Arch's Book of Stuff
Ahhh the good old multilimb figures haha. There was a time in that it almost became a meme, everyone was doing it in their sbs xD

Your lines are steadily improving man, there's a trait to your stuff that's really valuable, consistency. When you get the hang of something it shows on all of your posterior work, which is great, cause that totally doesn't happen for me hahaha. You faces are also improving, they're simple yet they convey enough as to be believable enough, keep it up man.

Ohh yeah, one thing, about the multilimbs thingie: remember that when the arms move around the pectoralis muscles and pretty much all that upper area also moves, so you'd need to fill those in there too hehe. Great work overall, and nice to see you motivated and pumping stuff left and right!

Suria- Thanks for the feedback, man. I'll keep that in mind for next time. Never spent much time over at CA, nor did I know it was that big of a thing, haha. Let's bring it back!(?) :'D

I dunno if I mentioned this on here before, but I recently just started getting back into working out and my arms have been sore for the past couple of days. Yesterday was especially painful, making it hard to draw and I just didn't want to push it. Today was a busy day as I was preparing for an important presentation I need to make tomorrow during class, sorta... :I

- Only going to class one day this week. That means time for the CD chow and other things! :0

Head studies, some practice, and I think some old sketch of a character I was playing around with.

So much for the whole "I'mma post everyday" thing... :'D

Sorry for the absence, I've got finals going on and it's rounding down to these final couple of weeks here for me. It's all been a lot with trying to set up an internship, getting paperwork done and all that school bullshit.

My GF recently got a PS4 and Destiny. Yep, I fell off the wagon pretty hard for a few days. I am disappointed in it, luckily, and have no more desire to play after reaching level cap/beating the game.

I did my first life painting of someone other than myself. I swear, she's much better looking in real life. I just suck ass.

- Also, other studies and yeah. I'm going to take some time to do pure application for a bit. Too much studying is semi-depressing.

Okay, okay, I've got two more weeks of school before a week break. Busy, busy. I promise to be as active as I can. Also, sorry if I can't make the CHOW . . . again, I feel like a shit.

Till another time! (soon)

Niiice man. So much good work.

Life painting someone else is always a nervous thing to do. Even at life drawing I dont like it.. I think the only thing that has saved me from that disappointed look is that I am not the worst person that goes there xP
*Wish my gf would let me paint her.. you're lucky..*

Don't worry if you fell of the wagon, just think of it as visual library building :P I'm a bit concerned that you were disappointed in the game though, since I plan on getting it when it comes out on PS3 =/

For me what works best is applying immediately after studying. Because I am sort of the opposite of you, I can study forever and I'll never paint anything personal lol. As with everything it's all about balance. Balance your life with your art (school is important too, I wish I paid more attention in school -__- treat the whole experience as visual library building, thats what I wish I could tell my school going younger self) and balance art study with art fun.

Keep on rocking it man ;)

Jaik- Hey man, thanks. You should totally get her to sit for you sometime. I'm sure she would if you hassled her enough. :D

Falling off the wagon isn't fun. I just need to keep re-aligning myself. Application right after studying is something I normally end up doing, lately I've been trying to be more diligent and not letting myself get distracted.

Here's some stuff of no particular importance. I feel like I've hit a block that's making it hard to concentrate on anything or get art done, I dunno. School's been stressing me out with all the paperwork I need to file for the internship I've got along graduation, etc, etc. I am not used to this much life, haha.

There's sort of this blank space, I really don't know what I should be working on or doing in general. Any of the stuff I've been doing lately has just been feeling like I've been doing it for the sake of doing it, not much purpose.

I'm trying to break out of it, so hopefully I'll get over all of this once I get other stressing issues taken care of.

Ahh so many sketches and heads, I like it! :)
Try not to stress yourself too much. Sort out your priorities and concentrate on getting one thing out of the way after the other (the most important things, not neccessarily the most 'urgent' ones!) and don't let yourself be overwhelmed.
As for losing focus, take some time to just sit down and think about where you want to go with your art, what is important to you? What do you want to do? What do you like? Write that down, and then think about the steps you need to take to get there. Is this what you are spending your practice time on? If not, adjust that. Look for your weak areas and work on that, again, one thing at a time.
And yeah, first get that RL stuff sorted out. Too much stress makes finding focus really hard.

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Lyraina- Thanks! I've been needing to sit down and think about stuff for a while now. Thankfully most of the stuff I had to take care of is out of the way and I have the time to do that. Life can be a lot sometimes, but it's just all apart of the experience. Thanks again. :]

I'm done with this quarter and I've only got one more left after this (3 months). I'm pretty excited because I've only got two classes, one of which is being taken online and I will hardly have to go downtown for school. I'll have more time for painting when I'm not working my internship, so that will be nice.

