smrrfette's Odyssey
Fedodika -  *GASP!* 15 instead of 20!?!?@ D: I'm on a mission to fix this chick now--!! yeeea, I know, I know. I'm no superhuman, anatomy comes to me so slowly... but I'm workin' ittttt! thanks for the tough <3 fedoxideee <3

 lurch - 
thanks lurch c: !

dodeqaa - You know, you're right maaan! So long as we keep pushing, it doesn't really matter how you get there n_n cheers, DODEQAAAA ;D

iamorim - Yeah I'm just a silly woman who takes really long ass breaks from art sometimes lol D: my biggest weakness is consistency, but I'm determined to wreck that weakness too :D - burnout sucks. At least you checked out some art and you were pumped again! My mind couldn't handle seeing art during that phase euuugh :x thanks for popping in iamorim and will do!



I learned a lot today from a single study
though it may not look it

materials are fun to paint!

here goes:


experiment (look at that low-res shiii-)

trying to apply study (wip) she's a bit of a Frankenstein's monster atm. have a checklist of shit I need to fix when I get back to working on her (half-assed erased bit), sort of started but yeah, lots to do. gah. #nexttimehaveanidea #stopwingingit #thisaintdesign --ah well, I guess because I'm more focused on painting well that I'm ruling out sound ideas. AH, OH WELL. HUSH LADY.

still going on this chick - have a lot to work on. getting out of the "oh but I don't want to change it because it's already rendered and it'll mess up th-blah blahblahbad" mindset. IF SOMETHING LOOKS OFF, FIX IT LADY.

have you noticed I'm trying to get better at painting skin? haha, yeah, good joke I know

gonna be at the blue mountains tomorrow so, digital stuff may not be in the mix tomorrow - but I'll sure as hell make sure there's pencil shenanigans!

okok night dagz! o/

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
like the sketches Smrr, nice cartoon style, keep it up!

Hey ! Thanks for droping by my SB here !

Now let me woooooooooooooooooooow over your last sketches, really nice dynamic gestures and skin tones, you inspired me to try to do them more ! xD

Great updates dude, I'm gonna stalk you here and there from now on ! >; ))

Shin's Sketchbook ▼ ▼ ▼Patreon ▼ ▼ ▼ dArt
those skin tone studies are looking good, really like the second figure down with the sword, looks like you're really cracking the figure stuff!

Aaaaaaaaahhh thanks for visiting my pile of dung guys <3  D33561e9 

lurch - hey thanks Lurch <3 <3 yeah I'm trying quite a lot to get better at painting skin tones, considering it's like my no. 1 weakness since day dot ;_;

ShinOkami -  Ssshhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiinnnn! No worries mang, your wooping all kinds of butts into shape! eeeeeh, they're eeeeh D: but thank you. ohohho so it appears we're going to stalk each other o:< haha, thanks again!

Jamesxwu -  Jamessss ;D :D wow y'know that really means a lot to hear for some reason haham thank you kindly and will do! keep killing it man!
Aight. Soooooooooooooo ...
This is a disgustingly poor update. had no time, only after late dinner :/ also, headed to the Blue Mountains tomorrow instead of today (damn you weather) - so sketches of dashi- tomorrow!

Only managed to work 1.5hrs on this WIP WIP and this nae nae

don't judge me
i'm just tryna get better ;-;

fixed some stuff. I need to get all up in the subtleties with the skin tones :l apply what I learned from the bikini babe from yesterday properly and then I'm done with this chick

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

Attached Files Image(s)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
All the nae naes, keep kilin it Smrrrr!
dodeqaa -  First I must learn how to kill it :D ! Thanks for the motivation kicker dodeqaaaazhouuu ^_^

Sketchosoph - 
Aaaaaaah, being compared to algy makes me feel sad because he's such a boss and I'm such a not. :/ but thanks man! still just trying to find and do me :)

Fedodika - lmaaaaaao yeah I know Fedooooo <3 

**Laaaaaav you gaaaaaaais ** !

Couple of digi stuffs 
because I don't want to forget to update this skb! 

