Angies sketchbook of stuff and things

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So this happened...

and was actually requested by a friend...I...still don't know what they wanted...

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Finished the hobbit commission...had so much fun, and maybe too much painting Gandalf :)

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joe pesci sketch in 4b pencil :D

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A bit of Quentin Tarantino for practice. Trying to get more expression in my caricatures, though no I realise the pen one looks like he's being prodded in the eye with a torch :D will have to finish the drawing so it makes more sense.

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Had another stab at Quentin so he doesn't look like he's being punched in the face with a torch..

#inktober and all that

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Last week I got to go to a Mini-Convention of caricature artists in Holland (first time travelling alone abroad, so exciting) I had to fly to Amsterdam and take a train for nearly 4 hours to Vlagtwedde. But it was worth it, it was so beautiful. And the woman hosting it Johanna Veerenhuis is an amazing 3d caricaturist using sculpey. It was only a small convention so there were about 28 of us. I got to meet Jan Op De Beeck (nicest guy on the planet), Jim Maester (love his work and he's hilarious), Jean Mulatier (a legend), Anthony Geoffroy, Khassis Lieb, Bruno Tesse, David Garcia Vivancos, too many inspirations to mention.

Anyway here's the highlights of the sketches I did over there (we all drew each other), and a finished watercolour I did of Jill Hesketh

Here's the caricatures done of me, by the others: Jan Op De Beeck did 2 the centre and centre right. And Jim Maester did the little sketch bottom left on the table cloth :D.

First digital painting WIP since the convention (couldn't take my computer)

Iggy Azalea..Work!

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Just had a look through your sketchbook thread. I must say that your caricature work is excellent. You've got an excellent use of shape going. Keep it up.
Thank you Stardustlava :D :D


Iggy Azalea and a WIP for a laputa interpretation...

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Im jealous of your caricatures. That convention sounds like a lot of fun. One of these days Im gonna go outside and meet people too... but the sun light burns my eyes!

Cool stuff here! Like everyone else is saying up, nice caricature work and use of strong shapes. I'm noticing you lack edge control when you take your pieces to p2aint, though. almost all of your outer edges are soft/blurry, regardless of the type of form. If you're more mindful of your hard vs soft edges, it'll punch up your paintings 10x!

Hi Adam, thanks very much :) If you're interested in learning caricature I highly recommend Tom Richmonds book ' The Mad Art of Caricature' - it has some valuable advice that can be translated over to a lot of other styles..I guess :) and yes lol...go outside :D sunshine gooooood! Although for the whole of that convention I was sat in a big room for 4 days straight..though I did go outside to play with Buddy the dog and sneak a cigar with the hostess Johanna :D

Thank you so much for the crit Vicianus :D edges is something I've sort of been trying to get a hold on but I guess I've just been concentrating on other stuff too much, I will keep it in mind, probably a good idea to do some master studies, start the New Year off well. :) Thanks again.


A WIP for the laputa piece.. I've been struggling with my wacom a bit recently, it's randomly cutting out the pressure sensitivity so I get bold straight lines every now and then, seems to be when I go too fast for it, maybe it's just wearing out :( I'm trying to incorporate it a bit like having the odd 'happy accident' like in watercolours, it's paying off sometimes, but mostly it's bloody annoying :S

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Still working on the Laputa 2 'poster' thingymajig but wanted to do this weeks Caricaturama Challenge on Facebook, this weeks subject was Brittany Howard of the Alabama Shakes. I'm trying to be more bold with colour whilst trying not to overpaint and trying to keep the main focus's edges clean...not entirely happy with it...

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An oil commission and a WIP for the dragon trainer book cover...

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Just leaving this here to remind me...

...these are the projects I want to finish over the next few months, all of them are solid concepts and I've worked out all the composition, colour, light etc problems...I think! (they all work for me in thumbnails, but please let me know if any issues stand out.)

1. Comicbookgirl19 fan art - mock comic book cover
2. Personal project for a couple I know
3. Kill Bill mock comic book cover
4. Terry Pratchetts witches (possible mock comic book cover)
5. Dragon Trainers - mock novel cover
6. Dragon Riders - ditto
7. Triforce - ditto
8. Dragon Riders (Witchhaven) - ditto

So now all I need to do is set up reference shots (possibly make maquetes), study them and finish painting. I'm excited to finish the 4 mock book cover designs to put in my portfolio, then I can start contacting publishers in the vainest of vain hopes that it might lead to some freelance work.

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My pet Squishy having a movie poster moment..XD

..and progress on the underpainting.

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update on the oil painting...started putting on the highlights, still a way to go.

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Some more details and starting to put colour on, thinking about softening some of the edges and creating focal points. Also decided the right eye on the black dog was a bit off so going to repaint that in too.. Not sure what colour to do the sofa, might have a play in Ps...

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some more colour and details...details...

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Working on the (older) laputa characters a bit now I've got my's beautiful!

Feel like I've been blocking in these colours for so long, but something's always felt a bit wrong with the composition, colours and character designs. I feel like I've nailed those now, except maybe for her torso anatomy, once that's sorted it's time to work on the design of the clothes etc and start painting the details..

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