This is my sketchbook ! D:
New stuff Daggers !

A WIP, started as a new experimentation poop but I'm still working on it, I'd like to push more values/volume etc... I'll see when I want to stop it..

Research for Bloodsport 15 !

Study (need to do more greyscale portraits...)

Nudes from life, A format 7/1min mostly 2min..

New stuff !

Failed on the poop head but I analysed a lot of things then and I think I have understood what I needed, also one big thing is needed : VALUE FARMING !!!! hahahahaha!

New concept for the bloodsport, I also used it to try to apply a bit what i learned on values...

Study !

Stuff !

update of the concept..

Last concept for Bloodsport...

study, need to more more more more more !

Quick nudes, A3 format 7/1min mostly 2min..

Some new stuff !

Bloodsport wip

Doodles for comp'

Study !

Really love the stuff you got going on here, keep up the good work, when you get a min can you give mine a look

Thanks a lot Nick' :) Yep I'll go have look on your SB ;)

My bloodsport finished... I feel that I learn a lot of things but it still crap, NEED TO WORK MORE !!!

Study !

New stuff !

WIP of a Superman Fanart I'm using it to try new things too, so I spend quite a time but I learn ^^

I recently received a skull model so I'm starting studies to improve on values, shapes, volume..

Watercolor study

Bridgman studies ! (love learning hands with him :P )

hey mec, la forme ! Ah, c'est vrai que ton taff en valeurs manque un peu de volume, deja faut un peu exagerer le contraste, j'ai fait un rapide OP, en esperant que ca t'aide ! le volume tourne et s'assombrit dans le sens des fleches ( attention, ya 2 direction pour l'assombrissement ! c'est pour ca qu'il faut trouver le sommet ou la lumière frappe le plus fort la surface, et ensuite savoir comment ca tourne pr placer les valeurs correctement ! ) keep it up !!

Hey ! Merci pour le paintover et les conseils ! :) J'avais pas osé forcer plus les contrastes vu que ça allait pas autant dans les noirs.. Je retient je les exagérerais un peu plus sur la prochaine !

So some stuff

Superman finished, but crappy, I need to give more form etc... in the end : MORE WORK !


Nice sketchbook man, you seem to have this whole painting improvement thing all under control. Your figures especially have got alot better in just 2 pages, just make sure you keep doing whatever it is your doing, it seem to be working :p

great work dude, keep it up.

Hey thanks a lot ! Yeah I'll keep on that way :D

Some stuff from the last days...

The archer finished..

A cyberbiker for the bloodsport, started as a research but I wanted to try things on him ^^

Studies !


Movie screenshots

Crappy study, I tried other ways for focusing on painting but I rushed too fast.. well will do better on the next ;)

Outdoor sketch, I need to do lots of them because it is real big shit !

Bridgman Studies

Nudes (A3 2min-10min mostly 3min...)

And thumbs/scribbles for bloodsport

Great stuff. That "Leyendecker" is awesome.

Thanks for the welcome and SB comments, man!

A lot of really great stuff here and you're certainly prolific. At least a few things a day which is awesome. My main crit for you would be to really get down your form/constructions. This means a good amount of perspective study. If you can, Scott Robertson's dvd's on perspective drawing are top shit and definitely worth checking out. And, of course, if you have questions on anything perspective related I'd be happy to help. Keep up the hard work!

Nice sketchbook! Looks like you're doin all the right stuff man. Keep workin them art muscles and eager to see where you go with the bloodsports

CoreyH -> Thank you man ! :D

MrFrenik -> Hey ! Thanks for the advices, I didn't knew S. Robertson, going to have a look on his dvd's, I was actually looking for a good perspective ressource thanks a lot !

Pnate -> Thank yooou :) !!

Ok, here is some stuff


And Bloodsport early WIP, actually I have only settle a first step for characters, I'll put more details and of course more edge work + light atmosphere etc... This is very challenging because I have quite never done a true pic' with characterS and "real" environment, atmosphere etc.. So it takes me a lot of time but hopefully I'll learn some things with it and do better next time ! :)

Hey man, nice sketchbook! I like your character designs and those figure studies are coming along nicely. It's quite inspiring as its something I want to start really working hard on.

Thanks a lot Nylelevi ! Yep figure studies are really helpful to get the proportions easily known and it helps to improve lines too ^^

So, some new stuff

My Bloodsport 16 entry finished

Crappy still life study, I need to do more of them, it helps for better volume/light foundations skills

And a crappy quick late night sketch, actually I did this one to try a new way of process, "without lines" starting with general forms to try to be more "free"... Well I'll try again ^^

i really like that Leyendecker study, i also find your anatomical stuff is really nice.
Just keep doing those studies from life and sketching like a madman and everything will be fine.

Thanks a lot mate ! :D

Here is some new stuff

A jacket study, because I want to get better folds..

A WIP (next personal thing will be more dynamic), I'm trying things etc..

And some outdoor sketches, I need a lot of practice (those suck so much !) Let's hope the weather will allow me to make it more regularly ^^

Some stuff !

Knight turned into terrible shit, but I've seen what went wrong so I'm moving on something new and I'll try to make it better than this crap !

Still life study

Ad a crappy portrait


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