been drawing more than painting (as usual) 
will upload scans sometime when I have time/can be bothered

Hmm, lets see.
a couple of poops.

fck this chick I just ugh no. had enough, learned and gtfo
should've used refs for the pants. ffffffuuu-

So, with International Self Portrait Day closing in (precisely 1 month away) and myself still sucking ass at portraiture, I'm setting myself a challenge - 1 SP a day. Doesn't have to be coloured, doesn't have to be digital...just so long as I do it and learn something new every day. 
... This alongside Inktober *le gasp* 
Here's day 1 . 2hrs max

I learned my lesson from last year - ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY "CATCH UP" FROM MISSING A DAY OF INKTOBER.
It will devour you when you play catch up. 
1 inked thing every day. No questions.

'til tomorrow's update. challenges accepted *game face on*

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all


SP #2 - found to be v. difficult. them colours. dat angle. fck my nose. so hard to draw. will fix learn. will understand all.
time allowance: 2 hrs

Inktober #1

plans, plans, plans.
goals, goals, goals


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
hey smrr!!

1 sp a day? pretty hard! :O I loved the first and the ink page. keep going o/

killin it yoooo! awesomeeeee work!

It's great that you produce work consistently: sketches, unfinished pieces, finished pieces, experiments,'s all here. much momentum. Such admirable. Tonz mileage.
You've done a resplendent job of honing your drawing habit over the past couple of years, haha from what I see online at least.

Direct questions: How *exactly* are you studying? What is the motive behind your desire to improve?

Rhetorical questions: What do you want to do, career wise, with art? What are your short term goals?
Align your studies with THAT and hit the gas. I mean, unless you're okay with the mere act of drawing and "being an artist". Mhmm: It's a disgusting feeling...having to think about the future and all that gunky booboo shit but it is absolutely imperative. Be a diamond, not a rhinestone; pressure should become your bestie for it is a necessary evil...I am envious of-and a bit sorry for-your "lax"...environment in which you already know my situation; I've been forced to think about a lot of things differently ever since "things" turned "that" into "now" which became my CIRCUMSTANCE: find or forge your kick. Let it motivate you.

Reel in all that you are artistically and try to zero in on the short term goal, so you can place yourself that much closer to realizing a smrr's DREAM.

Sketchbook 1   -    Sketchbook 2   -   Tumblr
 Jaktraytr -  Haha hey you! You make me sound more hardworking than I am. But I'm trying to get back to that zone I was in... baby steps, but you're definitely one of the main reasons why I wanna push myself like cray again - which, I'm sure you know why (you mentioned it yourself)

Ok, how exactly do I study? Do ya really wanna know? Well. It's different for everyone. But I'm constantly thinking about how things work in a drawing sense irl. I used to just draw and draw and draw, until I learned that working smart is better than working harder in some respects. Uuuh. So trying to nail understanding of perspective is probably no.1 , just so that visualisation and seeing things from a 3D pov becomes easier. Hence why I've been drawing boxes in 3D space.
But the study study part is still - draw something, whatever I struggle with I draw again somewhere else from imagination, then I study from a book or something, apply what I learned without looking at the book and do that over and over 'til I get it right. Though I haven't done that in quite a while - it's the best technique I've found, that works for me at least. I've learned that even if the results don't show and it feels like I'm not understanding anything, in the days that I take a break from art, that's where things tend to soak in - when I'm not doing art constantly. Though I'm trying to find methods to get things to soak in even while go hard at it. 

Motive? Desire to improve? Lol no. 1: git gud. Stop being treated like a joke to friends/family/acquaintances - also, honestly, money is a factor too at this point. To be able to support myself through my art. Huge goals. However I don't have a main goal to focus on in terms of where I want to work, etc. I'm still workin' on that.

Mmm, these rhetorical questions are on pointtttt! I need a answer a lot of them and write down those kinda goals. It's just so hard to do and you can see my art is all over the place because I'm unsure of what I want to get into? 
Yeah, like I wrote above, it's guys like you who make me wanna be more strict with my time. I'm tryna get back into the old mindset of EVERYONE'S AGAINST ME UNLESS I'M WORKING MY ASS OFF AT HOME ERRYDAY. 
Believe me, it does motivate me.

