Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
Starveil! This one was toughh, but learned a lot so it's all good. Had to rush it at the end at my own fault. Gotta plan these out better

[Image: Mfch0V9.jpg]
[Image: 77E0mJf.jpg]
[Image: AB48YZn.jpg]

yeah posters bears the mark of your rush :D faces are rendered so good but composition lacks a bit, the evil guy at top floats a little to close to edge, and the main characters could be bigger. But you said you will rework it so good luck! :D

Madzia - Thanks! Yeah definitely wasn't my best...


[Image: kAzxF8v.jpg]
[Image: inxIlja.jpg]
[Image: T70h2XO.jpg]

Haha man the poster isn't your worst either! I really dig the simple design that the characters have! But I almost think that the thumbnail has better composition than the finished one, that's just a bit of finetuning!
Sweet quickies dude, awesome lightning in that last one. You're getting better and better at it.

I agree, keep going; it's paying off!

I always enjoy your female faces, there's just something about them.

It'd be real nice to see you finish the pieces in posts #224 and #228, great colors. This last thing you posted definitely has intrigue, despite the darkness, haha. Kewl things! :DD

Bjulvar - Thanks dude! :) May or may not go back to that one.

MrFrenik - Thanks mannn

Archreux - Thanks again Archreux

[Image: RSVtQAX.jpg]

[Image: QAcwVmJ.jpg]
[Image: pPjmaEM.jpg]

[Image: p5QkrOR.jpg]

Wicked works!
If you havent already, try doing paintings where a ton of characters interact with eachother, for example: Old timey guys boxing with bare knuckles in a pit. Crowd cheering for them.
Or 2 massive armies clashing together.
Reference studies from movies are also a good exercise.

And keep on updating daily, even if you dont have much time its good to do even simple sketches to "keep the blood flowing".

thanks crackedskull!

Gestures and imagination lines
[Image: IRM7DBu.jpg]
[Image: RfFG1PH.jpg]

[Image: 1ehx11J.jpg]

you're being very prolific as of late. stop making me feel lazy, damnit!

man your drawing/painting skills are freaking legendary! SO much respect for you to be keeping a sketchbook here! Thanks a lot!

Frenik - Gotta draw! Thanks man

TonariNoPunpun - Thanks! I'm not legendary yet but much appreciated :)

quick color play
[Image: 8NH59Jk.jpg]

[Image: k7SBoe6.jpg]

Man your recent imaginary stuff really looks wicked (studies too).. much respect!!

thanks man!

[Image: zzO1ItR.jpg]

[Image: zYlUnKQ.jpg]

Lots of work going on here pnate! My immediate critique that I want to address is you need to brush up on your forearm anatomy, specifically the wrist connection between the forearm and hand. At the moment many characters on this page appear as if the forearm just melds right into the arm (the main culprit being the male char in the scifi poster), but if you look at your wrist from the side it nearly looks like a step down to the back of the hand, created mainly by the way the arm bones sit relative to the small bones in the hand.

Really great work overall pnate. The sketch in post 244 is beautiful. Inspiring digital productivity here!


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