Еxactly MY skeтchbooк
Really nice progress!I enjoy the design and anatomy studies you do. As I can see some inaccuracies in the studies I would recommend flipping the studies horizontally to see the mistakes. Also I think you should try doing angles correctly. There's a Noah Bradley's art camp video that explains how to practice that well. Have a watch when you have time:

(07-25-2014, 12:12 PM)DomSinkevic Wrote: Really nice progress!I enjoy the design and anatomy studies you do. As I can see some inaccuracies in the studies I would recommend flipping the studies horizontally to see the mistakes. Also I think you should try doing angles correctly. There's a Noah Bradley's art camp video that explains how to practice that well. Have a watch when you have time:

Thank you! I watched the video, and his exercises looks so painfull)) But i will try it!

Doing Noah Bradley's exercises for increasing my accuracy in drawing

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Wow! That's really awesome. I can see already it becomes more precise. The face when not upside down still have some inaccuracies (like the cheek really stands out), but more studies like that will fix it. Can't wait to see more from you.

DomSinkevic, This exercises are pretty interesting, especially with Charles Bargue drawings. The hardest for me are angular lines and i tend to draw everything a little longer.

And today I paint the worst still life ever! ( it is dish with corn on chair...)

This fat legs took me about 2 hours

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Working hard man! Your anatomy is already improving from the last few pages, maybe try some b&w value studies too? Your still life felt a bit short of value range, keep it up!

rafa zanchetin, thanks for coming in my sb) I'm trying to do both studies, maybe lately I focusing more on colored, it was unconsciously.

from ref

Did some more shity rendered stdudies of boxers, (they are great as anatomy ref)

Did this little value study with basic forms. It was a little bit wierd how uncertain i started this, even after lots of videos and stuff from books on this topic... still not sure about how light and shadow works in some places. Wanna do more of this.
Any suggestions?

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Definitely I gonna try paint some boxe study sometime! Btw you are doing a awesome job with this anatomy studies
keep it up!

Rosolino, thank you. Wanna see your anatomy studies.

Did this different rectangles in different lighting and just tryed make them looks right...

if any of this geometrical shapes looks wrong, let me know)

learning a lot from this basic shapes. Here some round shapes

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I found that i suck at drawing figures from head... I should make a habit to draw at leat 20 figures evey day, better 10 from ref and 10 from head...

I tend to focus on details, and waste on them a lot of time, even when i planned to draw simplified Mannequin...

This is definatively going the right way man! Awesome value studies on the simple shapes. You really had an awesome idea with that, it's helping your value control and edges inmensely!! Keep it up. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna steal that idea and try them out myself muahaha. Do you get the references somewhere or you have real ones at home?

And anatomy is getting better too. You certainly got the right idea about simplifying, the more complex you go, the most likely you will get lost in the tiny shapes and it will not help your construction. Some of these are already quite ok, but there are problems with structural placement in a few. The one suggestion I can give to simplify ( tha talso relates with your basic shape studies) is to build them with boxes in perspective, trying to make them rythmical and focusing on that more than anything, building them with basic shapes. As a matter of fact I did a quick sketch for another member of the forum to suggest this approach, I'm gonna post it here hoping it helps, it's quite raw, but it ilustrates my point:

[Image: IMG_0006.jpg]

It's quite boring and anoying to build figures this way at first, but after a while it helps with placement and conficende and then you can quickly jump to the sexy shapes hehe.

Anyway, hope it helps man, keep up the awesome work ! ;)

Suira, thanks man! About this simple shapes, i just thought that it is a good idea to start improving my value understanding from something very simlpe, becouse I frequently missundestand how it works when did black and white copy of a photo with naked people... I feel that my disobedient brain pretty often can't realise where shadow would be if light-source there or here... and why reflected light brighter, for example, below belly than below triceps... By the way, I have no idea what will be the next step to conquest of value basics )
I haven't real matte cubes, spheres etc. Try to find references typing in google this: How to Render Matte Surfaces. You will search some shots from Scott Robertson dvd on this topic, but more important that you can find exercises which other people do after they watched his dvds, some of them pretty detailed, that how i understand that than object darker- than shorter it's value range; that the shadow isn't good source of reflected light; and that i shouldn't use 10 or 20 for the whitest value and 90-100 for the darkest, the value range should be about 50-60 points for white objects :) It is hard to explaine on my lame english :C
Here some links that you can find usefull ( http://www.sketchwiki.com/shading/shadin...-panel.php
http://crimsondaggers.com/forum/thread-2841-page-3.html )

Look at this. Just look at this shitty figures, that i drew from head... I am going to draw more and more, till they will looks acceptable.

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Don't bash yourself about the figures from mind mate, what you're doing is actually the way to go. If you combine them with your referenced studies you'll slowly realise what works and what doesn't, and eventually you'll get really solid figures from your mind. You need those mistakes to learn from them :) By the way, the referenced studies are quite cooland the line quality is improving too.

I admire that you do so many Bargue studies, for me that's like the ultimate nightmare study haha, I don't have patience for them, and you're becoming more accurate every time.

Also thanks for the post with the links man, I appreciate that you took the time to post them. My only suggestion would be that, even if other people's studies are ok it's always better to get a picture or , even better a real life reference, because when youo copy someone else's stuff, you also copy their mistakes and that can become confusing in the long run. Unless it's a total master it's always better to get the most objective ref possible. Anyway man, keep the studies coming, you're getting better with every one more you add to the grind! :)

Suira, thanks for feedback ) I want to sleep now, so I can't make a constructive sentence. I wanted to write something about annoying figure studies but i forgot what...
For Bargue studies I was inspired after watching Noah Bradley's art camp video. And, know what, it is not so boring and painfull how it looks ) I just listening some audiobooks, and copy Bargue drawings as accurate as I can for a couple hours.

-Today i did some 2 min figure drawings, two 5 min drawings and some shitty from head) Was sleepy and tired for all day, so not to much time put in studying...

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This is baaaaad... I'm doing with each passing day less and less studies! Need to take oneself in hand...

Did today, emm... probably I can call it torso study. Most of them from head. Just tryed to split torso on parts, experiment with constuction shapes and stuff like that

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