Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
This is really nice. I should make a habit of doing quick poses. Looking at this work progress of yours is a good lesson.

denikina - Thanks! Doing poses is always a good idea :)

crimson arena - bleh, not so happy with the result, but was a good learning experience, as it always is.

As a heads up, I will be packing and moving from tomorrow to Tuesday so I may be a little weak with the updates. Just wanted to put it out there so it doesn't look like I gave up or anything :)

[Image: dfiHo7A.jpg]
[Image: FXKgWAu.jpg]

Packing most of the day :/ Made some after-finish revisions on the arena piece.

[Image: SQd4aNq.jpg]
[Image: xLBXFRT.jpg]

Gorgeous arena piece Jaik! Well done.

The silhouette process is interesting, are you thinking of specific designs already at that step or are you just going for nice and balanced shapes and thinking about the design later on?
I like how your arena piece turned out, I like that it's *not* symmetrical with the swirly breast plate. I'm not sure if I like the new red cloak better than the white one though - it is a bit confusing now with the grey (background?) patch besides her waist, what exactly the cloak is doing.

Anyway - hope moving is going smooth! :) Happy Easter!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
crackedskull - Thanks man! And if that was meant for Jaik, I agree his piece is awesome :)

Lyraina - Yeah I was going for shapes first, then worrying about design after. That usually works better for me than the other way around for some reason. The cloak was always a problem, although I decided to keep it in since she's supposed to be kind of regal since she's a queen. Lots of issues I had with this one! Definitely was a challenge. By the way, loved your design :)

It's funny when you move, you don't realize how much stuff you actually have. Next couple days will be extra busy but I will be back on schedule by Wednesday for sure.

Tried to focus on colors and brushstrokes with a Zorn, came nowhere near the original though. Zorn's brushstrokes are INSANE, they are so simplified yet accurate.

[Image: bZtwfJF.jpg]

Your stuff has been getting insane recently man, ive seen a lot of your finished stuff on DA but thought I'd show some love on here instead, seeing as it seems like its been so long again 0_o

Your recent character pieces are both looking really tight dude, I love the fact that you've focused extra attention into the design of them both and its paid off, they both read well in my opinion. No crits from me mate.

Actually my only crit is that I want to see moooooore! You seem to be on a roll, don't stop now ;p

All the best with your move too mate, hope it all goes ok for you and I look forward to seein more of your stuff soon.

[Image: GoldenDagger.png]

Congratulations pnate, you have received a Crimson Sticky!

[Image: Kaiji.gif]

You're starting to hit a sweet spot recently, keep it up man! Tons of progress in here. Those thumbnails for the knight look excellent, and the end result, nothin less than amazing. GL with the move.
Well deserve man! :D Rock on!

Killin' it Pnate!

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On the other hand, moving is a great opportunity to get rid of some of the stuff that piled up over the years :D Nice colors in the Zorn study, I imagine that's really tough to see and replicate.

Congrats on the sticky, very well deserved!

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Warburton - Dude! Thanks for all the encouragement and the comments. Your stuff is getting better and better as well and I love how so many daggers are killing it lately, it's super inspirational :)

Dennis - Mannnnnnn, thanks so much for the sticky! I never even knew threads here were stickied like that. I'll try my best not to disappoint, but you know what they say, got to get through the crap to produce the good stuff later on. And I'll also make sure not to hide away the stuff I'm ashamed of (99% of my work), since that's the spirit of these things. Thanks again!

Ursula - Thanks Ursula :0 You keep rockin on too!

Jonesoda - Thanks man :)

Lyraina - so true. I probably threw away or donated about half of my stuff, and that part feels pretty good. I've been having a hard on for Zorn lately, he's so sexy. And thanks for the congrats!

Did a regurgitation/application from yesterday's study. Made her expression kind of melancholy accidentally and the cape is flat, didnt render it enough. Might have to add facial expression studies to my list.

[Image: qJEmFOo.jpg]

Damn, I broke down laughing when I saw the mistake in my comment, but yeah it was meant for you Pnate.
Congrats on the sticky btw :)

Way to go Pnate!

Woo! That sticky is well-deserved! Keep killing it, pnate!

sketchbook | pg 52
"Not a single thing in this world isn't in the process of becoming something else."
I'll be back - it's an odyssey, after all
I think I like the first study better, not sure why though... It's more delicate, perhaps?

crackedskull - haha no problem man. Thanks!

Mariyan-Hristov - Thank you! Will definitely be doing my best to keep up the pace.

Hypnagogic_Haze - thanks Haze :)

smrrfette - Woooo thanks smrfette!

denikina - indeed! I agree :)

Just want to make a quick thank you to Dennis for the stick and all the kind words from you fine folks. It's an honor to be given that sticky and makes me feel all warm getting hit with everyone's love (that doesn't sound right...) Thanks daggers <3 ...well, back to work lol.

Finished moving in, totally totally exhausted. Going to pass out now

[Image: IbXQjgn.jpg]
quick bewbs sketch
[Image: JLZtw1A.jpg]

Hells to the yeah!
Firstly, congratulations, well deserved!
Secondly, you are effin' killin' it!
For the quick poses that you do at the beginning of every post, which service are you using? Posemaniacs? Pixellovely?

There is usually more on my blog...

Congratulations on the sticky, it's so very well deserved!!! I love coming to your sketchbook to look at all the great updates. Your update frequency is also very inspiring. I really enjoyed looking at all the preparation you did for the crimson arena piece, it kind of makes me want to paint armor now (or maybe even try to participate in the next arena, maybe, if there is one).


Congrats on the feature man. Well earned, you're a powerhouse. Awesome stuff as always, the study application on the last page is bonkers. The blues in the face... Omg.

No real crits, just keep it coming man :)


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