Еxactly MY skeтchbooк
(05-05-2014, 06:29 AM)Cyprinus Wrote: Great studies! Getting the colours right is very hard for me as well, so I feel you. It will get easier with more practice though, so keep them coming. Seeing you work on this makes me want do way more studies as well. Really like the back study some posts up.
For me, working with traditional colours and getting into colour mixing helped me understand better how colours work somehow, or rather made me see colour differently. Also, "Color and Light" by James Gurney is a very good book about the topic, if you'd like to read something about it (not sure if you maybe now the book already, then you can ignore this )

Thank you for the good words) It is always pleased to receive some feedback in my sketchbook, it isinspires to study more.
Honestly i'm not think that I'll try traditional painting materials in the near future... But it definitely helps you, I like the colors in your last 2 illustrations (THE WEIGHT and GEGEN DEN STROM)
Also, interesting thing, I bought "Color and Light" about 2 weeks ago ^)

Another landscape with sky and clouds (wow, why my clouds looks so shitty?))

Also paint a still-life today. I should do them much mooooooore frequently...

clouds clouds <3 !! one thing that work for me was to use smudge tool to stratch them a lit a bit, it's easier to look more realistic hehe

also great paint from life too, i got to do this too :(
take care!

(05-07-2014, 12:35 AM)Rosolino Wrote: clouds clouds <3 !! one thing that work for me was to use smudge tool to stratch them a lit a bit, it's easier to look more realistic hehe

also great paint from life too, i got to do this too :(
take care!

Thank you for the interest to my sketchbook) I remember some studies with clouds in your sketchbook, they looks pretty realistic, so i think i should try smudge tool, a fortiori, it more or less close to traditional technic... (i never draw with oils or other painting matirials but, don't know why I wanna stay closer to traditional, especially with studies)

To not make new post here todays little hand study:

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Impressive amount of studies! If you're studying materials like ice and moss, might I suggest focusing more on a smaller area than the entire landscape? Great studies, seeing them give me motivation to get on them too! Thanks!

Todays random anatomy studies. I draw it all day long but now this line studies seem so little and insignificant, if you know what i mean... Feel like waste my time :o

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Meat, am I understood you right about smaller area, or you mean that i should paint something like icecubes??

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Did an armor studies to improve my visual library

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Sky study. wanted to try smudge tool for this but it was too much for my pc and photoshop not worked like it should...

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here some characters in line... all from head, no refs, as you can see, looking on this poses :p The good side in this, that i even now feel how studies or armour helps me.

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Nice job with the armor studies! Where'd you find that exploded view of the armor at the top of post 128?

(05-27-2014, 03:28 AM)Hypnagogic_Haze Wrote: Nice job with the armor studies! Where'd you find that exploded view of the armor at the top of post 128?

I found refs on this tumblr http://plegarmour.tumblr.com/tagged/reference

Hello, not much drawing lately... Have to show only little military equipment study and my first try of creation the concept. Theme of concept- Battle robot- policeman. (Started concept on paper from my rejected essay, and i haven't any scanner or even photocamera so i used my nokia camera to shot it)

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Hi. here anatomy study and movie stills

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new reply with quick b&w master (Van Dyck) studies. The focus was on value and composition...

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Great armor and value studies. I need to do the same. Keep going, man!

Help me learn, dude! My Sketchbook
Last my studies focused on figure drawing

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