I'll have the time to post frequently again. I'm going to start some more paintings soon. For now here's some sketchbook stuff.

There was a lot of thinking I did yesterday regarding my art and where I want to go with it, so there's not too much that went on in terms of actual work being done. I'm still feeling like there's so much to consider, and I'm going to start by finishing up some more older piece(s).

I'd like to start getting work soon, from someone, somewhere, and I really don't know where to begin. Of course the work I put into my portfolio should reflect the type of work I'm looking to receive. There is just so much I want to do, and I feel none of it is going to help me get any work or help me progress forward.

It's like, "I like this painting, I really want to finish this." when the painting itself probably serves no further purpose than for being an enjoyable exercise and for fun. Not to procure work in a sense that it is for that very purpose. This is what worries me when I think about working for others, "I just don't want to do it."

Probably lots of over thinking things. These are just some things I'm scared of, nothing about it is super real. Dunno if any of you feel the same way when you think about the "bigger picture" whatever that may be.

Regardless, I still love doing all of this and I'm never going to stop. I think this is just my way of figuring out how to go about doing this the rest of my life happily without succumbing boredom/ displeasure.

Right now I am so hungry, I want to get better and focus on such things rather than focus on $$$ and work. I've got a lot of stuff I want to share and do. So in the mean time getting better and feeding the hunger is happening. :]

If anyone actually read this, thanks. Haha.

Amazing studies, your pencil skills are really great as is your anatomy, but it's not translating to digital yet, if you wanna go that rout might want to start doing 50/50 trad/digital, even with gestures, to get the hang of it.

On work, starting as an artist is very dodgy, I'm going to say this with my personal experience so it might not hold 100% true, being in another country/culture and all that. At the beggining is very hard to work on something you like doing, nigh on impossible because it's mostly looking to make contacts and showing how reliable you are and it will be so for awhile, swallowing bad projects, bad clients, bad cash, getting fucked over but, although it seems bad it helps you grow and get experience on how to do these things. You do this until you've gotten enough money for yourself or until you find your art to be at a level where YOU can choose the projects, and not the projects choosing you. It is hard but if it was easy anyone would do it.
Don't fool yourself thinking art is not commercial, artists need to monetize or else every artist ever would die of young age from hunger, unless they are born rich and they just live on their mom's basement.

Rafa- Thanks, man! I really appreciate the feedback. The 50/50 split is something I've been thinking of trying for quite some time now, and it was good to hear another persons opinion regarding that, so I'll most definitely be doing more lined stuff digitally.

It really didn't transfer as I thought it would, digital feels so much more slippery compared to traditional. If there's any one commonality that I've found between all artists and freelance work it's gotta be the ramp up to quality work/clients. Don't get me wrong, I'm more than willing to sell to whoever and do almost whatever, just so long as I am painting. And actually I nearly fit the stereotype of some guy living in his mums basement! Haha. Although I am not rich in the slightest. I just need another 100 lbs on me and a neck beard, then I'll be set!

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was out for the day with some friends and the missus at my local Ren Fest. It's always a great time going there. Lots of drawing and mead. More digital stuff to come. Also some marker stuff in preparation for Inktober!

Sweet updates man, I had no idea your line work was so tasty :0 Those costume/character pencil stuff makes me drool.

I'd say your biggest area to focus now is your values so they can compliment your sweet sweet lines. It seems to me from looking at your recent stuff that you are much more comfortable with building structure from lines than you are from going straight to values, like with that dig character with the staff above for example.

Also, i read your posts above dude and I can completely empathises with all of it man, your not alone with these thoughts, I think we all get them lol. As for not knowing what to do next, that's understandable because there's so many paths and things to improve upon. I tend to combat this 2 ways. 1, If i'm feeling hungry for learning i'll try tackling something unfamiliar and out of the comfort zone. If I'm lost and feeling demotivated or uninspired i'll just draw something with Is completely in my comfort zone and fun. Coz remember, if your not enjoying it ultimately after a long period of time, what's the point?

On the note of work? I can empathise with this too. Recently when I was on 0 income and desperately needed money I was looking for all kinds of avenues in this field. I was even considering some logo/web design because it was marketable :S And I looked at concept art because illustration seemed less sought after on job sites. But the truth is when I read a lot of the job description of these sites I hated the sound of them. They reminded me why I don't want a 9-5 job. So I took a step back and looked at all my favourite artists and why I lobed them. Surrounded myself in their art and sketchbooks and realised if they managed it, then I can too.
So maybe that's an idea. Find your favourite artists and ask yourself WHY you love them and what inspires, and you'll most likely find some of your answers there. And if not then my bad lol and sorry for boring you with an essay ;D

This is all just my personal experiences man and we're all different, so take it with a pinch of salt but I hope it helps some way.

