspective things. Next step is the light. So many books to read and so less time to read and practise. Thanks for the tip.
Nice to see you're doing some head studies :D And don't worry, keep drawing them and they'll start looking more human :)

The last days I bought the Drawing Manual from Vilppu with th DVD for the first chapter. I found it great and did a lot of gesture drawing stuff. Today I scanned it. Sometimes I have the feeling it is too much contourdrawing.

Can someone give a crit if this is contourdrawing and where are my mistakes?

[Image: skizzen13012013_1.jpg]

[Image: skizzen13012013_2.jpg]

[Image: skizzen13012013_3.jpg]

[Image: skizzen13012013_4.jpg]

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And again gesture drawings.

[Image: skizzen14012013_1.jpg]

[Image: skizzen14012013_2.jpg]

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I did some sketches for my sea-monster.

[Image: skizzen17012013_1.jpg]

My first warhammer figure. :-D

[Image: 100_1828.jpg]

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I put a water creature and a little warrior in my marshland scene. I hope that the lightning of them will succeed in the final. The colors of the fins are not the final color.

[Image: Sumpfland_021.jpg]

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Good stuff Annett, I like your gestural drawings and figure studies. :)

So for my Marshlandwarrior I need a correct pose. I tried diffent poses.

[Image: skizzen23012013_1.jpg]

This is the pose I choose. I have trouble to draw the legs. His weight should be on his right leg, but the pose looks always stiff :-(

[Image: skizzen23012013_2.jpg]

Hope that someone can show me where my 'bug' is.

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I did some sketches for my warrior
[Image: IMG_20130126_101754.jpg]

I think thats the final warrior pose.
[Image: IMG_20130126_102012.jpg]

And a little Vilppu-sphere practise. All pics today are made on my tablet-pc.
[Image: IMG_20130126_102223.jpg]

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Hey Annett! I don´t know what it is, but i can´t see some of you pictures (maybe you have to re-link them or something) My tip for anatomy is: start with some bones first. It helped me a ton to do the challenges on in combination with some anatomy books of Bammes, Loomis (maybe andrew Loomis helped me the most here) and Hogarth. so keep it up, can´t wait to see more stuff from you ^^

*i fixed the problem with the pictures, it was my laggy webbrowser ;)
Thanks for the feedback and the link. I like posingmachine-links :-) I have Loomis and Vilppu and Bridgman books. At the moment I think Vilppu helps me a lot because there are videos of him sketching. I love it how he build the gesture with such softness.

I have problems with my warriorsketches because I do they out of imagination. And I was a bit lazy the last days, I must do more practise.

I'm glad to hear that the pictureproblem was your browser. I have already considered which pic I had deleted on the source. :-)

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