Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
Damn son that schedule looks intense! I look forward to seeing the results of sticking with it!

matkaminski - Yeah man! That'd be cool. Maybe I'll perfect the right balanced schedule at that point...not sure if I got the formula right yet.

Just a side note, if anyone wants to use my schedule and try it along with me, feel free! This is partly experimentation, however, so use at your own risk.

JacobJanerka - It's gonna be tough for sure man. Gotta push!

Let's see how this schedule works out for this week. I think this should work better since my mind is fresher in the morning, so I can apply stuff to personal projects better. Last week I was braindead by the evening, I might have to incorporate exercise to get my energy up.

[Image: DBRhcdi.jpg]
[Image: t86vce8.jpg]
[Image: zXBjVEb.jpg]
[Image: 7vLukyK.jpg]
[Image: fPBuqPj.jpg]
refined this one some more from last week. Kept ruining it by pushing it too far so I just left it at this stage bleh. I don't know why painting manly facial hair is so fun
[Image: Eowi2Y6.jpg]

I just copied that schedule to my desktop. I'm going to try to follow it!
I should paint more manly face hair it seems :O

What's the F and Cs etc in the image where you studied the poses hip/shoulder angles?

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Nice schedule, I gotta make one to!

Eric - Awesome! Let me know if you like it after trying it out. I'm still getting used to it

Lyraina - You can never paint too much facial hair! I just use quick notation to note how the pose is positioned: F=front, Q=quarter turn, C=contraposto, St=straight, O=offset. Usually helps me remember them better

VegardS- thanks man, hope you find one that works for you

[Image: 2nPLyLR.jpg]
[Image: QWObY2k.jpg]
[Image: 8WYKMPG.jpg]
[Image: cw5XS0n.jpg]
[Image: Ad3hiyr.jpg]

Oh, that makes sense.. good idea, didn't really think of taking notes for poses so far. Not sure I agree on the facial hair statement. Most of your lady portraits look just fine without any of it :P

Nice toilet paper D: (The pen seems to float a bit though)

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Thanks Lyraina, I might have to add some mustaches to my ladies :) Got to work on those still lifes some more bleh

Cghub is down! Or should I say cghug...Ah well. Anyone know the situation or what's going on with them?

[Image: 9gFMBcQ.jpg]
[Image: EP69CCI.jpg]
[Image: LJ2F6DK.jpg]
[Image: 2jcg312.jpg]
[Image: 7M2iClX.jpg]

Never thought I'd be saying this, but that's some nice toilet paper right there. The light coming through at the edges looks amazing. Your sketches look awesome as always man, really like this latest one. The palette works really well :)

Thanks Jake. Life tip: toilet rolls can be tissues too. For your health!

Actually had my human day today. Back in full force tomorrow.
[Image: y0AtX5G.jpg]
[Image: 9PMBZJt.jpg]
[Image: 9kKcWCr.jpg]

CGhub still down :( damnit.

[Image: KTgG9lR.jpg]
[Image: l86eokH.jpg]
[Image: d58ORz7.jpg]
[Image: VvxVxCK.jpg]
[Image: eVNd6hJ.jpg]
First digital plein air. For the curious, I used Shaddy's method for the shade box:
Just tackled the backyard this time to get a feel for it.
[Image: Y2YTrQU.jpg]

Whoooooah. Im sure that you really working hard. I will follow you. Keep it up man. You're really inspiring me.

Protsenko - thanks man!

Zorn study
[Image: MBfps27.jpg]
[Image: 3rxYScV.jpg]

Your getting so much better and so much faster. Can I borrow you to train with? :P

So, apparently CGHub is officially down.

From their Facebook:

Quote:"Sad day. Project CGHUB is officially closed.

The reason behind this extremely tough decision is personal and will remain private. It’s absolutely not connected with business or any kind of technical difficulties.
On behalf of development team I would like to apologize to CGHUB users and fans for abrupt project closure and delay with its announcement."

Damn shame. I actually loved that site for awesome art!

There is usually more on my blog...

Wow, those paintings have such harmonious color! And I like the lady with the lamp. Got a bit of mystery to it.

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second best time is now.  
-Chinese proverb


matkaminski - yeah man! Train along with me :) Thanks for the heads up on CGhub. Ah, it was good while it lasted :(

I guess CGsociety will be the bee's knees again? hmmm

Thanks Tygerson!

[Image: MSkOX7W.jpg]
[Image: yh2q004.jpg]
[Image: r20cxNR.jpg]
[Image: ngcEmF6.jpg]

Mighty fine stuff in here, all the studies! You need a massive piece now to use all the knowledge you gained from the studies ;]

Could be interesting to round out the week with something that you've been working on all week.
Like maybe one of the small contests here?
That could make it all worth it for the week.
I doubt you have time for it, but do you Skype or anything?
If so, and you don't want to toss your name up to everyone, wanna PM it to me?
Anyway, keep blowing me away with this awesome. I'll have time to catch up in approx. two weeks (school's out May 1st).

There is usually more on my blog...

raz - thanks mannn. I've been failing a bit at following my schedule recently, but going to try to keep up the applications best I can :)

matkaminski - Yup, workin on the next crimson arena :) Out of curiosity, might I ask what you are going to school for?

My skype is "pnate0" for anyone who wants to add me. I'm rarely on it though :/ but maybe I'll get to talk to some of you fine folks on it when I log on every once in a blue moon.

[Image: X4d6ObJ.jpg]
[Image: vWkkerJ.jpg]
[Image: 2ECSTbI.jpg]
[Image: etxbGYH.jpg]
Probably done with this
[Image: F0ukhvZ.jpg]

Put aside my schedule to catch up on the Crimson Arena. Gonna burn the candle to try and meet the deadline. Still lots more design issues to resolve and materials to study...looking back on this the pose is fairly stiff, I might redo it.

[Image: 26cGzYP.jpg]
[Image: XiiOJ4u.jpg]
[Image: 7yp3sn9.jpg]
[Image: 5iEPxxf.jpg]
[Image: TvV08zk.jpg]
[Image: VwIlZIx.jpg]


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