And keep these studies coming mate, there awesome and I look forward to seeing future pieces!

Warburton- Wow, thanks man! Really happy to hear that coming from you with all your killer pencil work and whatnot!

Yeah, all of this sort of stuff can definitely be overwhelming. It's sometimes really hard to remember the One Mile rule when it comes to this. Just one drawing at a time, painting and one project at a time. When it comes down to the actual 'doing' it is always fun. I'm still pretty worried I won't be good enough to procure the sort of work I am looking for, and that I will eventually have to get a day job.

If there's any one artist that inspires me to continually push myself out of that possible future, it's Algen. In his sketchbook on CA, well, when it was up on there because I think it's gone now... He would always mentioned how it was that very same fear of the 9-5 grind that kept him going. :]

Sorry there isn't much to post. I'm taking all of the feedback I've gotten and am working my digital self. Gotta stop procrastinating. I'm pretty nervous about graduating and having to become this whole new person that's a "pro" with all these things to do.

Why is life so scary? Does it have to be so terrifying? Of course not, it's ridiculous, but I still feel this way about it all. Anyways, I promise I'm not turning my sketchbook into some emo blog. Haha! :DD

One last thing: Digital lines are so weird and slippery. Like drawing with a noodle.

I'm gonna be a positive friend and tell you it never gets better, hahahahaah. You just gotta push it through man, head high and just knock it out of the park, every time you get lazy, hell, even when you wake up just think that cheesy line: "Just do it.".
Btw I'm not sure what you disliked about your gestures, they seem hella fine. Strong lines, great proportions, maybe some people are missing legs but that's just taste, lol. Bonus points for thin lines, I love them!

Rafa- Haha. You're great, man. Thanks for the encouragement. All we can do is just continue going forward, yeah? Better than stagnating, that's for sure. I'm glad you like the gestures. Not much was really bothering my aside from it just feeling so different from traditional, and yeah, thin lines are juice. :D

Stuff from yesterday. I'm really starting to like the loose schedule I'm setting for myself. This entire time I'd thought of how direct observation would be the best for helping me learn. There's just something about directly observing the figure and coming to my own conclusions that has been really helpful in the development of my understanding. It's something I'd never found in books or complicated diagrams. At least that is how I feel. The results may say otherwise, though.

I still don't know what I'm aiming towards. At this point I just want to get better. I want to figure shit out and be able to construct a figure properly so that I can get to the fun stuff, like character design and character focused illustrations!

Hey, guys. I only had enough time the past couple of days for some gestures. Yesterday was pretty busy for me. Went downtown to meet with my internship people. It's pretty cool, and I get to work from home. Haha.

I'm not expecting it to keep me TOO busy. So, if there's less posts it is because I'm doing work for that, which is pretty much anything I paint, so maybe I lucked out.

Just to say I found looking at some of these quite useful, they're so simple but still contain a lot of information. Keep it up!
Hey man, lines looking super sweet these days. I'm hoping to see that giant hand girl finished, it's a strong start. When it comes to your thoughts about doing paintings "for work", I think I know what you mean. There is something fun about interpreting a brief though, which is where i get my fun from doing client stuff. But if you keep doing just the stuff that you like, as long as you are still trying to improve, there are tons of examples of guys out there who get work just by doing their own interests.

Iko- Thanks! Glad they were of some use, and I most certainly will!

Pnate- Hey, man! Thanks, I really appreciate. She's really just a sketch, I've no idea where I'd take her from where she is. If you've got any ideas I'd love to hear 'em! At some point I will make a piece with the same concept. Gaining a following and being able to sell myself is really what I'd love to be able to do. In the end I'm not entirely sure what I'm worrying about. Thanks again, man!

More gestures and another sort of "sketch" that took me, like, a day total to complete. So many flaws, so much stuff that I hate. Although it's improvement. . . I think. :T

Not much from yesterday. Online class had be busy for a good portion of the day. I'm trying my hardest to not break the chain, and I gotta say it feels pretty good to see the markings on a calender.

Still not a whole lot in terms of painting. I've still got a piece or two that I want to tie up. Right now I still want to focus on drawing because of this little voice in my head that keeps yelling at me.

"If I can draw it, I can paint it."

At least that is how I feel really deep down. I'm just an ignorant fool, probably. :V

Some stuff from the past couple of days. I still don't really know what I am doing. :]


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