Vandalls Sketchbook
Trying to plan a painting, break it down into elements, study said elements then apply them. So I think once I've done 2 or 3 more guns I'm going to paint 1 from imagination then move from there onto cars and do the same thing.

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Contest work.

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Thanks for dropping by bro.

Good work here man.

Not sure what i can really say that is helpful that you don't already know. But i think that you really need to sit down and nut out lighting.

You shade planes in a linear way. What i would really suggest is doing a ton of studies using nothing but a hard brush and two values without blending. It's really the best way to teach yourself consistent lighting, as it means that you can't pussyfoot around where the terminator of the shadows will be.

Keep up the work!

Drawing out of perspective is like singing out of tune. I'll throw a shoe at you if you do it.
Sketch Book
Thank you for replying Muzz I'm sorry I didnt reply sooner especially since I really really hope you could provide some examples of the study you've suggested, I'm having trouble envisioning what youre suggesting I attempt.

A few studies, aimed towards the lighting I intend to use in my piece as well as a few warm up doodles and thumbnails, holy shit am I having a hard time with the construction of the head at this angle.

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WIP and sample of refs

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Getting frustrated, every time I start to lay down values I seem to lose the perspective I've built up.

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Couple of new things.

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I am just awful at updating this

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New WIP and a doodle, need to figure out what and how to study to redo the Green Lady image

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Finding something funny about the right arm, but I could just be imagining it

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Not a big update

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Liking the discestion image so far

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Hngh somethings super off to my eye and I cant figure it out

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Ooo zombie painting is sweet. Anything specific your focusing in on lately?

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Yep got a big old list of things to do for my portfolio, struggling with a few though.

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Looking better and better man-- Love that you're pushing those dynamic poses and playing around with different styles. Keep going! Thumbs_up


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Lots of work in this thread, great stuff!

I think you need to really stop and identify what's wrong with your paintings when you can feel it but are unable to put your finger on it - that way you can try to actively solve the problem or study for it. If not it will remain a mystery to you :)

Thank you for the feedback guys, it does really help and I take all of it on board.

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