This last bit: 
"Reel in all that you are artistically and try to zero in on the short term goal, so you can place yourself that much closer to realizing a smrr's DREAM"
is going in my sig.

Thank you Man, thank you for taking the time and really just picking away at my brain and getting to the point. Something I've been trying to avoid. Leaving my still somewhat (read: seriously) directionless.

You da bes <3

 yog joshi - oh haaaii youuu! Back at ya <3 !

iamorim - 
haha thanks man! Eeeeh I sure will!


quick update I'm tired af!

I completed what I said I would do today and it felt fookin' great! (although when I think about it I couldn've done so much more had I not needed to be playing catch up -- so that's something to think about, Steph)
3 SP's, no erasers so mistakes obviously.

 even though they're drawings, they count. And caught up with Inktober again. I _need_ to stop missing days ffs.

P.s. brush pen is scary.
but fun.
I wanna master this shit one day! :D

Um, finally found an exercise I've been needing to do get my butt kicked -- the box one. will be doing a ton of these!

I feel like I'm getting somewhere. If I keep consistent.

okok 'til next time -- o/ !

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
so cute AHHH

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
love that inktober 4 drawing! i don't have anything more useful to say than that! haha.

Lots of great updates!
Loving all those portraits, the rendering in the digital ones is very good :0
The last inktober is my favorite! very expressive lines, gesture and composition.
Keep going! :D
VoodooMama - Thanks Mr. Voodoo!! Gotta keep pushing it ;D ! Can't wait to see what you've got in store for us!

lurch - thank you, lurch! means a lot to hear ;D

Fedodika - Aaaaah thank you Fedoddkaidka <3 <3 ! happy you class them as cute (though not really the SP because wuegehrg myface (  p_q) )



Spent the day in the CD Hangoutsssss with le Adam "hypnagogichazeman" Lina, meat, jones, jonas, baka dominus and this Dave guy who isn't a dagger, but he's a funny bastard - so before I pussied out like a pussy, I did a quick sketch of what I reckon he looks like irl. "The Way of the Dave" as we called it haha. 

But yeah, it was good because meat kept keeping me from getting distracted :3
got a bit of work done - 
(warm up - drawing boxes: I can't recommend doing this exercise enough guys. Helps with visualising x 100! No wonder the fundamentals are really the most important art training of all o_o)

attempted application 45mins, yep, I'm slow af

Aaaand the daily SP which, I spent too much time on - like 4/5 hrs?
But I did learn from it, so beljhrlsr. All good!

by the end of the Hangouts sesh, I needed to take a huge ass rest and stretch the fck outta my back and neck
before I got started on Inktober #6 :

(you win some, you lose some - still hella fun though!)
Asami <3 <3

Anyways - silly me forgot to write out short term goals.
Oh yeah shit - I've gotta update my Deathline haha - that's what I should do! 
1st thing tomorrow forreals.


sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
Great updates Smrr!, love the inktober stuff, yeah keep up the box drawings so simple yet incredibly fundamental, been working on them alot atm as well.

Keep it up :)

Steph! The SP's look spot on. Cheerio, carry on.

Adam Lina - Aaaayyyyy adaaammm! cheers mr. cheerio! gotta keep at it for sure! 

Triggerpigking - Trigger! thanks meng o: yea I checked out your sketchbook of sketchyness and you know wassup! will definitely do a ton more!



more boring stuff!


inktober #7 - my god this piece of shajhd took so long. hence why I'm behind a day ;_; so my next entry will be of a more simple caliber and then the following will be more difficult, and so on and so forth!

sp from yesterday

sp from today - didn't wanna spend too lonf on it like my previously painted one. Tried painting straight, no lines, just a background and then a single layer. pure hell... so I'm guessing I should do a couple more of these. lmao. also lol those colours. wat.

I swer things will get more interesting soon
i have plans

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all

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