Pnate's Almost Daily Sketchbook
matkaminski - Thanks Mat :O I use Lots of fun different types of poses to choose from to keep it interesting.

Cyprinus - Hey thanks! You could still do your version of the challenge and post it in that thread if you want :) Hopefully we'll see a third topic soon!

JakeB - Jakee, thanks as always man.

Thinking of revising the schedule again, will probably put up the new one tomorrow.

[Image: Jy8QYQt.jpg]
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[Image: Sy43eZT.jpg]
[Image: rTnBiQE.jpg]

The last study is a killer... And I really like the witch (?) on the tree.

Really diggin the last study man, nice reflections of those coins, spot on!
denikina - Thanks! It's a crow...lady...witch...something...

rainbowsorknives - Thank you!

Mariyan-Hristov- Thanks Mariyan :)

Sort of revised the schedule to be a bit looser for myself. Going to see how this one goes...Anyone else follow a schedule? How do you arrange it? At times it kind of stinks because I don't always feel like doing certain types of things exactly at certain times, but it's good because it keeps things moving in my day...

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Nice fresh & lively colors in the last sketch!

I am working with a somewhat flexible schedule, which gives me a framework I can adjust to my need. So I will always start out with gestures (what exactly that means can vary - something like 15 and 30 sec figures, heads, hands), then something anatomy-drawing related and/or "special subject study" until lunch break. The anatomy part is geared towards what "bigger" project I am working on, like dynamic poses for a bloodsport challenge, or focused on what I think is my weakest part at the moment; while the "special subject study" is something like working through scott robertson, gurney, or another mid-term goal. afternoon is for working on finished pieces, if there's time left, application or what I feel I didn't get done in the morning. Evening is for social media, catch up on paperwork or painting whatever for fun. So in short, I do "categories" similar to you, but less detailed, because I work better if I do what feels most interesting or relevant at the moment. I do however spend a couple of minutes every evening thinking about what to study next day, i.e. throw photos in my 'to do' folder so I won't waste time the next morning on googling references. From time to time I get lazy or unorganized working like this, then it's time to be more strict with scheduling again... and loosen up when I am back on track. That said, everybody learns different - I personally like to focus on no more than 3 areas of study (right now: sketching, color, and whatever material/visual library I need at the moment) at a given time, and change those building blocks every couple of weeks... while others might want to mix it up constantly.

No matter which schedule, the most important thing I think is constantly revising it, and asking yourself if you are just doing stuff because your schedule tells you to, or if it really helps you improve. While you're at it, also ask yourself if you are covering all important areas, or if you are leaving something important out.. in that case, make place for it in the schedule, or write it down for later, when you get bored of your current study topics. Since you do change your schedule constantly, you are doing it right I think :)

If you feel to restricted, maybe keep your basic schedule but allow for some spontaneity within those?

Sorry for the wall of text, that certainly wasn't planned when I started typing D: Could probably have reduced it to the last sentence :P

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Wow, that timetable. I used to make one every few days or so for the following days. That reminds me, I should start doing that again.
ooh ya well deserved man, finally ! you've been working hard since the last time i've been here and its paying off, keep going :)
Lyraina - Ah, I see what you mean. The mindset you have is basically what I've been trying to nail in my schedule, but in a way that feels most creative. The problem I've been having with the timetable is that when I give myself a time slot to "be creative" I tend to tense up and not do anything very interesting. I think it might be better in that sense to be loose, but then the idea of a rigid schedule falls apart haha. Well, another revision may be in order, thanks for the text wall, it was helpful :)

BitingHorse - Schedules can be good! But make sure it works for you, that's the hard part :/

BenFlores - Thanks Ben!

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70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika - Thanks mannn, can't go wrong with da bewbies.

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[Image: jnSsLvM.jpg]

It's funny, in some or your study - application things I actually like your applied version better.

Aah, love those hints of orange in the landscape.
But it's been a while since you painted a somewhat polished [manmade] enviro, right? *tries to shove you out of your comfort zone* :p

SketchbookDeviantartArtblog | Portfolio
Every feedback is appreciated!
Yess, thanks for the push Lyra! I didn't even realize that. Gotta get out of my comfort zone and remember to mix it up once in a while.

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[Image: qwuhMiH.jpg]
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[Image: Qxm4qZf.jpg]

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[Image: s4MQTIt.jpg]

wake up; computer; sketch, blend blend blend blend...........

that's the life man ;)

70+Page Koala Sketchbook: SB

Paintover thread, submit for crits!
[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.882)]e owl sat on an oak. The more he saw, the less he spoke.[/color]
Fedodika - haha yuuup that's pretty much my day :)

Ignored my schedule today, shhhh don't tell on me. #breakingthelaw

[Image: m2EisIm.jpg]

[Image: YEJWTF7.jpg]
[Image: c4LDExA.jpg]

Going to try things a little differently this week, a little more goal oriented. Going to complete a finished character and a finished illustration by the weekend (will update with progress shots each day) and do a study-application each day for warmup. Got a little tired of the schedule, so switching it up for the fun points.


[Image: 9W4CzuH.jpg]


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